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MBAM Pro won't start at startup

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WinPatrol works great for starting MBAM Protection (with only the task bar icon) if you just move the instruction that MBAM inserts into WinPatrol's Startup Programs list (when "Start with Windows" is checked in MBAM) into the WinPatrol Delayed Start list. The MBAM program that needs to be (delayed) started is mbamgui.exe. 1 minute worked great for me (your results may vary).

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  • Root Admin

There are other ways to delay it, but the point is we shouldn't have to. If McAfee and Avira are ignoring the exclusion rules of their own program then they're the ones at fault and they really should fix it. In my opinion even if I have known Malware that will mess up the computer, if I tell my AV to ignore it and let it mess up my computer then it should do exactly what I tell it to do. In this case they're not doing what you tell them to do.

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There are other ways to delay it, but the point is we shouldn't have to. If McAfee and Avira are ignoring the exclusion rules of their own program then they're the ones at fault and they really should fix it. In my opinion even if I have known Malware that will mess up the computer, if I tell my AV to ignore it and let it mess up my computer then it should do exactly what I tell it to do. In this case they're not doing what you tell them to do.

No question, it should just work. WinPatrol (in this case) is a work around and shouldn't be necessary. I think my specific startup issue was tied to delayed network connection for the specific computer as it has a wireless encrypted WPA2 connection to the router that takes about 30 seconds to initiate as two other computers that I have with the same OS and security software (XPSP2 & Norton 360V3 in addition to MBAM) with wired connections startup without problems. Actually, I'm really pleased with WinPatrol as it seems like the computer is ready to go a little sooner after having staged the startup of three or four programs. In addition, I'm now autostarting a couple of applications that I routinely manually started previously.

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WinPatrol works great for starting MBAM Protection (with only the task bar icon) if you just move the instruction that MBAM inserts into WinPatrol's Startup Programs list (when "Start with Windows" is checked in MBAM) into the WinPatrol Delayed Start list. The MBAM program that needs to be (delayed) started is mbamgui.exe. 1 minute worked great for me (your results may vary).

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I had already tried putting both mbam.exe and mbamgui.exe into WinPatrol's delayed startup, but all that happened is that MBAM started unminimized and the Protection Module still was not on. At this point, I've decided simply to go back to using MBAM just for scans until either there's a way for MBAM and McAfee Enterprise to play nicely together or I get rid of McAfee (which I'm not yet willing to do).

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Thank you for the PM. Yes at this time it seems that something is still up between McAfee and MBAM. Even setting it as I've mentioned does not work on every system you try it on. Almost like they're ignoring the exclusions we've put in place.

If I do find a fix I'll be sure to post about it.

Thanks very much, Ron. I really appreciate the help you've given me. I'll be keeping an eye on the forum for further developments.

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Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I had already tried putting both mbam.exe and mbamgui.exe into WinPatrol's delayed startup, but all that happened is that MBAM started unminimized and the Protection Module still was not on. At this point, I've decided simply to go back to using MBAM just for scans until either there's a way for MBAM and McAfee Enterprise to play nicely together or I get rid of McAfee (which I'm not yet willing to do).

You are welcome. Sorry it's not working for you. You only want to autostart mbamgui.exe. There is no need to autostart mbam.exe. That's what is launching the main application screen.

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whatmeworry?, and anyone else having these sorts of issues, would you be willing to beta-test a build of MBAM 1.41 in a few days when it is ready? We hope to correct this issue.

Hi, Doug. I normally avoid beta versions, but if by "this issue" you mean the current incompatibility between MBAM and McAfee Enterprise 8.7, then yes, I guess I'd be willing to beta test a new version. I'd want to know exactly what if anything to put in which sections of McAfee, since I've tried several different things (none of which worked).

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  • Root Admin

In general the normal FAQ entry we have for exclusions should work. Using the full folder exclusions seem to work on some computers but not all of them, in fact most don't work and only a few seem to work now.

Just hang in there for now and hopefully in a few days Doug will have something to test.

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