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Malwarebytes fails to finish

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Running latest free version on XP. No Rootkit. No advance Heuristics. Have loaded suggested program exclusions.


During heuristics the process never completes. Pause Scan - Cancel Scan" locks program up. No malware found up  to lock up point  Cannot terminate program without using Task Manager.


Any ideas?


- Paul


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Hello and :welcome:

Please try the following and let us know if that corrects it or not.

MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

If that does not correct the issue then please read the following and post back the requested logs.

Diagnostic Logs

Thank you

NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here:

Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

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I'm having the same issue.  After the scan completes it freezes up with the screen fading out.  I have to End Task to get rid of it.  Simply put, Malwarebytes no longer works.


This is not the same issue,  Please start a new topic for your issue, as they are different issues and you can get help directly for your issue.

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Hi, kw7y:
Just popping in to say that there is something amiss with your FRST logs - the Addition.txt log is incomplete.
You might want to please follow the instructions here again and run it again -- perhaps temporarily disable your anti-virus before you run it (but be sure to re-enable it after doing so).

Then, please post back the new logs.


One of the staff/experts will review them and advise you further about what might be going on with your system.


Thanks for your patience,



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  • Root Admin

Not sure what's going on there but something is sure messing up your logs. 


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


Basically post your same logs and tell them in that forum that your logs are having issues completing properly as well.


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