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Anyone Interested in Malwarebytes for a Mobile Device - Ipad, Iphone, Kindle, Android?

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Hello, I made a suggestion to the tech support people (see below) and they asked that I place this thread out here to see if there are other user with the same interest. If you are interested, please comment and give them your thoughts!

My Question to the tech support people:

I was wondering if your company has any plans to support the mobile market. I have an Ipad and a Kindle. My son has an Android phone and my husband and I will be obtaining new smart phones in a few months. I know this software is awesome on our PC and Laptop (Windows Users) and would love to see it available in the mobile market.

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Hi Exile! Thanks! Being primarily a Windows user (until we have recently dove into the mobile device world), I am really leary out there without some type of malware protection. I know Apple products are good, but they have been compromised in recent threats. Look forward to reading of anyone else's interest and information as to if/when mobile devices will/or will not be part of Malwarebytes! I know it's good. Has saved us numerous times! Ever since we started using it, all the weird and strange things that used to happen on our PC disappeared!

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Personally I vote NO. Android is a Linux based open source operating system developed by Google and contributors. Placing any sort of proprietary software on an open source OS is a big middle finger to the open source community as it destroys their beliefs and all their hard work they put towards an open community. :angry: :angry:

Edit: I love Malwarebytes, but I think it should stay on proprietary OS's like Windows or Mac. It does not contribute to the open source community. Unless they were to release it open source.

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Personally I vote NO. Android is a Linux based open source operating system developed by Google and contributors. Placing any sort of proprietary software on an open source OS is a big middle finger to the open source community as it destroys their beliefs and all their hard work they put towards an open community. :angry: :angry:

Edit: I love Malwarebytes, but I think it should stay on proprietary OS's like Windows or Mac. It does not contribute to the open source community. Unless they were to release it open source.

A huge amount of applications for Droid are NOT free and I've seen little to nothing saying that these applications are a "middle finger"-- which I believe to be a gross exaggeration in the first place.

What open source anti-malware program is better than Malwarebytes? The purpose of the software is to protect users and hindrances like these seem rather trivial.

Malwarebytes for mobile devices would be phenomenal if developed since it would protect so many more people.

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A huge amount of applications for Droid are NOT free and I've seen little to nothing saying that these applications are a "middle finger"-- which I believe to be a gross exaggeration in the first place.

What open source anti-malware program is better than Malwarebytes? The purpose of the software is to protect users and hindrances like these seem rather trivial.

Malwarebytes for mobile devices would be phenomenal if developed since it would protect so many more people.

Yes and that is shameful. The idea behind open source is the freedom to exchange ideas and improve computer usage by having the source code readily available. Malwarebytes' would be hindering this progress.

None, but that doesn't mean that anything good is in the works or won't be available for the future.

Yes it would. Perfectly fine for the iPad. I still stand by my opinion on open source systems like Android(I still despise Google).

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What open source anti-malware program is better than Malwarebytes? The purpose of the software is to protect users and hindrances like these seem rather trivial.

Malwarebytes for mobile devices would be phenomenal if developed since it would protect so many more people.

Agreed! :D :D :D

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That is a great idea. I would probably be one of the first people to download it. It would be great if it would give protection from malicious websites and monitor your phone to make sure there are no threats. I can see it now, "Malwarebytes PRO for the following devices: iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Droid", That would be a great day. Hope it comes true :)

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I 100% agree. Espicially for the iPod, iPad, iPhone and androids. I have an iPod touch. But I feel insecure. So if MBAM is on the smart devices I will be very happy! I just joined here too. I think MBAM need to wider platforms like linux. Who knows, will there be a virus for Linux? Are Linux users claiming to be like mac users saying they are virus free? This is my opinion.

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I 100% agree. Espicially for the iPod, iPad, iPhone and androids. I have an iPod touch. But I feel insecure. So if MBAM is on the smart devices I will be very happy! I just joined here too. I think MBAM need to wider platforms like linux. Who knows, will there be a virus for Linux? Are Linux users claiming to be like mac users saying they are virus free? This is my opinion.

A lot of Linux users do believe that they are immune to malware, but people such as myself know that is not a slightest bit true.

The existence of Linux came about by Linus Torvolds and The Free Software Foundation pressured him into releasing the kernel under an open source license so that they could build a Unix-Like operating system entirely of software that could be used as one pleases. It was not intended to be used for installing copyrighted software that some companies have released and not in the best interest of the open source community.

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I don't think that should matter though. If (and note I'm saying IF) we ever did release a non-open source product for Linux or a derivative of Linux, it would obviously be up to each Linux user to decide whether or not to install our non-open source product on their system.

