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Discover how the Internet sees you with the Life Online Mirror..


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Discover how the Internet sees you with the Life Online Mirror

Summary: Does what you do online reflect your true personality? Using data from 6.5 million people, the online mirror reckons it knows your online personality very well indeed.

By Eileen Brown for Social Business |

September 21, 2012 -- 18:35 GMT (11:35 PDT)

The National Media Museum in Bradford in the UK has launched an interactive 'Life Online Mirror' aimed to show you the ‘scientifically and academically rigorous breakdown of your personality, providing a unique digital reflection of your true self’.

Unlike Intel’s Museum of Me which interprets your social life and creates a visual archive, the Museum has based its Mirror on a personality system and back end big data.


Credit: National Media Museum

The Museum developed the online mirror with Cambridge University researchers. It uses a personality analysis system, used by academics and compared against a database of 6.5 million people gathered by researchers at the Cambridge University Psychometrics Centre.

By comparing results with this database the tool claims that it can give you a scientifically accurate breakdown of your personality based upon your Internet behaviour.

The 'Big 5' personality system was created over 20 years ago, and is used by academic psychologists for varied purposes from personality research to recruitment for business.

The tool asks for information from your Facebook profile, or your answers to questions and it claims to predict your personality with over 80% accuracy. It assesses your personality using five key characteristics -- openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and stability.

It encourages you to create your own ‘reflection’ in the virtual mirror and says:

‘You’ll have the chance to see if our predictions of your personality match how you see yourself in the real world. We hope this will encourage you to think a little differently about how you use the web and how this reflects your true self’.

Of course, I had to give it a try..

There are five questions to answer before I could get to see my online mirror.

Question one asked about the online news sources that I read.

Question two asked me which celebrities I would follow on Twitter – and after choosing Stephen Fry and Richard Branson -- the tool surmised that I was ‘probably’ male.

Question three asked about the music I would download, and after receiving my answers, correctly guessed that I was over 26 years old.

Question four asked which social networks I used regularly.

The answer suggested that my ‘agreeableness score is below average’. Yikes. Perhaps one of my social networks indecated that my Internet behaviour was competitive and assertive.

Question five asked about the technology brands that I liked or used and guessed that my extraversion score is above average. In fact the mirror suggested that I was friendly. Friendly, competitive and assertive based on my answer to question four.

The results showed my personality in different areas as a percentage against the database, gauging how open, conscientious, extroverted, agreeable and stable it perceived me to be.

Was the mirror correct? It was probably only 70 per cent correct. But it was a nice bit of fun for the end of the week and also interesting to discover what a query from the big dataset would return for me.

SOURCE: Social Enterprise


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I know that i leave information all over the net, but, i won't fill in any blanks and blindly trust anyone who wants further information.

I give that "test" a thumbs down for trust. Besides, i know that it would label me a bit of a misanthrope, an old one to boot ;)

:P :P :lol:

Where'ya been hiding "old man?".. *grin* Hi Bud.. how's things?


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:P :P :lol:

Where'ya been hiding "old man?".. *grin* Hi Bud.. how's things?


Ummm..... trying to get a life? :P

Having a crash problem (see Honorary members) but have to run now, my best bud is getting Churched again today for the third time :blink:

I dunno what to say, or more logically i best say nothing, "i know nussing!" As Shultz used to say.



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theirs a reason my facebook account is so locked down.

to the point you cant find me on my friends friends list OR even thru my email address i used to sign up i just dont show up.

i have to actually find you or give you the link to my page

Me too!

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I'm with Larry on this one except he can dump his GF but I'm stuck with my BH (43 years) and have to tough it out. :P

Many thanks to CWB for his link to:

COMPLIMENTS of the fine, crusty old dogs (like me) at ~~ screenhunter06sep251139.gif

What is a Curmudgeon

All of us know a curmudgeon. We may not think so, because we're not sure what the word means. In a nutshell, a curmudgeon is a type of grumpy person, but they're more than just a grouch.

