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Niagara Falls Travel


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I'm a winter lover and live a few hundred miles North of there, give or take a few degrees of longitude. It's surprising to see snow on the ground so early on the Niagara region actually. Hope you had packed proper clothing for the trip ;)


Amazing shots. So amazing, FireFox crashed unexpectedly while loading all those pixels, haha.


My sister-in-law and hubby went back in October and it was actually cooler than normal. They may be able to do ice wine early this year,. Yummy !!

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  • Root Admin

The temperature was 31ºF .56ºC that day.  We were lucky in that the Buffalo area had it's first snow about 2 days before our plane landed so everything was looking like a Winter Wonderland.  The day we left a lot of the snow was already melting and looking dirty.


At night time the low went down to 15ºF   -9.4ºC but there was no new snow during our stay but they're supposed to get new snow today.


I wore jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt with a regular jacket and was okay.  My wife was freezing though even with thermal underwear and multiple layers of clothes and coat.  The good part was that there was very little wind which always makes it much colder.  I was colder from the wind in Washington DC than here at Niagara Falls.


Interestingly the mechanical parts of the camera lens froze and would not focus so I had to put it under my shirt for a while to warm it up to take pictures.  Certainly didn't seem that cold to interfere with the camera but I guess it was.  You can click on the images for a larger view if wanted.  The frozen rails in images 3 and 4 show how cold it is at the water level.  I have some video I'll try to post up a bit later on.

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The temperature was 31ºF .56ºC that day.  We were lucky in that the Buffalo area had it's first snow about 2 days before our plane landed so everything was looking like a Winter Wonderland.  The day we left a lot of the snow was already melting and looking dirty.


At night time the low went down to 15ºF   -9.4ºC but there was no new snow during our stay but they're supposed to get new snow today.

You're not used to those kind of temperatures, are you? ;)

As for the snow, I'm looking at it out the window. Probably about 3-4 inches of it.

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  • Root Admin

I lived in Germany for a couple years and they had plenty enough cold for me. Good reason to stay on the West Coast after that.

Lows at night for us right now are about 36ºF and I'm out in short sleeve t-shirt and sandals to feed the dogs and take out the trash.

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  • Root Admin

Not sure what city you're in but yes it looks like we got back from vacation just in time to miss a snow storm that seems to have hit much of the upper States and even down into Texas



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Ron those are some beautiful amazing pictures of the Falls. Reminds me of my early teen years when I lived in Buffalo, NY and a few of us guys would ride our bicycles to Niagara Falls and spend the day there. I still remember them shutting the water off on the American Falls in 1969, I wish I would have taken pictures of that. I don't miss the winters up there, I'll stay here in the Virginia Beach area.

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