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Posts posted by noknojon

  1. As an extra -

    If you use the free AVG program , many (NOT ALL) of us have changed to Avira free as it seems to have less problems -

    If you are using the paid version then ignore this and follow the advice of Exile 360 only -

  2. Sorry , back now -

    Yes, I got a negative response on the .NET Framework update -

    It is still sitting in the task bar - I even tried Custom Install but .... There seems to be an item in My Docs , but it has no response either -

    The same .NET Framework update is the only one at M/soft updates to install -

  3. Hi All -

    I have noticed that I am getting M/soft updates that never seem to install - ;)

    They seem to relate to XP SP1 , where M/soft otherwise recognises my system as XP SP3 -

    The update is Noted as Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 - This update notice has been there for a while now and for some reason will not install or go away after many attempts to install it - Either at shutdown or direct install from the update 'shield' - :(

  4. Personally, I would be happy if IOBit would just admit that they have done this, and then pay restitution to the companies that they have stolen from. Not just us, but all of the others as well.

    At best I think you "may" get an admission of some sort (but not a guilty one) - I can hear them now saying that they were just covering themselves in case there was another suspected malware threat out there that had been detected (even if it was false) - :)

    After reading this for several days I fully agree with Marcin/Malwarebytes/ (and any other companies involved)/ having a case against IObit, BUT as a Chinese based company, they will never give in financially :) - A court case is never going to occur in the next year as they will clamp up and only agree to a Chinese court (at best) and then, challenge any decision if it gets that far -

    It would be good, as GT500 says that they at least admit to anything - :)

    Sorry to seem a bit negative :) , but reality will take over, and we must just accept they are scammers from another country (not Nigeria this time) -

    @ mbyuser - Me too - It was a waste of space - I had a thread in another area questioning this program and it was shown by several to also be a waste of space -

  5. Ok :) . Once you change the setting, be sure to then disconnect the monitor from the integrated graphics port and connect it to the one on your new video card.

    The onboard only seems to have 3 settings in BIOS - PCI ~ AGP ~ Onboard AGP - <_< - Set to AGP ??

    ASUS mother board - P5S800-VM

  6. Not a ? holiday / celebration much down here (Australia) - I think catscomputer (from New Zealand) would most likely agree -

    Never really followed its meaning or history ?? Just seems to be a US thing as far as I can figure -

    Anyway - I hope you have a Great Time doing your thing - <_<

  7. @ mountaintree16 -

    One of is shownig their age <_< - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons were very big at the end of the 50's through the 60's and just into the 70's -

    Hits like Sherry ~ Walk Like a Man ~ Rag Doll ~ Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow ~ Candy Girl - :)

    Bob Gaudio was the song writer of the group and wrote for many others of that era (mainly 60's) -

    EDIT -

    Like the new car -

  8. In your best opinion..is this the best way to correct multiple errors with the OS?

    For example, the help and support, workstation, security center, system restore (just to name a few) services are no longer functioning and give errors when attempted to be started manually-

    If these amounts of problems still exist, then are you 100% sure you have fully cleaned your system -

    As per statement by marktreg @ 9.088 am -

    You can do a repair from the CD without a reinstall - It is almost like a system restore -

  9. Hey mountaintree16 -

    It all sounds a bit "gooey" - <_<

    Ever since I went to The Jersey Boys stage show all that plays on the car stereo is The 4 Seasons hits (she purchased a double CD) -

  10. @ YoKenny -

    Had one of those things - He had to go eventually -

    @ srtools -

    I like it - :)

    @ catscomputer -

    I just did a quick MBAM scan (to check if I could find anything) - Still clean - As well as another MSE and SAS scan -

    They seem to take about the same in quick mode but full scan in MSE is a fairly long one (by my standards anyway) - I would say longer than MBAM full -

    I also have D/loaded and used the new version of AdAware - Quick scan is similar to most others, but when I did the first full scan I made 2 coffees and had a lie down for a while - It dug up files I did not know of (or did not remember) - Now I just do quicks in all programs, now that I know how they run -

    I will spend the W/end diong big scans to ensure I have no trace of the rogue that hit me - Sorry to rant on a bit, but I gave you all I could remember -

    I will now use MSE without being concerned too much - It also fully updated O/night (checked for U/dates and was OK) -

    EDIT -

    No shield / extra firewall, as such, but it is always active - It did not remove infection until I rebooted - Then removed almost instantly (off line)-

    We must remember it is M/soft products - Their inbuilt antivirus is very slack these days -

  11. I think noknojon meant that after a year the people behind MSE will become lazy may be due to over confidence.

    Basically that is what I do mean - Not all are as proactive as MBAM -

    EDIT -

    We see more infections "beating the system" every day - They are getting smarter so we all need to keep finding ways to outsmart them -

    MSE is new on the block and can still grab many items that some others can have trouble with - That is why we have the HJT logs area -

  12. @ srtools -

    I agree 100% that many rogues now bypass MBAM and SAS - They are set to identify their footprint and get past - :)

    This was like my last infection (about 12 months ago) - It passed firewall and antivirus and really stuck -

    I think we will find that soon MSE will not detect some infections once it has been around for a year or so - :)

    EDIT -

    I should have put this in the Anti Malware section but I added it too quickly - AdvancedSetup will tell me off for that -

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