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  1. @exile360 The underlying OS is a factor with Chromium/Steam and it's impact overall. Intel/AMD don't support Win 7 anymore. So, how long can one go with an unsupported OS?? How To Get Ryzen Working on Windows 7 x64 "https://www.anandtech.com/show/11182/how-to-get-ryzen-working-on-windows-7-x64" Officially, AMD does not support Ryzen CPUs on Windows 7. Given that Microsoft has essentially ended support for the OS, this is the type of response we expect from AMD – Intel has also stopped officially supporting Windows 7 on the newest platforms as well. 'Official' is a general term: some special customers may receive extended lifetime support, or drivers currently out in the ecosystem still work on the platforms. Official support refers to driver updates and perhaps security updates, but there’s nothing to stop you trying to install an OS to either system or platform. For clarification, we did not converse with AMD in writing this piece. AMD's formal position on Windows 7 on Ryzen is that it is unsupported, and as a result this means they will not provide support around it. There may also be other methods to install an unsupported OS, however here are a few solutions.
  2. New "uncrackable" security system may make your VPN obsolete "https://www.techradar.com/news/new-uncrackable-security-system-may-make-your-vpn-obsolete" New computer chip allows information to be sent using a one-time unhackable communication Researchers at the University of St Andrews, King Abdullah University of Sciences and Technology (KAUST) and the Center for Unconventional Processes of Sciences (CUP Sciences) have developed a new uncrackable security system which is set to revolutionize communications privacy. The international team of scientists have created optical chips that allow for information to be sent from one user to another using a one-time unhackable communication that is able to achieve 'perfect secrecy' since confidential data can now be protected more securely than ever before. The researchers' proposed system uses silicon chips that contain complex structures that are irreversibly changed in order to send information in a one-time key that can't be recreated or intercepted by an attacker.
  3. @exile360 on Windows security features for Steam Steam - Windows XP and Windows Vista Support "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=1558-AFCM-4577" Starting on January 1 2019, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems. This means that after that date the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. In order to continue running Steam and any games or other products purchased through Steam, users will need to update to a more recent version of Windows. The newest features in Steam rely on an embedded version of Google Chrome, which no longer functions on older versions of Windows. In addition, future versions of Steam will require Windows feature and security updates only present in Windows 7 and above. For the remainder of 2018 Steam will continue to run and to launch games on Windows XP and Windows Vista, but other functionality in Steam will be somewhat limited. For example, new features such as the new Steam Chat will not be available. We encourage all users on these operating systems to upgrade to newer versions of Windows in order to have ongoing access to the latest features of Steam, and to ensure future access to all games and other Steam content.
  4. @exile360 Steam gamers warned of Windows 10 security risk 'https://www.techradar.com/news/steam-security-risk-gaming-windows-10-zero-day' Privilege escalation vulnerability could allow attackers to install malware and steal data Valve's popular PC gaming platform Steam is vulnerable to a hugely damaging zero-day security vulnerability, experts have warned. According to new findings, around 72 million Windows users are at risk of having their systems taken over by an attacker who could then install malware, steal data, compromise passwords and more. The vulnerability was disclosed by security researcher Vasily Kravets, who discovered a privilege escalation vulnerability which could allow an attacker with minimal user permissions to gain the same levels of access as the system admin. Nvidia graphics cards found to be vulnerable to security flaw These are the best Steam alternatives for PC gamers Zero-day defenses are a good reason why you need the latest version of Windows 10
  5. Since MS is for it's own ORTC it's notion of WebRTC, the support for WebRTC as in Chrome, FF etc. in Edge Chromium is not clear.. Is there a clear picture of it, going by these following articles. - WebRTC the Microsoft Way – Support for ORTC in Edge "https://thenewdialtone.com/ortc-in-edge/' ORTC Support in Edge Chromium "https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Discussions/ORTC-Support-in-Edge-Chromium/m-p/411631"
  6. Linux is now a viable OS for PC gamers, thanks to Steam's Proton initiative "https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming-linux-has-come-long-way" It's not all good news for Linux, however, even with Steam's Proton. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) simply refuses to work due to BattleEye anti-cheat software not playing ball. Grand Theft Auto V and other AAA games can sometimes break unofficially established support through updates, while other games simply refuse to launch at all. ProtonDB is a great resource to see just how games perform on Linux, including your favorites. Times are changing with the likes of Vulkan on the block, and I see more natively supported games be released or better still, open-source solutions like Proton and WINE filling in the gap. Should performance continue to improve with further backing of more giants within the industry, 2020 and beyond should be a good year for Linux. It'll be interesting to see how Microsoft approaches support for Linux (hello, Edge) as the company progresses along its cloud and services roadmap. Linux isn't for everyone, but I urge you to give it a try if you're on the fence. Ubuntu is one of the best distros to try if you're new to the platform, and it has everything you need to play top games through Steam. It's not perfect, and there's a long way to go, but there are certainly sparks flying out of this small fire. @exile360
  7. but does it support WebRTC ?? Microsoft disabled or replaced these Google features in the new Edge "https://www.ghacks.net/2019/04/09/microsoft-edge-google-features-disabled/' Services that communicate with Google or are powered by Google are affected for the most part; this is a distinguishing factor of Microsoft Edge when you compare it to other Chromium-based browsers. It would be interesting to see lists of removed or replaced Chromium features of other Chromium-based browsers such as Vivaldi or Opera.
