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[SOLVED] Quotes

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  • Root Admin
10 hours ago, Firefox said:

How do I quote a topic or a reply from on topic to another topic... When we click on quote it puts it in the reply window and if we try to copy it, it only copies the info and not the quote tags with it.?


If you look at the top right there is a block anchor that you can click and then use CTRL-C to copy. Then can paste which is what I'e done here.


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  • Root Admin
10 hours ago, Firefox said:

How do I quote a topic or a reply from on topic to another topic... When we click on quote it puts it in the reply window and if we try to copy it, it only copies the info and not the quote tags with it.?

Seems to work for me without manually copying too.


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16 hours ago, Firefox said:

How do I quote a topic or a reply from on topic to another topic... When we click on quote it puts it in the reply window and if we try to copy it, it only copies the info and not the quote tags with it.?

Ok, this was not working the first day... I am able to do it now, basically did the quote, then did Ctrl A (select all) the Ctrl C and then Ctrl P..


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