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Everything posted by sman

  1. For XP the support was for 2 yrs after EOL so would be similarly for win 7 but what abt telemetry issues with FF?. So after 2 yrs one will be forced to change OS, then?
  2. Google to Windows 7 users: Chrome support will run until at least July 2021 "https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-to-windows-7-users-chrome-support-will-run-until-at-least-july-2021/" Just as it did for Windows XP, Google is offering extended Chrome support for Windows 7 for at least 18 months after Microsoft stops delivering free patches for the desktop OS. As most ZDNet readers would know, Microsoft is ending free support of Windows 7 next week, on January 14, 2020. Yet US government website traffic suggests nearly 20% of visitors who use PCs are still running Windows 7. While consumers can either upgrade or live dangerously without Microsoft patches, businesses do have the option to pay for Extended Security Updates for Windows 7. It's the business crowd that Google is considering with its new minimum 18-month extension on Chrome support for Windows 7 PCs. "We will continue to fully support Chrome on Windows 7 for a minimum of 18 months from Microsoft's End of Life date, until at least July 15, 2021," Max Christoff, engineering director at Google Chrome, said. Of course, Christoff gives a plug to Chromebooks and Chrome OS, arguing IT teams want the latest OS version quickly with minimal cost and disruption, and what better time to shift gears when "there's a major reliance on cloud and SaaS apps", which all run in the browser anyway.
  3. My suggestion is for Windows lovers to go for dedicated / multiboot systems, to get the best of both and yes, you have made clear that you're sticking to Win 7 with your own tools & protection. And my suggestion is for Windows lovers in general.
  4. If there is so much to compromise with MS than open source options are the better bets, instead of losing peace of mind and getting paranoid with MS. Agreed, you cam't do everything going to open source which is not fully compatible for Gamers etc. Want the best of both, than go for MS for Gaming alone and and switch to open source for other general works (either with separate dedicated systems or with Multiboot..
  5. Preinstalled apps are a problem with even major brands, with security tools, managers embedded with spyware etc. Preinstalled Android apps could contain a selection of 146 vulnerabilities "https://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/3083826/preinstalled-android-apps-could-contain-a-selection-of-146-vulnerabilities" Good that MBA spotted the abuse and brought to light..
  6. A big big ask of users to stay away from social media and the urge to check links.. An addiction which will be very difficult to curb or control.. So, better to be wise than sorry. telemetry is no doubt a concern. There will always be hidden agenda / user policy which will keep mining data w/o user's knowledge.. Being practical than being paranoid and losing peace of mind. Security tools themselves do mine data (whatever the reasons valid it may be) than why blame MS alone?
  7. yuve yuve, nice beat..and talented angelina..
  8. Yes. it's all of one's opinion. . I was into soft music at that time and felt, to noisy. I really liked the Games of throne, it was good. Maybe if I review the no's again I' may have change of opinion.
  9. Game of thrones is the only no. which stands out. others too much showmanship, jarring background in thunderstrucj.. soft tunes soothens nerves..
  10. CMC Tv - "https://www.cmc-tv.com/" (California Music Channel0
  11. iheart radio live - "https://www.countrymusicchannel.com.au/shows/top-30-countdown"
  12. A warning from ancient tree rings: The Americas are prone to catastrophic, simultaneous droughts "https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/12/warning-ancient-tree-rings-americas-are-prone-catastrophic-simultaneous-droughts" For 10 years, central Chile has been gripped by unrelenting drought. With 30% less rainfall than normal, verdant landscapes have withered, reservoirs are low, and more than 100,000 farm animals have died. The dry spell has lasted so long that researchers are calling it a “megadrought,” rivaling dry stretches centuries ago. It’s not so different from the decadelong drought that California, some 8000 kilometers away, endured until this year. By analyzing tree ring records, scientists have now found evidence that such tandem droughts are more than a coincidence: They are surprisingly common over the past 1200 years, and they may often share a common cause—an abnormally cool state of the eastern Pacific Ocean known as La Niña. “We did not expect there to be as much coherence as we see,” says Nathan Steiger, a paleoclimatologist at Columbia University who presented the work this month at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union. “They just happen together.” The results suggest that, in the future, extreme aridity could strike all along the Americas’ western coast. Evidence for synchronous, hemispherewide droughts first emerged in a 1994 study in Nature, which documented dead tree stumps in the middle of lakes and rivers in both Patagonia and California’s Sierra Nevada. For trees to grow in stream- and lakebeds, the droughts must have lasted for decades, and at least one of these megadroughts seemed to have hit both continents simultaneously.