  8. @exile360 One way DRM UWP is good but performance wise is the problem, but when this doesn't support earlier versions, how then Gamers will be able to Game w/o switching to Win 10??.. or is steam the answer? though I'm not a gamer, just curious.. And with steam dependant on security features of Windows , so the impact with Win10 vs older verions (with already XP, Vista users don't have access to newer features) source wiki..
  9. Facebook is building an operating system so it can ditch Android "https://techcrunch.com/2019/12/19/facebook-operating-system/" Facebook doesn’t want its hardware like Oculus or its augmented reality glasses to be at the mercy of Google because they rely on its Android operating system. That’s why Facebook has tasked Mark Lucovsky, a co-author of Microsoft’s Windows NT, with building the social network an operating system from scratch, according to The Information’s Alex Heath. To be clear, Facebook’s smartphone apps will remain available on Android. “We really want to make sure the next generation has space for us,” says Facebook’s VP of Hardware, Andrew ‘Boz’ Bosworth. “We don’t think we can trust the marketplace or competitors to ensure that’s the case. And so we’re gonna do it ourselves.” Eye OS By moving to its own OS, Facebook could have more freedom to bake social interaction — and hopefully privacy — deeper into its devices. It could also prevent a disagreement between Google and Facebook from derailing the roadmaps of its gadgets. Facebook tells TechCrunch the focus of this work is on what’s needed for AR glasses. It’s exploring all the options right now, including potentially partnering with other companies or building a custom OS specifically for augmented reality. One added bonus of moving to a Facebook-owned operating system? It could make it tougher to force Facebook to spin out some of its acquisitions, especially if Facebook goes with Instagram branding for its future augmented reality glasses. Facebook Portal Lineup Facebook has always been sore about not owning an operating system and having to depend on the courtesy of some of its biggest rivals. Those include Apple, whose CEO Tim Cook has repeatedly thrown jabs at Facebook and its chief Mark Zuckerberg over privacy and data collection. In a previous hedge against the power of the mobile operating systems, Facebook worked on a secret project codenamed Oxygen circa 2013 that would help it distribute Android apps from outside the Google Play store if necessary, Vox’s Kurt Wagner reported. That said, its last attempt to wrestle more control of mobile away from the OS giants in 2013 went down in flames. The Facebook phone, built with HTC hardware, ran a forked version of Android and the Facebook Home user interface. But drowning the experience in friends’ photos and Messenger chat bubbles proved wildly unpopular, and both the HTC First and Facebook Home were shelved.
  10. MS methods do annoy but unless one has the options at hand to make them realise (like with Win phone), have to live with it.. It all boils to how far one is stuck in their stranglehold to offer any fight.. Decision left to user's only, whether to go along or move away.. and having put up with it this long, futile to expect that there will be any dramatic change now.. Have to wait & watch how the MS user community decides..
  11. agreed david, Panditji is panditji, his style of play is unique and 5 grammy's in his career, speaks of his virtuosity with his instrument 'sitar'.. His daughter 'Anushkha Shankar' is performing too and also a treat to the ears.. But Panditji is Panditji..
  12. @David H. Lipman As a panditji fan, hope you like this
  13. tks. @AlexSmith Yah. this thread is very special for getting to know more varieties in music which can add more spice to everyday listening..
