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Everything posted by Massimiliano

  1. For more information read here... Why does Anti-Malware for Mac scan so fast?
  2. For more information about this, see: Why does Anti-Malware for Mac scan so fast?
  3. I do not know what happens on your systems. Me with Word, Excel, Safari, Firefox, Mail, Messages, Whatsapp Desktop, Activity Monitoring, open (only open but without doing anything), I had two RTProtection Daemon tips at 23% and 15%, during the opening of the above mentioned software. Once trip stabilized between 0% and 3% with approximately 90% of inactive CPU. It is true that I am not doing any particular activity but it seems to me a situation similar to those described above. Probably your systems have serious problems (but it is better to wait for Thomas' advice, in this regard). For example, to an acquaintance of mine, with an El Capitan system whose clean installation dates back to the period of the operating system if not before, the scan lasted approximately 24 hours, something that never happened to me because I never exceeded 20 seconds. My system is MacBook Pro Mid 2012, i5 2.5 Ghz, 10 GB Ram, SSD Kingston, Mojave Last Beta, Malwarebytes Premium 3.4.12. A greeting Massimiliano
  4. It would be interesting, in addition to the language between which I hope the Italian will be included, to be able to choose one or more newsletters between Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS systems. thank you greetingd Massimiliano
  5. Thank you so much. If there aren’t further details you can give me, close the ticket; I can guarantee you that I will take into consideration what you have explained to me and in similar cases I will open a ticket with all the required log ready in order to speed up the resolution of any problems. Thanks again. A greeting. Massimiliano
  6. Thanks Yoan. I would like to know more about the two methods you described in the last post, assuming that it can be done theoretically
  7. Neither the Uninstall button present in the control panel nor that present in the Windows 10 settings operated. Probably the process that is invoked by these functions was irreparably corrupted and this could, or at least imagine, be the reason why even the anti-malware could not remove them both or at least the browser hijacker.
  8. Thank you Yoan for the quick response. In my case, search the web (Yahoo) was included in the installed software list of Windows 10 control panels, programs and features section, and there was no way to remove it from there. The same applies to McAfee TrueKey. I must say, however, that I am not aware of any trouble created by my nephews on that computer with regard to browsing, downloading and installing software on collections of free programs. However, as far as browser hijackers are concerned, neither Malwarebytes Premium, nor RogueKiller free, nor AdwCleaner have been able to detect and remove it. I would be grateful if you could add me something about this last piece of information I gave you. In any case I will execute your instructions; rather I put in the bookmarks of my browser the link to your first post so as to easily find it in the future and behave accordingly. Thanks again A greeting Massimiliano
  9. As I wrote in my first post, I have now formatted the machine and so He has a clean system. I need guidelines to follow in case of a new infection of the same malware, if It gets back, that I avoid clean installation. As I wrote, it was the computer of my nephew, a child, who was being restored very quickly. It would be enough to be careful where you surf and what you download and / or install, and then with Malwarebytes you would not suffer infections: but it is a child and it would be too much.
  10. The Kaspersky researchers would find malware called AppleJeus linked to the Celas Trade Pro application, created by craker group Lazarus (source Macitynet.it and AO Kaspersky Lab). I hope it can be useful as a warning Obviously not to take risks I did not proceed to download and test the application so I rely only on what read on the internet. Thanks for attention Regards Massimiliano
  11. I would like to know if the UXPROTECT software of Digita Security downloadable from the following link can be a valid compendium for Malwarebytes for macOS? Here the link to VirusTotal where it is considered completely clean by the 55 engines present. Unfortunately, unless you've added it recently, I've found in the forum several times that Malwarebytes for macOS is not on VirusTotal. I would also like to know from you if it is safe to use it. Thank you regards Massimiliano
  12. A few days ago, I found the Search The Web (Yahoo) software on my nephew's computer in the program section of the Windows 10 control panel. It presented no symptoms but was not removable in any way with ordinary procedures and therefore I thought it was malevolent. I tried to scan with Malwarebytes (last version) premium, Adwcleaner (last version) and Rogue Killer (last version) free. None of the three managed to detect and delete the software in question. Same with the True Key software: it was not uninstallable and none of the three used antimalware was able to detect and delete it. Since I've never done a clean installation since the purchase of the machine I have formatted the PC and I have solved it. (I state that he's children and do not always aware of the sites that visit and from which download - he's protected with malwarebytes premium) I would like to know, from anyone who can tell me, what software they are and if they are dangerous and I get back into a windows 10 pc (but not only, if they exist for other systems: I am particularly interested in macOS) what can I do to eliminate them? Thank you so far who can help me Regards Massimiliano
  13. It wasn’t necessary to uninstall the app to risolve the issue: it would have been enough the forced exit, restart the Mac and block the beta updates and you would have had the app as before. If the upgrade does not work, it seems obvious to me that this is a setup problem. Moreover anyone who has the slightest idea of what is a beta program knows that these aren’t versions to be installed on the primary device. who is the cause of his illness, weeps himself. (Italian way of speaking)
  14. for the experience I have had so far if the expected time has passed when the Mac is powered up, it scans. At least so it happens with the premium version: I assume that even if the deadlines are more distant from each other (a month in fact), it does not change. To the staff the sentence ...
