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Update file very small?

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recently Mbam update file seems to be less than 5K

Im very worried because I've been encountered with somekind of virus that made Avast update redirect to some other server with bosus update file..

I've heard Mbam started to use technology to download smaller update files and join them with preveious ones..

how do i make sure if its not the bosus update?


thanks in advance

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Greetings :)

Yes, that's correct. We recently implemented incremental updating, which means it will only download changes between the database you have and the newest database when it updates.

As for verifying it isn't a bogus update, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware uses database integrity checking, so if the database is not what it should be, it will see that the database is corrupt and try to download the database again. If that fails as well, then Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will pop up with an error message telling you that the database is corrupt.

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You are most likely using the Pro Version and thus it is an incremental, not a full, update.

The Standard Version downloads the entire signature database. The Pro Version can update only those newest updates that were added since the last update.

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