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Driver Support

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More than likely its a PUP, hard to say for sure without actually having the file analyzed.  That being said, since it came after a fake Adobe Flash Player download, its surely not a good thing to have.  Scan with an updated copy of Malwarebytes and it should take care of it.


Also be careful what you download from C-Net as they have a habit of bundling the downloads with PUP's as well as having multiple Download buttons that can be quite confusing and you end up installing something you did not want..... just saying.

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  • Root Admin


Do you have a log or screen shot of that "Driver Support" item?






Though that link will work it is not the "approved" Adobe download link for Flash as it is offered for those wishing to distribute it typically within their own domain network.
Check if Flash Player is installed on your computer

Manually Uninstall Flash Player

Direct download - Adobe Flash Player uninstaller

This is the "approved" Adobe download link but one has to remember to un-check any "Optional offer:" as they always offer junk with this link. Best to probably use one of the other direct download links below instead which are listed for use IF you continue to have trouble installing with one of the other installer files.
Download the latest version of Flash Player

Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)

Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)

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