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Everything posted by sman

  1. Nothing is ultimate.. How 100m has evolved over time, pushing human limits.. Technology will keep evolving and come up with surprises, not thought of.. let's welcome breakthrough's which can make life easier and more meaningful..
  2. More info in "https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/06/190620100015.htm" In the home, energy savings from efficient lighting and appliances have been completely wiped out by increased use of computers and gadgets, and by 2025 a 'tsunami of data' is expected to consume a fifth of global electricity. But this new device would immediately reduce peak power consumption in data centres by a fifth. It would also allow, for example, computers which do not need to boot up and could instantaneously and imperceptibly go into an energy-saving sleep mode -- even between key stokes. The device is the realisation of the search for a "Universal Memory" which has preoccupied scientists and engineers for decades.
  3. Selective patching effectiveness?? feedback from users would help..
  4. Discovery of a 'holy grail' with the invention of universal computer memory "https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=19/06/20/1821219" [An] electronic memory device -- described in research published in Scientific Reports -- promises to transform daily life with its ultra-low energy consumption. [...] The device is the realisation of the search for a "Universal Memory" which has preoccupied scientists and engineers for decades. Physics Professor Manus Hayne of Lancaster University said: "Universal Memory, which has robustly stored data that is easily changed, is widely considered to be unfeasible, or even impossible, but this device demonstrates its contradictory properties." A US patent has been awarded for the electronic memory device with another patent pending, while several companies have expressed an interest or are actively involved in the research. The inventors of the device used quantum mechanics to solve the dilemma of choosing between stable, long-term data storage and low-energy writing and erasing. The device could replace the $100bn market for Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), which is the 'working memory' of computers, as well as the long-term memory in flash drives. [...] Professor Hayne said: "The ideal is to combine the advantages of both without their drawbacks, and this is what we have demonstrated. Our device has an intrinsic data storage time that is predicted to exceed the age of the Universe, yet it can record or delete data using 100 times less energy than DRAM."
  5. This New Chip Could Bridge The Gap Between Classical And Quantum Computing "https://www.sciencealert.com/new-chip-promises-to-bridge-the-gap-between-classical-and-quantum-computing" Quantum computers exist today, although they're limited, cut-down versions of what we hope fully blown quantum computers are going to be able to do in the future. But now, researchers have developed hardware for a 'probabilistic computer' – a device that might be able to bridge the gap between genuine quantum computers and the standard PCs and Macs we have today. The special trick that a probabilistic computer can do is to solve quantum problems without actually going quantum, as it were. It does this using a p-bit, which the team behind this research describes as a "poor man's qubit".
  6. This Japanese hotel room costs $1 a night. The catch? You have to livestream your stay "https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/livestream-hotel-room-japan-intl-hnk/index.html"
  7. @exile360My needs are simple, trading and general purpose browsing, while you have a larger criteria software & gaming to cater to. So, any OS switch has to be in line with one's need. Agreed Linux is not alternative to Windows. I would in-fact watch out for Redox OS which seems to hold lot of promise with a distinct approach..
  8. Tks for all the info @exile360. I'm not a gamer and trading occupies large chunk of the day for me from 9am - midnight . so can't add anything from my side. But how long browsers will continue to support Win 7 for latest media plays?? And prime video doesn't run on Chromium as I face problems in using prime video in my Linux distro with chromium and have to switch to FF based distro to run Prime..Even I face problems with playing some media under chromium in FB , twitter etc. while using Slax OS..9and have to download the part media and run it in a new browser tab- an irritant).. Edit - the problem with prime is due to the need for DRM compliance, and browsers which support it and recognised by Prime.. And when it's latest media plays it's about the media codecs supported by browser and also Flash support which is under phasing out..