The dictionary tells us that a curmudgeon is a "a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person." Synonyms for the word include: grouch, crank, bear, sourpuss, crosspatch. But, as is often the case, the dictionary on its own doesn't really bring out the living beauty of the true curmudgeon.

Curmudgeons are different from your basic grumps, grouches, or complainers in subtle ways. "Cantankerous" means to be peevish, hard to get along with and generally grumpy. But that's not quite a curmudgeon, regardless of what the dictionary says. (The dictionary ought to be changed anyway, and go back to the way it used to be!) (Amen; ~Shy!)

A curmudgeon often has a black sense of humor. They don't just complain about things, they do it with flair, style, panache, satire, and a sardonic view of life! That's what makes them memorable. They also, deep down (very deep down), believe that by saying something about it, life will change. Saying even more about it will hopefully make life change faster and sooner.

All it takes to change the world, making life the way it used to be, is for people to pay attention. Instead of running around like a bunch of chickens with no heads, people — particularly young people — should spend a few hours listening to curmudgeons. Then they'd know what the real world is all about.

Your average grump and grouch are just complainers. They moan and groan about how things are going wrong, they don't like this and they don't like that. But a curmudgeon has a world outlook. They see that entire societies and civilizations are going to Hell in a hand-basket!

A grouch understands that things are pretty bad, but they're probably getting better. A curmudgeon knows that things may be getting better, but that everything is about to get worse.

That being said, a curmudgeon isn't only a pessimist. Things may get worse, but curmudgeons have seen it all before.

In the movie "Grumpy Old Men", with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon, Matthau is a true curmudgeon. Jack Lemmon plays a good-natured old fella, but Matthau is truly an old fart. It's a fine and subtle distinction, which is why we need to clarify the word.

Curmudgeonry is a character trait. Anyone can grow old — most of us do — but the way we handle that old age is part of our character. A grump or grouch doesn't have to be old, but a curmudgeon realizes he or she is now old. Nothing works the way it used to, and they're not happy about it. But deep down (very deep down), they almost accept that life just is that way.

Another defining aspect of a curmudgeon is the sure and absolute knowledge that the cause of all of life's problem is young people. (Amen; TWICE! ~Shy)

Aside from being too young to know anything, young people also are a principle cause of progress. Everyone knows that progress causes things to get worse, so young people are clearly making everything worse.

What ought to happen is for things to be the way they used to be! The key to solving the problems we face today is an advisory committee of curmudgeons, to explain to the world how things ought to be.

The International Society of Curmudgeons (ISOC), formed under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO), is the solution. Our mission is to authenticate true curmudgeons, distinguishing them from plain old grumps. Through a complex and sophisticated certification process, made possible only with advances in modern technology, we provide an authentic license to practice curmudgeonry.

NOTE: Get one for FOUR clams ~ ~ ~ PS: It ain't SPAM if bought with CLAMs! :P ~~ Shy

We hold that a Master Curmudgeon probably has the solution to anything, no matter what. Such power should be used only for the good of mankind, and so we bring to the world a better way to seek out these wise elders.


Once again; thanks to ISOC for allowing me to provide this unsolicited definition..


Proud founding member of the un-Licensed Group of Crusty Old Curmudgeons (Local 2209) :D:lol:

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The logical progression is to graduate from curmudgeon to misanthrope in training IMO. ;)

I don't know if I can agree with you on that one Wayne. Being a curmudgeon as defined in the reddish brown portion of that definition

A curmudgeon often has a black sense of humor. They don't just complain about things, they do it with flair, style, panache,
satire, and a sardonic view of life! That's what makes them memorable. They also, deep down (very deep down), believe
that by saying something about it, life will change. Saying even more about it will hopefully make life change faster and

is not a hater of man.. When I start disliking a person I dislike people of all types on an equal basis.. :P


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