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Malwarebytes tray application

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9 minutes ago, johnooo said:

inferring that it is always functioning?

It is not actively protecting you.  It is just so it can know when to do your monthly scan I mentioned. Think of it as an alarm clock that goes off monthly. If the clock is not on it cant keep time and wake you up. 

Repete it is NOT the same as the PAID version real-time protection. 

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9 minutes ago, johnooo said:

So can I turn off this automatic feature, because I just want to run a scan weekly?

Do I do it by clicking right on the icon & quitting MWb or does this uninstall?

Yes, it turns off be sure to uncheck start with windows when you right click on the icon.

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Could no longer edit my post above.

Actually the 3.1.2 above have a bug that may shut down auto protection may disable itself, they released a hotfix afterwards.
But since it is not download by browser, I dont have the direct link to the fix and mbam does not publish their release for some reason.
So may not be good idea to downgrade.

The effect of this auto-tab bug makes it very easy to exit the tray application by accident.
The tray application itself does not seem to relate to the mbam service, so in theory "x" out the tray application should probably just "free some memory"; but I am not certain about this theory.

Ironically, the auto-tab bug was a fix to a memory hog issue...

In fact the auto-tab bug is not unique to mbam either, I have seen it or read about this bug on other "background" application.
The first encounter of this bug was Gigabyte's bloatware "graphicscardengine.exe" from "Easy Tune Service", it was easy to solve since the whole thing is just bloatware, so you just uninstall easy tune service and problem gone.

Edited by gooddiubro
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12 minutes ago, dcollins said:

@johnooo this is quite strange. Let me just make sure I'm understanding your steps properly:

  1. Open Malwarebytes 3 while in free mode
  2. Right click the System Tray icon and choose Quit Malwarebytes
  3. Press Alt+Tab

Once you hit step 3, the Malwarebytes trayapp is still showing as running, correct?

Have done 1/2, but after right click get screen which says "do you want this app. to make changes to this devisc"

I clicked yes & MWb closed out with nothing showing in Task View

Is that OK?

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15 minutes ago, dcollins said:

Yep, that's correct. That's Windows UAC which just makes sure you're an administrator. As mentioned, you will need to do this everytime you launch Malwarebytes or it will stay running in the background

OK, but if I don't do it what is it doing whilst "running in the background"?

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