  9. After EOL, w/o brower updates, running latest media , netflix, prime video etc. would become a problem. yes, know that you use sea monkey (which is not in the list of supported browsers for Prime Video) but still further up, will face issues in media play even in FB, twitter etc. Prepare to pay In a blog post by Microsoft 365 Corporate VP Jared Spataro, it was announced that from January 14, 2020 a monthly fee, that doubles each year, will be implemented for Windows 7 users in order to keep their computers safe. Unfortunately, this offering is only available to Windows 7 Professional customers in Volume licensing. So the everyday user running Windows 7 Home will not be applicable. A pricing plan obtained by ZDNet for Windows 7 Support is as followed: • Year 1 (January 2020 - January 2021): $50 per device, with Windows 10 Enterprise add-on rate of $25. • Year 2 (January 2021 - January 2022): $100 per device, with Windows 10 Enterprise add-on rate of $50. • Year 3 (January 2022 - January 2023): $200 per device, with Windows 10 Enterprise add-on rate of $100. While this increasing payment model was created to incentivize Windows 7 users to upgrade, the option to hold on to your preferred platform remains if you’re willing to pay for it. Whatever you choose to do, we hope these tips help!
  10. @exile360Dx12 and Win 7 compatibility vs win10 is different.. There are, however, some limits to support. Only 64-bit Windows 7 with SP1 installed is supported. There’s no PIX or D3D12 debug layer on Windows 7, no shared surfaces or cross-API interop, no SLI/LDA support, no D3D12 video, and no WARP support. According to Microsoft, “HDR support is orthogonal to D3D12 and requires DXGI/Kernel/DWM functionalities on Windows 10 but not on Windows 7.” This seems to imply that HDR content can work in Windows 7, but it may be on the developer to implement it properly. "https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/297092-microsoft-makes-it-easier-to-bring-directx-12-games-to-windows-7" There are technical differences between DX12 on Windows 7 and DX12 on Windows 10. DirectML (Direct Machine Learning) is not supported under Windows 7, but all other features implemented in the October 2018 Windows 10 update are supported. There are differences in terms of API usage (D3D12 on Windows 7 uses different Present APIs), and some fence usage patterns are also unsupported. There are, however, some limits to support. Only 64-bit Windows 7 with SP1 installed is supported. There’s no PIX or D3D12 debug layer on Windows 7, no shared surfaces or cross-API interop, no SLI/LDA support, no D3D12 video, and no WARP support. According to Microsoft, “HDR support is orthogonal to D3D12 and requires DXGI/Kernel/DWM functionalities on Windows 10 but not on Windows 7.” This seems to imply that HDR content can work in Windows 7, but it may be on the developer to implement it properly. Microsoft has published additional resources on the topic, including a NuGet package and a D3D12 code sample that runs on Windows 7 and 10 with the same binary. Why Make DX12 More Accessible? This is honestly a little surprising to see. Windows 7 is supposed to be headed for firm retirement in a matter of months. The implication here is that Microsoft is taking this step to cater to gamers that are still using Windows 7, but the Steam Hardware Survey suggests that’s a distinct minority of gamers. Windows 10 has a 71.57 percent market share according to the SHS, while Windows 7 64-bit is pegged at 20.4 percent. What’s interesting here is that the SHS actually tilts much more towards Windows 10 than a generic OS survey. Chinese-Desktop-Market-Share StatCounter data puts Windows 10 at 58.63 percent of the market as of July, compared with 31.22 percent of Windows 10. This suggests that gamers tend to update their hardware more quickly than the mass market, which makes sense. But from what we’ve read, the Windows 7 gamers may be concentrated in China, where it remains the most popular OS. 49.46 percent of Chinese gamers are using Windows 7, compared with just 41.13 percent of PC gamingSEEAMAZON_ET_135 See Amazon ET commerce occurring under Windows 10. Even if we assume Chinese gamers are more likely to be using Windows 10 — and it’s not clear they are — there’s still a much larger share of users in that nation. It’s not clear at all how Microsoft is going to deal with that problem as it relates to overall support, but it could be that this is Microsoft’s way of providing a certain degree of backward-compatibility without being willing to do anything equivalent as far as continuing to provide security features. Microsoft wants its customer base — all of it — to be Windows 10. It’s surprising to see the company extending DX12 backward, but we’d be stunned if they granted Windows 7 a stay of reprieve and kept publishing patches for it. MS could also be hoping to encourage devs to adopt DX12 more widely. Three years after debut, neither DX12 nor Vulkan has done much to revolutionize APIs or gaming. Developers do use the APIs, but we’ve seen comparatively little use of them to pull off anything unique. The need to support older hardware and a wide range of users, plus the fact that these APIs require developers to be more familiar with the underlying hardware, seems to be a drag on their overall usage.
