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About Doctor9fan

  • Birthday 06/19/1966

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    Bolton, Gtr Manchester, England

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  1. Have you ever trialled MalwareBytes before? If yes then usually a program will remember even after clean installing Windows
  2. Thanks again Porthos. I have a mymalwarebytes account so there’s still that.
  3. I’ve been following as I too wondered how to activate Ver 5 should the need arise so I thought I’d follow the suggestion to contact support. My advice is don’t bother as they had no interest in offering me an up to date key & just said I could activate by signing in - where they didn’t say but I assume it is mymalwarebytes. No doubt the op answer from support will be the same.
  4. Sorry to hear of the theft. Have you registered for a my.Malwarebytes account? There you can disable/remove the old pc to add the license to the new pc.
  5. Same problem for me & disabling MB & turning off launch at startup, then restarting the laptop worked, then downloading the update from the MS catalogue worked for me. However a new CU preview was released yesterday & these workarounds did not work, I had to disable Net framework 3.5 & do these workarounds to install it.
  6. If you click on the Malwarebytes box (shown in the screenshot) does it open & show your license key & reference number? Mine does.
  7. Did you change the printer’s settings to the new router’s SSID & Passphrase? If not then that’s the problem.
  8. Thanks @AdvancedSetup The problem has been resolved by removing GoG.exe from the list of ‘hide notifications when these programs are running’ & all was fine. I added the program again & all remained working. The thread can be marked as solved.
  9. Thanks nukecad. In my case the notification doesn’t appear so no sign anything is happening. I’ve narrowed the problem down to Galaxy (GOG) client, if I exit it completely then the update runs, if I remove it from the list of quite notification list then the update works, however if I keep it running in the taskbar but running in the background then the problem returns. I then removed it from the ‘hide notifications & stop updates when running these programs’ list & added it again & it seems fine. I’ll continue to monitor the problem.
  10. Update: I clean installed MB & the update button worked, however while I was adding programs to the exclude list MB closed & the update button doesn't work again. I've also run the Repair Windows settings option,
  11. Hello, Ver: I've just tried to run a manual update check & found the Update button appears to do nothing. Checking further & I've found that no update has occurred since the 3rd of August. I've reinstalled via the support tool, but the problem remains. I've included the results. I'm going to try a clean install of MB. mbst-grab-results.zip
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