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Fastest/Best Internet Browser?

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I guess it somewhat varies from system to system and also depends a lot on what security software you use and what plugins you have loaded. I'm using IE10 and it runs very well. I guess the best thing to do would be to try a few different browsers (Chrome, SRWare Iron, Firefox, Opera etc.) and see which one you like best, not just for browsing speed, but also for layout and features. I've stuck with IE simply because I like IE's layout and design. Coupled with the improvements to security and performance over the last several releases by MS, I'm quite happy with it, but if you're used to say Firefox or Chrome, then you'll most likely not want to switch to IE because the user experience is vastly different. If you're a long time IE user and have never tried anything else, then it's worth giving the others a shot as you may be pleasantly surprised by the features they offer and their diverse interfaces.

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I love Opera, but Firefox is a close second. I don't use IE that much. This is all personal preference. All three are great browsers in my opinion. :)

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