  11. Gr8 news indeed, Ron.. And what about Redox OS which is said to be distinct to iron out the gaps even with Linux??
  12. AMD's Ryzen Gang Is Currently Clobbering Intel On Amazon's CPU Sales Chart "https://hothardware.com/news/intel-ryzen-sales-domination-amazon-intel-zen" Your room can be as bright as the outdoors "https://www.benkuhn.net/lux" Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's might disrupt swimming ability "https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-parkinsons-swimming/deep-brain-stimulation-for-parkinsons-might-disrupt-swimming-ability-idUSKBN1Y12K6" Boeing 777X’s fuselage split dramatically during September stress test "https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/boeing-777xs-fuselage-split-dramatically-during-september-stress-test/" You watch TV. Your TV watches back. In our latest privacy experiment, we tracked how four of the most popular TV brands record everything we watch "https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/09/18/you-watch-tv-your-tv-watches-back/"
  13. Jor1k: Run Linux in the browser with multicore and network support (github.com) "https://github.com/s-macke/jor1k" jor1k is a OpenRISC 1000 emulator written in JavaScript running Linux. It runs in almost any modern web browser. Have a try and see if it runs in your browser by opening the demo. More information can be found on the Wiki pages. @exile360
  14. It's not only about OS support, once EOL is reached, slowly browsers & apps too will follow suit to drift away and stop support for OS (as happened with XP)..So, inevitably OS shift will become a necessity and unavoidable. Edit - @exile360 Operating Systems: Rust Redox – An Next-Generation Attempt to Plug Linux OS Gaps "http://formtek.com/blog/operating-systems-rust-redox-an-next-generation-attempt-to-plug-linux-os-gaps/" Rust is a language developed by Mozilla to help developers be more productive in writing all sorts of software. Even the software for operating systems which normally tends to be written in languages like C or assembly for optimized performance. A group of developers have decided to try to use Rust to build a ‘next-generation’ operating system. Linux is the model, but the goal is to rethink and re-implement to improve the existing capabilities of Linux. Redox Os is MIT-licensed open source. And it is small, coming in at just 26MB out of the box. The goal was to build a microkernel that shipped with the bare minimum of capabilities but which could be expanded, as needed, depending on the requirements of a project. The Redox documentation says that “…we will not replicate the mistakes made by others. This is probably the most important tenet of Redox. In the past, bad design choices were made by Linux, Unix, BSD, HURD, and so on. We all make mistakes, that’s no secret, but there is no reason to repeat others’ mistakes.” An interesting abstraction in Redox is the idea that everything is like a URL. This is a change from Linux’s idea that every item is a file. It simplifies how handlers are registered and provides more consistency.
  15. @exile360I tried many distros, incl. Zorin (not the latest one, but maybe a year or two back) and found it slow and dropped it. Even Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Linux Mint etc. but none fit me as all of them were not stable and finally I found only Peppermint to really work for me (hv just 2Gb memory, so finding a distro to suit it, is the problem) and I'm not into any gaming, so for only my trading & general purpose browsing, this is sufficient. But i do want to expand and provide trading services for others too , but find only skeptics around, who really don't understand the power of my strategy. It's a phenomenol strategy with good returns, so if people come up, would think about system upgradation and for now, peppermint (& slax os which is a lean distro and bootable to RAM suit my BIOS based system) are my inx favs.
