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Update stuck, now froze

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V2016.04.04.1 Tried to update, progress bar move about 3/4 way then stopped. Then msg said unable to update at this time. Waited a day. Same thing. Been this way for days. Fix it button and update button do nothing. Nothing works. Should I uninstall and start over?

[tried to attach pic six times but says error, but no reason]

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  • Root Admin

The system is having some issues according to the logs.

System errors:
Error: (04/11/2016 10:59:58 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7031) (User: )
Description: The CryptoPrevent Event Service service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s).  The following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: Restart the service.

  Date: 2015-12-09 00:50:39.695
  Description: Code Integrity is unable to verify the image integrity of the file \Device\HarddiskVolume5\WINDOWS\System32\d3d10_1.dll because the set of per-page image hashes could not be found on the system.

I would suggest trying a full disk check. Please find the Command Prompt on your programs and run it with Admin rights and type in the following.



Then it will say it cannot lock the drive. Press the Y key and the Enter key to tell it to run on restart. Then restart the computer and let it run. Then retry the scan and let us know if that helps or not.



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Will do. What's odd is I have a very stable laptop and never install new stuff. Nothing has changed for many many months, and I've updated MWbytes continually for ages with never a problem. This just happened. I was going to reboot to safemode /w networking, but would prefer to solve this in normal mode.

I did recently install MWbyte crypto prevent. Think that's related?


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1 hour ago, mikmak007 said:

I did recently install MWbyte crypto prevent. Think that's related?

Saw only this and its not from Malwarebytes.

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Foolish IT\CryptoPrevent\CryptoPrevent.exe [2015-11-17] (Foolish IT LLC)

Also programs like this can break things

iolo technologies' System Mechanic Professional



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Ah, I missed that. Yes, cryptoprevent. I will either disable or uninstall and try again.

And my other computer is almost identical to this one, system mechanic, nortons, etc, and MWB updates perfectly.

I disabled Norton firewall, no change, but will look at crypto prevent. I can disable and reboot to try again.

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29 minutes ago, mikmak007 said:

Porthos: MANY THANKS...!

I whitelisted MWB in CryptoPrevent and it works perfectly now.

I NEVER would have figured it out....




Was a shot in the dark. I never install cryptoprevent software.(too many possible issues) I keep regular image backups on a UN ATTACHED external drive. Backups are the BEST defense.


Glad to be of assistance.

Edited by Porthos
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  • Root Admin

For a short while cryptoprevent was an excellent means to prevent some of these but now days I don't think any of the new ones are using those attack vectors anymore and they can look up the hashes being used and make changes to bypass so not as effective as it used to be.


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  • Root Admin

Sounds like a great plan. Might want to schedule an antivirus and anti-malware scan a few hours before or the previous day just to make sure. Though if you do have active live antivirus and MBAM running then very unlikely something got in and neither one caught it. But you may not be alerted by either program if all is setup to be silent. So a log check before any backups might be in order vs a potentially unneeded scan.


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