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Posts posted by noknojon

  1. There must be a way that genuine resellers can be identified - A seller ## or similar- If the 'bogus' (fake) sellers are allowed to continue then you may lose some of the real people that resell MBAM, and even though there is little profit in it for them, they should be given some "Trademark/Logo" to show they are legal - :lol:

    I personally know of 2 who are legal resellers and they say business has been slow - They may need to refer back to this site (or similar sites) :lol: as the only legal sites - And have a Quote # to show where the client was sent from in order to get the fee for resale ?? - :lol:

    This only applies if you want more than just c Net as a reseller !!

  2. A Remote Repairer was needed, as I could not get quick help locally, when I got Antivirus 2009 - He used Malwarebytes as part of his repair tool kit -

    I contacted a (Cross Loop) remote repair guy from the USA and he left it on my computer for me to use - I have used it ever since -

    But I still rely on SAS and Avira as well -

  3. No anti-virus, or anti-malware application can detect them, so is there any alternative way to identify these viruses?!?! (Beside not downloading suspicious files!) Also how do you know if there is FUD virus running on your pc???

    There are several definitions to FUD - They include Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt - Or - Fully Un Detected virus -

    If it is Fully UnDetectable then it can't be detected !!! :)

    You start with 'KeyScrambler' -

  4. @ lordpake & srtools -

    As most of the first time lookers, and those seeking quick advice are not sure of the areas to head to it can be easy to misread headings -

    The usual way is just to post the page by AdvancedSetup that directs users to the HJT page that reads ----

    ----(Are you infected / Please post logs here)--- That shortcut is at the top of the page -

    I would just give that advice (if required) and not try to solve the problem on the original post - Unless another 'simple' fix is better for them -

    Thanks swagger - Beat me by 1 min - Agree fully -

  5. Where would you find the drivers for a ibm thinkpad r32's ATI Mobility Radon 7000 video card for windows 7. Any ideas?

    Not available via 'driver updates' on the web site ?? Or some cards come with their own driver installer CD ??

  6. I live in the UK and my wife and I educate our 11 year old daughter ourselves - there is no dramatic reason why we took her out of school, but we love it. The Home Educating community here in the UK is fairly active, but the government don't make it easy! I believe it's actually illegal in some countries, and subsidised financially in others?

    You should have access via the 'Home education community' for good information with this - Or your local council -

    Sorry, but personally I was happy when they left for school - We both needed to work as well -

  7. :D:(:D

    Looked at the screen this morning (8.30 am here ) and I found that Firefox's Avatar and the Logo signature have both "gone" - :D

    Yesterday the only program change I made was to install "KeyScrambler" for a trial run -

    No reason to do it but someone posted it on the forum so I thought I would have a look for future reference -

    Is this the cause or might there be any other problem ?? No AV notification and nothing on MBAM quick scan - No other logo has gone yet - :D

    EDIT -

    Looking for Maniac's last post to see if it moved that too (EST NOD32) - Not affected (just found one) - Nor is any Malwarebytes signatures -

  8. Hi - In a word 'yes'

    It is only to remove the paid version so you can set it up on another system -

    You can then install the free version on the PC and install the paid version on your laptop -

    Both versions are similar but the paid version needs to be removed (remember your key #) to be installed on another machine -

    It will not work properly unless you remove as per instructions -

    Contact back if still not sure - :D


    EDIT - As long as you have an active antivirus there should not be any problem with being on line for 5 mins or so -

  9. Must agree with above -

    I removed KIS due in part to similar reasons - It was not my A/V when some items were installed , so it would not recognise them as 'normal' -

    Once you set a system you are then 'done' (unless you make a major change) - I found it was better to leave the set A/V and keep the 3 malware scanners as 'options' - To use only on call and also use in rotation /MBAM - SAS - Spybot -

  10. I'm starting to think along Exiles line - :D The other computer may only have a small change (video card / even keyboard) may cause a conflict -

    The articles all refered to the restoration of one computer -


    This would be More applicable to the fact that you are using 2 totally unrelated systems -

    It seems more like 'system restore' on a larger basis if there is a big drama -

  11. Exile on the ball again - Beat me by 1 min - :D

    According to the article in Wiki it claims to ensure 'point in time' accuracy - So you would most likely need to check for updated drivers if you set it a while ago and used it to restore - I only scanned the article so the Wiki as well as Exiles item may be worth browsing - :D

  12. Moreover Avira (avast also) has auto-update feature. ie updates are automatically loaded, as & when available

    Almost - Mine (Avira) gets an update about 8.00PM most nights - The times usually will not change, unless I do a manual update -

    That may relate to the world updating time - :D

  13. Good luck and safe surfing :) .

    Hi Exile360 -

    I have been off line for about 36 hours - I got that message when I first tried to update yesterday and did not know I was off line - (changed ISP) -

    I just updated now and I am back on and pestering you :o I did not get the message today once it was fixed (new connection) -

    Should I also change anything in Avira now that the message is no longer there or was it just my lack of connection that gave me 732(0,0) - ;)

  14. Welcome to you - PerfectPCServices -

    No~3 Is the easiest topic for me to address - You will find that the program updating is almost daily -

    This is so that every time you do a scan you should First do an update - There are also notes like when Major changes are made - :o

    You may note that there is a release date for 1.41 on the front page of the tool - Any other Major changes made are usually noted here -

    You should inform your clients that they need to do an update (only takes about 1 min) prior to any scan - Also inform them that a quick scan is all that is required unless they think they have serious problems - ;)

  15. Thanks for pointing out regd links in bold type. I will follow your advise.

    But as a policy I don't post clickable links.

    No problems - It was just that some links you gave were a bit long to write in a hurry -

    I also had a problem with cut and paste with a few so I thought if you gave them, they were "direct" clickable links - B)

    Must go - Have some work for a while now -

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