  14. Like the beat of Slaves.. I like more soft of soft music.. and pleasing to the ears..
  15. @Alpharius you need to be clear, whether you're interested in notification/protection? and obviously would be protection, so when the objective is being achieved, why should one still have issues?
  16. You are the reason - Good cover, reminds of Backstreet's no's.. That whistle note. the best of Mariah is in Emotions no..(maybe others may differ).. from a declared 'Songbird supreme" by Guinness )source wiki_
  17. 10 Easy Ways to Protect Your Identity Online "https://www.yubico.com/2017/05/ten-ways-protect-your-identity-online/" Mission possible: How to fend off online trackers "https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/anti-tracking-tools/26556/ you also have Windows defender browser protection chrome extension check "https://browserprotection.microsoft.com/learn.html"
  18. Once you are online, you can be tracked in many ways, so one has to live with it.. you can't eat the cake and have it too.. So, if it's about protection from malicious links, websites, go with added protections suggested..
  19. Cloud flaws expose millions of child-tracking smartwatches "https://techcrunch.com/2019/12/18/cloud-flaws-millions-child-watch-trackers/" Parents buy their children GPS-enabled smartwatches to keep track of them, but security flaws mean they’re not the only ones who can. This year alone, researchers have found several vulnerabilities in a number of child-tracking smartwatches. But new findings out today show that nearly all were harboring a far greater, more damaging flaw in a common shared cloud platform used to power millions of cellular-enabled smartwatches. The cloud platform is developed by Chinese white-label electronics maker Thinkrace, one of the largest manufacturers of location-tracking devices. The platform works as a backend system for Thinkrace-made devices, storing and retrieving locations and other device data. Not only does Thinkrace sell its own child-tracking watches to parents who want to keep tabs on their children, the electronics maker also sells its tracking devices to third-party businesses, which then repackage and relabel the devices with their own branding to be sold on to consumers. All of the devices made or resold use the same cloud platform, guaranteeing that any white-label device made by Thinkrace and sold by one of its customers is vulnerable.
  20. The Story of a Teenage Hacker Who Made More Than Your Annual Salary Every Month "https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/59nawb/the-story-of-a-teenage-hacker-who-made-more-than-your-annual-salary-every-month' Maxime took an interest in hacking when he was six. At 16, he'd raked in nearly £1 million via credit card fraud. His first lawyer, Maître Laurent-Franck Lienard, explained that he faced a potential 14 years in prison and a fine of €1 million. The authorities estimated Maxime and his associates had stolen €12.5 million from over 28,000 European credit cards. Sent to temporary detention while awaiting trial, his lawyer managed to get him out for six weeks to study and sit his college entrance exams. He passed with honours. Maxime's trial finally took place in 2008, in Aix-en-Provence, where the appellate court handed him a suspended sentence of only 12 months in prison, and a fine of €45,000. American Express demanded €1 million in damages, which the court rejected. *** Once free, Maxime decided to reboot his life, passing the competitive entrance exam to become a cybersecurity engineer. After a stint at the Ministry of Defence, today he works as a senior pen-tester, identifying security risks for a private cybersecurity agency. "I'm really lucky," he says. When asked what he's learned from the entire saga, Maxime tells me he's not sure he regrets what he did. "Especially because it ended up putting me on the right track – I just had to go through all that to get here. But I want to apologise for the fear and sadness I caused my family. That, I'll always regret." *Name changed to protect the individual’s privacy
  21. How to Test a Suspicious Link Without Clicking It "https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-test-a-suspicious-link-without-clicking-it-2487171" SCAN THE LINK WITH A LINK SCANNER Link scanners are websites and plug-ins that let you enter the URL of a suspicious link and check it for safety. Norton SafeWeb, URLVoid, and ScanURL are services that offer link safety checking. They index the remote destination and then report back on what was found so you never have to load the site on your own computer. CONSIDER ADDING A SECOND-OPINION MALWARE SCANNER A second-opinion malware scanner can offer a second line of defense should your primary antivirus fail to detect a threat (this happens more than you would think). Some excellent second-opinion scanners, such as Malwarebytes and Hitman Pro, can make a real difference.
  22. hmm. seen it. but w/o going into more details, the notification would offer options to dismiss the message. The options are: remind later, learn more, or don’t remind again.so, seems harmless..
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