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Malwarebytes and Windows 10 build 14965 conflicts

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I've just updated my PC to 14965 in the hope that I could re-install my Malwarebytes. I was hopeful as the announcement didn't mention anything about not being able to install it if you had Malwarebytes installed like the last few did.

After the update, when I try to install MWB I get a box saying: This app can't run on this PC.
When you click on the "Learn More" button it takes you to this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/10581/windows-10-app-not-work




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  • Root Admin

Hello @PatrickD

Please try the following clean removal and reinstall and let us know. We have reports from others showing that it's working fine for them on this build of Windows.

Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the following guide. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x




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7 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Hello @PatrickD

Please try the following clean removal and reinstall and let us know. We have reports from others showing that it's working fine for them on this build of Windows.

Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the following guide. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x




This solution does not work and you get the same message as @PatrickD from his original post.  Was a good thought.

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What "does not work", can you please report verbatim what you got & when?

If Malwarebytes is still installed, please see ( at worst case) restarting Windows in Safe mode and then just turn OFF the selection for Malicious Website protection. close & then Reboot back into normal mode.  That is a temporary workaround.

anyone with Insider Preview windows 10 with the version 2.2 of Malwarebytes should turn off Malicious Website protection.

Going forward, watch for when a new extended Beta of Malwarebytes 3 is announced on the forum.  That will be ultimate answer for those Insider Preview ....the installation of Malwarebytes 3.  

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After running the cleanup tool, rebooting and trying to install 2.2.1 the same dialog window as shown in the original post comes up - This app can't run on this PC.

So the workaround giving "does not work".  I had uninstalled MBAM previously when the Insider Preview issues started and thought like the OP that with no mention in this newest build we could reinstall.

I will keep an eye out for Beta 3 but hope 2.3 will fix this too.

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I also have the same issue with Windows 10 Insider Build 14965. Unable to install the paid version I get the same error message "This App can't run on this PC". I also used the cleaner as listed above and still get the same problem message, see below... I however was able to install the mbae Anti-Exploit paid version on the same system.

Malwarebytes Load Error.JPG

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The advice applies to all Insider Preview versions who also have Malwarebytes version 2.2

Do what you can to turn off Malicious website real-time protection.   even if you have to restart into safe mode to be able to do that.

All of you who are on Insider builds need to watch for the upcoming Beta announcement for Malwabytes 3 test availability.   Yes, on Version 3 you will have full real-time protection with the Premium program.

Its only the Premium ones who may run into your issue.  The issue is moot for free-mode users.

Edited by Maurice Naggar
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@ DCPaint

I should have mentioned, in tough situations & all else having no luck, the last resort is to reboot into Safe Mode with Networking and then do the setup while there.

In any event, keep watching the announcement section in future re Malwarebytes 3


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p.s.  As long as you are on Insider Previews ( or if you are doing a o.s. upgrade) it is always best practice to fully Exit the Malwarebytes first prior to applying a Windows version upgrade.
( right click the blue icon on the Taskbar and un-check Start with Windows and then click on EXIT ).
If you only have the free mode Malwarebytes, that last point is moot.

I am now running one system with build 14965 with Malwabytes beta 2 ( 3.0.2)


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So, I'm now on Windows Insider 14971, so I thought I'd give this Beta version a try. I've downloaded it, when I run it I get the language screen immediately followed by a runtime error (at 14: 148) - External exception E06D7363.

Any ideas?



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For that "error" you should do the clean-removal tool procedure.  Afterwards, do a new setup-install with the Malwarebytes 3  ( Beta2).

Please do this as the next step.

Please download mbam-clean.exe from here to your desktop and save it.
Locate the file mbam-clean.exe and double-click to run it and follow the onscreen prompts.
It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important.

Next, retry the setup-install of the Beta Malwabytes 3.  

Save the setup-file first.  save to either the Desktop or to the Downloads folder.

Do a RIGHT-click on the setup-exe and select Run as Administrator and choose YES and allow it to proceed.

After the setup completes, be sure to do a Restart via the Start menu.    ( recommended)


P.S.  All who have Insider Preview versions of Windows 10  ( builds 149xx and later) should use Malwarebytes 3    ( not the 2.2 version).

All who have the E06D7363 error message on install need to do the mbam-clean procedure first.

Edited by Maurice Naggar
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