If they are passionate about open source software, as you are, then they obviously would not likely install our product, but that is not necessarily how every Linux user feels about the situation, especially if we're talking about a mobile platform where you actually have no option with regards to what operating system the device uses, as that's determined by the manufacturer (Android for example). Such devices are not like PC's, where a user may easily choose what operating system they wish to use. It's the reverse, instead of coming with Windows (like most PC's do) and always having the free, easy to install and widely available Linux distros to choose from, you have what is essentially a closed platform built for and using exclusively an open source operating system. In other words, I can't just install Windows Mobile on my Android phone, so with regards to open source and licensing, it's a completely different issue.

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I don't think that should matter though. If (and note I'm saying IF) we ever did release a non-open source product for Linux or a derivative of Linux, it would obviously be up to each Linux user to decide whether or not to install our non-open source product on their system.

If they are passionate about open source software, as you are, then they obviously would not likely install our product, but that is not necessarily how every Linux user feels about the situation, especially if we're talking about a mobile platform where you actually have no option with regards to what operating system the device uses, as that's determined by the manufacturer (Android for example). Such devices are not like PC's, where a user may easily choose what operating system they wish to use. It's the reverse, instead of coming with Windows (like most PC's do) and always having the free, easy to install and widely available Linux distros to choose from, you have what is essentially a closed platform built for and using exclusively an open source operating system. In other words, I can't just install Windows Mobile on my Android phone, so with regards to open source and licensing, it's a completely different issue.

Very true. :)

There's very few propritary programs I absolutely love MBAM being one of them, but I still recommend it considering the fact that most are Windows users and there has yet to be a free alternative and the fact that if they want something paid then go for it. :) I prefer to recommend free software whenever possible. :)

Sorry for the negative comments I tend to be a bit stubborn sometimes especially on Linux and open source software. :)

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I just want to pipe in that Malwarebytes is definitely a program worth every single penny paid for it and then some!

As for paid vs. free, free is always good (who doesn't like something for free? [as long as it is free LEGALLY, of course]), but if everything was free, then well, a lot less people would have jobs, and not everything can come for nothing. This is not to downput those that make, create, support, and enjoy free products such as Linux. But again, someone, somewhere, had to put a lot of money and time and effort into creating their products/services, and at the end of the day, everyone needs to put food on the table and have a roof over their head.

I like free products too, but I don't mind paying for products when I can (and in some cases, such as when I bought Malwarebytes, WANTED to pay for it), and Malwarebytes was definitely a good investment and then some for me. :D

Edited by mountaintree16
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There's very few propritary programs I absolutely love MBAM being one of them, but I still recommend it considering the fact that most are Windows users and there has yet to be a free alternative and the fact that if they want something paid then go for it. :) I prefer to recommend free software whenever possible. :)

No arguments here :). I recommend free software all the time. Why pay for something if there is a viable free alternative out there? I can see users paying for something if it offers something not included in a free alternative, but if that's not the case, then whey not just use the free software?

Sorry for the negative comments I tend to be a bit stubborn sometimes especially on Linux and open source software. :)

No problem at all, and I definitely hear where you're coming from. Besides that, there's a reason we ask these kinds of questions of our users. We don't just want to year 'YES :D!' and 'Me too!' type comments, we also want to hear the negative because the negative must absolutely be taken into consideration when making decisions that will impact our users :).
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Guest Seagull

I personally think Malwarebytes moving into the mobile field like Android, iPad, etc would be a very wise move. There is more mobile devices today more then ever, and

with the increase in popularity arises from these devices so does the increase of getting your mobile phone or iPad or equivalent infected by malware.

I would love to see Malwarebytes go mobile it would be a good move. :)

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Yes, agree with buttons and exile too.

Not to be offensive or get people offended.


Norton is now in the mobile field. One of the apps for android I remember is Norton Snap, it scans QR codes and tells you if the website is safe.

Not asking to be copying them, but we can improve and have more functionality. Being open-sourced is the biggest ever change/milestone to the company. But which maybe the profits will go low. So actually I am dropping the idea about Malwarebytes for Linux. But I think someone living somewhere will make a virus for Linux. Again, I am neither offensive nor offending.


But for Firefox.... That is their decision because they took the path to open-source-ness.


But I will never accept the fact that Linux and MacOSX has no viruses. Especially when the flashback virus came for Mac. So never believe those kiddies who say "I no virus u no that?".


Thank you for reading this somewhat long post which made by fingers sweat on the touchscreen.



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