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Everything posted by Massimiliano

  1. I would like to point out that Malwarebytes 3.3.1 for Windows says in the scanning log that Windows 8 is running as operating system in my pc despite I have windows 10 version 1709 (Build SO 16299.64 November 2017) which did not happen in old versions of malwarebytes 3.x I attach the last scanned log and winver image executed today scan.txt
  2. The screen I made visible in this post (I'm sorry that it is in Italian and not in English) is taken from an additional browser to the iOS system in the Appstore, but it has iOS integration limits (for example, the links in the "iOS Mail App" mails do not open in this browser). Such features, obviously not a copy, would be a good addition to Safari settings in both iOS and MacOS with an add-on of an adblocker. In iOS, probably, as you wrote above, you can not add anything else, in MacOS instead it would be a feature that further enhances the security offered by Malwarebytes 3. Thanks Greetings
  3. It is always considered high-power, both when scanning and when it is only active with realtime protection in the background
  4. I do not have a screenshot (I never use Android because it's my dad and I'm not very practical but I can give you some data); I can tell you that it is the only system app that is considered high energy consumption, consuming 2.60% of the battery against a 9.78% of the Android system on a total of 38% of the software consumption and a 62 % consumed by smartphone hardware Consumption is 74.95 mAh for MalwareBytes compared to Android OS that consumes 215.55 mAh. As a comparison I can tell you that Gmail consumes 36.54 mAh Thank you regards
  5. Obviously for iOS typical threats a protection at least equal to that of macOS so even in real time.
  6. Thanks for the clarification. I knew it was not the appropriate forum: I just hooked up to a previous statement; however, it does not provide the uninstaller if you need it is also Microsoft Office 2016 which is a totally respected application; Certainly Malwarebytes providing it is much better Also because often apps leave various unnecessary files on the disk that slow down the system Thank you very much Greetings Massimiliano
  7. There are mac (not appstore) applications that haven't an uninstall procedure unlike malwarebytes: in case why isn't recommended to use appcleaner (which is sold on appstore)?
  8. I have read. but it's best if you optimize the Malwarebytes consumption so I don't have to give up real-time protection. As for programmed scanning, it is set once a day.
  9. Instead of implementing separate products for different types of threats for macOS, it would be better, like windows, to implement everything in malwarebytes 3 (either ramsomware or phishing or other threats)
  10. Malwarebytes Premium for Android is reported by Android 7.0 on Huawei P8 Lite 2017 as a high power consumption app. Is it possible to resolve this problem to increase the autonomy of the smartphone? thank you
  11. The last two posts have been reported in the malwarebytes 3.1 mac beta forum. Please drop them out of this forum
  12. I would like to know, because I have read today, about the malwarebytes (and other antimalware software) problem ( the thing is cited on silicon.it) if the product is protected by double-agent attacks and more I would like to know something more about the new ramsomware bad-rabbit that is spreading in Europe? The question is interesting for both the Microsoft Windows system and the macOS system? Thank you Greetings Massimiliano
  13. continues from the previous post and also the database version: all of these data should also be displayed in the right area of the malwarebytes main screen thanks
  14. Thanks a lot, now it's all clearer; in case of infection, however, more the alarm is highlighted is better. it would not be bad, as it did for the windows version, you created the site and the application in Italian and other language; not only in English (also for new features and license text) In the macOS version, more features are appreciated; to start, it would not be bad if in the menu that opens from the menu bar icon, the date of the last scan and the status tag icon will be displayed next to the date of the last update thanks
  15. attach the two mb-check files The performance are 50 minutes with 3.2.2 and 38 minutes with 3.1.2 the performance of 3.1.2 has worsened with the latest update of windows 10, previously it was 18 minutes with 3.1.2 of malwarebytes mb-check-results 3.1.2.zip mb-check-results 3.2.2.zip
  16. I assume that when, during a scan, malwarebytes detects a malware move the file in quarantine as for any software similar to Malwarebytes. I'd like to know what's going on, step by step, when a malware is detected by real-time protection: downloading something with a malware for mac to find out it would seem silly; can you then show the behavior of malwarebytes in this case: are notifications displayed or what happens next? More than that, to find me unprepared in such a situation. thank you
  17. From version 3.1 to version 3.2, the total time of scanning, equal to hardware and quantity of software / data, ranged from about 18 minutes to about 50 minutes
  18. Also attached the scanning screenshot captured 3 seconds after the end of the memory scan: the times are slightly improved but still unsustainable; should be optimized as it was in version 3.1 where memory scanning was done in about 2 minutes
  19. I downloaded and launched the recommended tool. Regarding the five issues he considers, no one is detected: for all the result is "not present" I attach the new mb-check-result.zip file created after launching the indicated tool I also attach image results tool In the meantime I try to scan again (I'll let you know the timing results) and if you have any other ideas I like it ... thank you regards mb-check-results.zip
  20. Attach the mb-check-results.zip of the i3 processor computer that is the one that has office 2016; if you solve the problem then I will apply the instructions I provide on the other computer and eventually will post the same attachment of that pc in the future if the optimization does not succeed for the second pc. thank you regards mb-check-results.zip
  21. With version 3.1, the full custom scan took about 19 minutes. From version 3.2, full custom scanning, with the same data on the SSD, takes about 50 minutes, of which 25 or more only for memory. Regarding the scanning of harmful elements in the new version has been improved and lasts about 10 minutes. We talk about an ssd containing about 30 Gb of data (including Microsoft Windows 10 (build 16299.19) and various applications including Microsoft Office 2016). The situation is equal to both an i7 and an i3 both with 8Gb Ram and the same volume of data (on i7 there is no Office 2016) Thank you
  22. Can you optimize memory analysis during custom scanning? It is too slow and for a computer with i7 HQ and 8Gb RAM, the analysis of only memory lasts over 30 minutes.This was not the case with version 3.1 of malwarebytes.You kindly do something.Thank you
  23. Knowing that they are all reassuring, but I would like to know in detail what they are. thank you
  24. Last thing: I would like to know which malicious software categories, in addition to the 3 ramsomware, malwarebytes for macOS detect and fights? thank you
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