  16. Though I have not tried it around, can check this too."WineHQ - Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris ..." "https://www.winehq.org/" :Edited- Adding on 5 of the Best Linux Distros for Windows Users in 2019 "https://www.maketecheasier.com/best-linux-distro-for-windows-users/" Linux is the best-known and most-used open-source operating system. Whether you’re looking for an OS that is tailored for laptops, workstations, desktops, gaming, A/V editing, or servers, you’ll always find a Linux distro for your specific need. However, if you’re new to Linux or are switching to Linux from Windows, you’ll want an OS that is GUI-focused like Windows. There are many different distributions of Linux out there, with some aiming to replicate the look and feel of Windows. The goal of this is to make transitioning relatively painless. With Linux boasting improved hardware support, long term stability and a wider range of software applications, there is no better time to try it! Windows vs Linux: what's the best operating system? "https://www.itpro.co.uk/operating-systems/24841/windows-vs-linux-whats-the-best-operating-system" A lot of people who have a Linux system instead install a free, open source alternative. There are applications for almost every program you can think of. If this isn't the case, then programs such as WINE or a VM can run Windows software in Linux instead. Further Edits.. @exile360 It's Time To Pay Attention To Zorin OS 15, The Best Desktop Linux Distro You've Never Heard Of "https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2019/06/05/its-time-to-pay-attention-to-zorin-os-15-the-best-desktop-linux-distro-youve-never-heard-of/#c9bd6521c80e" Zorin OS 15 launches today(jun 9th), and I'm going to go out on a limb and proclaim that Zorin OS is the best desktop Linux distribution you’ve never heard of. Then again, it’s quietly had more than 17 million downloads since the initial Zorin OS 1.0 launch in July 2009. And though DistroWatch is far from a reliable metric, Zorin OS is ranked higher on that site than KDE Neon, Red Hat, Arch Linux and my current daily driver: Pop!_OS. Briefly circling back to the Windows 7 end-of-life discussion, the Zorin brothers say they're planning to expand the team towards the end of 2019. They say they're on-track to launch an organization-wide computer management SaaS (Software as a Service) tool which will make it easier for more businesses, schools and government customers to switch from Windows to Zorin OS. "We were inspired to begin expanding and creating this tool after we saw that the city of Vicenza in Italy made the switch to Zorin OS a couple of years ago," says Arytom Zorin via email. First and foremost, you can install the proprietary (more performant) Nvidia driver during the OS installation. The second thing: there are normally some additional moving parts necessary to use Proton – the compatibility tool that allows Steam gamers to play Windows games on the Steam for Linux client. Zorin automatically pulls down and installs the Vulkan API dependencies when you download and install Steam. The latest Nvidia drivers are also available without having to enable any additional software sources (or “repositories.”) Finally, I’m quite an advocate for Lutris, a piece of software that makes it really easy to play Windows games from the Epic Games store, Origin and other clients. Not only is Lutris available in the Zorin OS software store, but it automatically grabs Wine 4.0 which is required for many Lutris games to work properly. In other distros there are sometimes several extra steps to get all this humming smoothly. Closing Thoughts I've only spent 48 hours with Zorin OS 15, and I intend to spend a lot more time with Ultimate, Core and the upcoming Lite version featuring Xfce. So please don't treat this as a final review. But I am really enthralled by this distro, especially with its simplicity and focus on appealing to existing Windows and macOS users. It's worth checking out if you're a Linux veteran, and definitely worth recommending to friends and family interested in ditching Windows or macOS.
  17. there is no harm in trying out a Linux Live-CD version and then make a decision whether to switch or not..I'm not sure about games but for general browsing needs I find Linux is sufficient..