  13. Authoritarian Nations Are Turning the Internet Into a Weapon "https://onezero.medium.com/authoritarian-nations-are-turning-the-internet-into-a-weapon-10119d4e9992" From Twitter’s spies to complete shutdowns, repressive regimes are using A.I. and VPN fingerprinting to silence their critics When two former Twitter employees were charged with spying on behalf of Saudi Arabia in November 2019, the case spotlighted the new and inventive ways oppressive governments are using technology to stifle dissent. According to the U.S. Justice Department, the two men — a U.S. citizen and a Saudi citizen — passed private information about more than 6,000 Twitter users, including regime critics, to a Saudi official in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars and a designer watch. For most people, the news sparked concerns that companies like Twitter are failing to keep user information secure. But for activists operating in or against repressive regimes, the privacy breach sparked fears that their Twitter data could be life-threatening in the wrong government’s hands. According to court documents, one alleged spy had access to recent IP information — which details a user’s location — despite having “no legitimate business purpose for accessing user accounts.” Twitter says it has since changed its rules and now “restrict access to sensitive account information to a limited group of trained and vetted employees.” But the extraordinary case draws attention to how dictatorships are increasingly using technology to crush online dissent. Digital tools are no longer the existential threat they were at the start of the decade; instead, democracy activists must now contend with social media spies, spyware that can hack into their phones, social media trolls that attack them, and government propaganda and website blocking that can censor online content. Last year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg described cybersecurity as “an arms race,” with bad actors racing to outdo Facebook’s technology to win the information war. But it is not only social media giants that are facing off against increasingly tech savvy autocrats. As governments continue to expand their arsenal of technologies designed to control communication and suppress dissent, so grows the need for more imaginative and reliable tools to defy them. Yet Lowenthal, from Brave, hopes there is a more sustainable future. “I don’t think that safety and security for vulnerable groups should start or end with tools,” they say. “Honestly, I’m pretty embarrassed and sad that we focus on tools so much when we talk about how to ensure activists can do their work without being murdered.”
  14. A man is lying on the beach, sun bathing, wearing nothing but a cap over his manhood. An ugly woman is passing and remarks: "If you were any sort of a gentleman, you would lift your hat to a lady!" He replied: "If you were any sort of a lady, the hat would lift itself!"
  15. Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
  16. 'Man on the Moon' moment - the year's big breakthroughs "https://www.bbc.com/news/health-50813226" It has been a remarkable year of promise in medical science - from inventing ways of treating the untreatable to reversing paralysis and keeping the brain alive after death. "It was like [being the] first man on the Moon," said 30-year-old Thibault. He was describing the moment he was able to take his first steps since being paralysed in a fall two years ago. He can now move all four of his paralysed limbs with a mind-controlled exoskeleton suit. His movements, particularly walking, are far from perfect and the robo-suit is being used only in the lab. But researchers say the approach could one day improve patients' quality of life.
  17. The Electric house (1922) - https://youtu.be/FdhWfsqp114 This Train Set Will Deliver Cocktails to You in Your Home "https://www.thrillist.com/news/toy-train-set-deliver-alcohol" "https://twitter.com/MrTimDunn/status/942490071604883461" Tim Dunn ‏ @MrTimDunn I have laid 40ft of train track between sofa and kitchen. A good service is now operating: this train carrying two gin & tonics has just arrived. London Genius Turns Model Train into Personal G&T Delivery System "https://vinepair.com/booze-news/gin-train/" Fritz's Railroad Restaurant: Food Delivery by Toy Trains "https://www.amusingplanet.com/2012/02/fritz-railroad-restaurant-food-delivery.html"
  18. "https://youtu.be/vTpex9wojJA" "https://youtu.be/vTpex9wojJA" "https://vytopna.cz/" "https://www.thejunctiondiner.com/" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-YgGk9gA-A" "http://www.thechoochoo.com/" "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsIbgX1w_Hc" "https://youtu.be/mdwlaPGtOfs" "https://youtu.be/tF6PrC0K5Dk"
  19. Yes..maybe this could be a reality if the material becomes commercially viable.
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