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  • 2 weeks later...

I was curious about this as well - I guess I'll just have to do some browsing and once I get the beta up and running, find some bugs and stuff to post about. I mean, I could make some 'frivolous' posts as you warned against, but that would be frivolous. :wacko:

Well, off to the threads, to find some conversations to interru*cough* politely involve myself in... *grinz* ;) 

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3 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Hawley, Pennsylvania, 18428, United States
PenTeleData Inc.


Aww, cmon - you can do better than that :P Anyone with my IP address can get that info. Clearly, if I'm not spoofing my ip or something, I'm not trying to hide... if my intentions were malicious, my location would've been Zimbabwe or the International Space Station. Not that I'd know how to do that, of course. O:) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once we have posted enough - what is the number of posts required before we can edit the profile?  I understand posting and helping users but it would be nice to know once you are about to hit that number.  Also makes it hard when you cannot make posts back to back as it states that it is too quick and to wait xx seconds.

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