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v1.12.1.100 clash with Acrobat Reader DC.


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I've had problems with Acrobat Reader DC on Windows 10 for a couple of days now.
Slow to load files, scrolling pages freezing, 'not responding' errors, etc.
I repaired, and even removed and reinstalled Reader, all with no success.

Then I noticed there had been an update to MBAE (on Monday?).

Sure enough stopping MBAE restored Acrobat Reader DC to it's proper functioning.
Restarting MBAE caused the Acrobat Reader problems to return.

Looks like a clash, I seem to remember similar happening before about a year ago?

Windows 10 Home, 64-bit, 1803, build 17134.167
Reader DC v2018.011.20055

Edited by nukecad
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Stopping MBAE only partially stops the problems with Reader, it may still glitch - but turning MBAE on again exacerbates it and ensures that the problems are there all the time.

Looks like there may be something deeper going on. More testing required.

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Requested logs have been sent in a return PM.

Just to note that after capturing the logs I completely uninstalled MBAE (to get rid of the test version) as a prelude to reinstalling the latest stable version.

After it had been uninstalled completely there were no problems with Reader DC.
Once MBAE had been reinstalled and restarted the problems with Reader returned.

Edited by nukecad
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I can send you the .90 installer by PM, but it will update to .100 straight away unless you take steps, see the PM.

I reported back that the 'unstable' beta version provided by rsullinger to collect logs had no clash/problems at all with Adobe Reader.

Hopefully that means that the issue will soon be sorted with another update.

Personally for the moment I have left MBAE running and just set my browser to preview pdf's rather than opening them in Reader.


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51 minutes ago, nukecad said:

I can send you the .90 installer by PM, but it will update to .100 straight away unless you take steps, see the PM.

Received, many thanks.  I usually keep a few back copies as well, but this time I was auto updated to .90 (and later .100), so I only had .86 at hand.  Presumably MB will fix this shortly, however, if not I'll stay with .90 which works fine.

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I have this problem with FoxIt Reader. If I deactivate shields related to FoxIt Reader the problem seems to go away.  Perhaps that the problem could be with how version 100 is handling the PDF file, not necessarily Acrobat Reader or FoxIt Reader.

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So that's Acrobat Pro, Adobe Reader DC, and Foxit reader that are all being affected by this issue.

Interestingly though if you right click a pdf and 'Open with' Firefox it displays, scrolls, etc. without any problem, even though I have Firefox included in the MBAE shields too.
Which suggests there is a different kind of shield for Firefox than for the other pdf readers?

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MBAE installed and Reader DC is now working fine here, both with PDF files opened of the computer harddrive and those opened through the browser.

I did get a "Smart Screen" warning when I ran the installer, saying that it could not check the file.
That was probably my dodgy broadband/wifi connection; one of the joys of living in a rural location.
I thought it may be worth mentioning though because I have never had this Smart Screen warning before.
I just told it to run the installer anyway and it installed without problem.

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1 hour ago, Arthi said:

Yes the 107 build has fixes for both. Thanks.

Thanks.  I installed .107 over .90 on my old legacy XP Pro machine .. and so far okay.  No install issues and .107 seems to work on Thunderbird, Firefox, MPClassic, Adobe Reader 11.0.23, TeamViewer and Office 2003 Professional.  All settings = default.  We'll see how it looks a few days down the road .. before I test on my two W7 laptops.

Am I right in assuming that version .107 uses more memory and resources (than .90)?

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Except for the issues referred to separately (see link), version .107 works fine on my W7-32 laptop.  That said, it's footprint is slightly larger and the load/unload of programs a tad slower.  As are the fly-outs.  Where have all the good coders gone...


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