  15. Thank you very much So I will only tell my sister to access the PCs indicatively once a month, maybe during the Patch Tuesday so as to check all available updates. As always you have been very kind. Happy holiday Massimiliano
  16. Hello exile Thank you for the clarifications. Scanning works and it's OK, updates must be done with an administrator account. Does it also remove the malware found with the limited account or just the scan? I ask because it is not specifically indicated; maybe it's me that I have not caught. I thank you for the further clarification. A greeting Massimiliano
  17. Hello everyone, a few months ago I bought for my nephews a premium license of malwarebytes to protect them in all respects, setting on their pc their account as a PC administrator but not of the "Microsoft Family". The problem that I have found is that in this way, despite their Microsoft accounts are related to that of the mother, which restricts their use in particular regarding the daily time being minors (can not make any kind of purchase on the store), with Microsoft's Family Option, Microsoft's parental control has failed. My sister then turned their accounts into Standard accounts in order to have control over their use of the PC. In this way Malwarebytes (last version) works correctly and completely? On their PC, a Scanning of Noctive Elements is performed every 24 hours and a complete scan every month. Does it happen correctly? Should malware be detected, they would be eliminated completely? Or does the use of Malwarebytes become useless? (I add that each of them has its own computer for which there is no material possibility to carry out a daily check on the presence of detected and not deleted malware). Thanks to all those who will clarify my ideas. Greetings Massimiliano
  18. Thank you for the answers but unfortunately it is not what I need: I am not so much a beginner. What I would be interested in, provisionally waiting for the release of the malwarebytes extension for safari, is something that can replace it but at the same time is not like that of renowned antivirus whose extension for safari claims to be able to read and transmit username, password and credit card numbers. Thanks again Massimiliano
  19. Hello everyone, I wanted to ask, on macOS, using Safari for web browsing, if there is something in particular that can be done, apart from using an ad-block (I use ka-block) and keep Google Safe Browsing active, waiting bait a Malwarebytes web security (via app or by extension for Safari), to risk as little as possible while browsing or download from the web. (when I use Firefox I already use your extension in beta, but my use of Firefox is a minority because I prefer Safari by far). I add that I use Malwarebytes Premium (latest version) with scheduled update and scan every 1 hour Thanks to anyone who wants to help me understand. Greetings Massimiliano
  20. Hello everyone I would like to ask the staff a question. If on a mac (updated to the last possible version) with Malwarebytes for macOS (last beta) a bootcamp partition is added with Windows (or 10 or 7 - the latter would give less problems even if unfortunately it will be updated only for 1 a year and a half) on which Malwarebytes for Windows (latest version available) is available as security software, is it creating a risky situation from the point of view of malware & C.? Thanks to all those who want to clarify my ideas. It could become a forced situation due to a feature that with macOS, as expected, gives many problems. If it is better to use different computers, let me know. Greetings
  21. I can confirm that even with the public beta 4 of Mojave, Malwarebytes is not upgraded in-app to the last beta: it always hangs at the same point.
  22. Improved scan times: last beta lasted 18/20 seconds with 16 seconds all on OSX.VSearch; now the total scan lasts 5 seconds.
  23. I received today the new beta 3.4.11 Unfortunately, the installation on Mojave does not work yet. Excellent new scheduled scan. There are still four things left to me, the first three most important the fourth least: - web protection (to be implemented or internal to the application as on Windows - the best way because it protects all browsers - or by means of an extension for Safari that cannot read information from web pages personal data such as passwords or credit card numbers (I say so because many Safari extensions currently report this) - web ad-blocker (as on iOS) - Search for threats with machine learning to be able to find unknown threats (it would increase security as much as possible) (both to be implemented trying to maintain the current consumption of Mac resources) - More detailed reports (not just a list but true reports with the list of threats found) With the first three it would be exceptional; with even the fourth would border perfection I know that functions in progress can not be anticipated; I intend only to communicate what are the necessary things in my opinion. Thank you Massimiliano PS: I have to report a misprint: Manual scans are also reported in reports when they are scheduled scans.
  24. Thank you. I received it now. But it does not change anything from 1.0.19 (or at least I think, there's no setting about the VPN)
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