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Posts posted by noknojon

  1. Hi gonwk -

    The operation of Malwarebytes should be in normal mode as too many infections will be unavailable in safe mode - Same with S A S -

    Too many people download it in safe mode and then run scans and report no problems - You must try to run a quick scan in normal mode -

    Safe mode only "partially" opens your system so that you can usually download or perform basic operations when infected and need to bypass them -

    Someone will check on the CPU thing later - At the moment mine is at 20-60% but I just noticed Avira scans had started -

    Try Firefox for just a while -

  2. Thanks Exile360 -

    I only added AdAware due to the fact that it had released its Anniversary Edition thinking they may have added a bit more to it -

    I thought it was mainly useful for 'small' problems (tracking cookies + advertising cookies etc.) - :P

  3. Correct, although this does change a bit when you're dealing with installers and droppers. Those will usually be hit if they're stored somewhere such as your desktop. Of course, the best way which would also let you avoid having to scan the file would be to use MBAM in realtime. If you've downloaded something that's bad and tried to execute it, MBAM's protection module would block it immediately (provided it's covered by MBAM of course) and would let you quarantine it :) .

    Is that the best reason to also run S A S along side MBAM - As it seems similar but it also picks up the "smaller" items that MBAM will not ?? - :)

    eg. Advertising cookies and things like that ?? - :P

  4. He lies. I can piss him off everytime I talk to him. It was probably a server problem between your ISP and MBAM. I have the same issue with another forum, unfortunatly for me it happens a couple of times a week.

    exile360 - you stole my avatar

    It must have been the only site on the web (MBAM forum) that was being "blocked" ??- (Thats why I needed to "suck up to him") -

    I could download MBAM (I deleted my version in case, Fully) / update it / visited Yahoo forum / visited several other sites including Lunarsoft etc. -

    It got to the login screen (the 'old' one) and then said I had put the wrong password too many times - I only could click on the login name and the name (noknojon) came up OK - Even an email (topic notification) from MBAM site would not let me access the site past the 'old' login screen -

    Even deleted Taruns latest tool-kit that includes MBAM - They would ALL reinstall quite easily - I have had it only one other time and then I still got in -

  5. But most of the times it leads you to cnet.com, thats reliable site.

    I welcome your comments.

    I fully deleted all MBAM in case it was ever confused with Beta - From Australia, I Googled it, and went to what appeared to be the "genuine"

    Malwarebytes site and was redirected to C net also - I did not check if there was other sites but this appeared to direct you to the home site -

  6. Not ISP - Downloaded updates for all antivirus that I scanned - Plus accessed other sites to make sure -

    Changed to F/fox and Safari incase it was an I.E. problem -

    Appears all OK now thanks -

    It was MBAM site that blocked me - Not I.E. -

    Got to logon for MBAM forum logon and then got message -

  7. Was a serious statement - I logged out for a while (daughter came round) and it took two and a half hours to get back on ?? -

    This is not something I would joke about - I ran MBAM quick and full - Spybot - SAS quick and full - (I have been scanned flat out) -

    Avira did it's midday (local) thing -

    Compare the times from 'silly' reply to 'sorry' reply - Less half hour -

  8. No worries, I've got a sense of humor :o . I'm not easily offended either, even when someone is actually trying to do so (which I know you weren't ;) ).

    I'm sorry if I offended any people (exile360 my good friend) but I have not been able to log in for several hours - :D

    I ran all the scans and only Spybot found a Windows problem -(MBAM short and long scans first) -

    Has there been an overload or was it my end - I kept getting a wrong log in screen -(Try in 15 mins-Try in 9 mins-Try in 3 mins) -

    When I.E. failed I used F/fox / then Safari - All the same - Even a reply to a direct email from here -

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