  18. - Intel’s behavior is PATHETIC – Core i9 10980XE Review - Ubuntu 19.10: It’s fast, like “make old hardware feel new” fast "https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/11/ubuntu-19-10-quite-simply-the-best-ubuntu-canonical-has-ever-released/" - Anonymous Email Forwarding Create Unlimited Email Aliases For Free "https://anonaddy.com/" - With 'thank you' emails, polite Britons burn thousands of tonnes of carbon a year "http://news.trust.org/item/20191126171236-wwtvc/" - Twitter CEO endorses Duckduckgo. "https://twitter.com/jack/status/1199783221162053633"
  19. Why you should replace Windows 7 with Linux "https://vivaldi.com/pl/blog/replace-windows-7-with-linux/" In less than two months, Windows 7 will enter end of life. Here’s why you might want to replace it with Linux. Opublikowano Listopad 27, 2019 – przez Team Vivaldi Wyświetlenia: 16460 Linux penguin peers out of Windows inviting users to replace Windows with Linux On January 14th, 2020, your Windows 7 will stop getting support, software updates and security fixes. To be clear, your computer will continue to work but your machine (and your data) will be exposed to new viruses and security threats. Some have even suggested that there will be an increase in viruses targeting Windows 7 users specifically. It’s hard to estimate how many people out there are pondering their next move but a recent report from Netmarketshare estimates that Windows 7 is still being used on 27% of all PCs. At Vivaldi, around 15% of all users are on Windows 7. That’s a lot of users. For many people, the simplest option would be to upgrade to Windows 10. However, that won’t work for everyone. Your Windows 7 is likely running on an older machine that might struggle with a resource hungry operating system like Windows 10. To run Windows 10, you need a 1 GHz processor, 1 GB for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit RAM, 16 GB for 32-bit OS or 20 GB for 64-bit OS, and a 800 x 600 resolution display. And that’s just a bare minimum. For many machines, the answer will not be Windows 10. What you need instead is a lightweight, efficient OS that is – of course – resistant to viruses. Why replace Windows 7 with Linux Enter Linux. Linux is an open-source operating system that’s completely free to use. 14% of Vivaldi users are already on it since our browser has pretty awesome support for Linux. And as if that wasn’t enough, a good chunk of the devs here use Linux as their daily driver. Replacing your Windows 7 with Linux is one of your smartest options yet.
  20. Adding on.. 32. In all things lead by example not explanation. 33. Always be respectful. 34. Eat with your mouth shut. Don't make noises when chewing and drinking. 35. Obey the rules. If you're going to break them, think of the consequences (positive and negative). 36. Put your eyes on the sky but keep your feet on the ground.
  21. BTS's 'Boy With Luv' Smashes YouTube's Record For Most Views In 24 Hours "https://www.forbes.com/sites/caitlinkelley/2019/04/15/bts-youtube-24-hour-boy-with-luv/#313fe77e28b6" In just one week, BTS’s “Boy With Luv” smashed the latest record for the biggest 24-hour debut. YouTube confirmed to Forbes that the world’s biggest boy band amassed 74.6 million views in one day with their “Boy With Luv” music video featuring Halsey. The video platform also confirmed that it hit 100 million views in under two days, making it the fastest music video to reach that milestone of all time. BTS previously set a record for the fastest K-pop music video to reach the 100 million mark in 2018 with “IDOL” in under six days. The K-pop superstars currently have 18 music videos with over 100 million views.
  22. Clop Ransomware Tries to Remove Malwarebytes, Native Security Tools From Infected PCs "https://securityintelligence.com/news/clop-ransomware-tries-to-remove-malwarebytes-native-security-tools-from-infected-pcs/" The newly discovered Clop ransomware attempts to remove Malwarebytes and other native security tools from the Windows machines it infects. According to Bleeping Computer, security researcher and reverse engineer Vitali Kremez found that Clop ransomware ran a small program before initiating its encryption routine on an infected Windows machine. The purpose of the program was to disable numerous security tools running on the computer so that it could effectively encrypt a victim’s data. For instance, the threat attempted to disable Windows Defender by configuring the Registry values so as to disable behavior monitoring, real-time protection and other security processes. These settings would return to normal if victims had Tamper Protection in Windows 10, however. Clop, a variant of the CryptoMix ransomware family, also attempted to disable Malwarebytes’ standalone Anti-Rasomware product, which is now retired, using a command that sought to prevent the tool from restarting.
  23. A lot of popular Android apps are filled with dangerous security holes "https://c.mi.com/thread-2647151-1-0.html" Hello Mi Fan's!!! Popular Android apps, like Facebook and Instagram are full of serious security holes, CheckPoint reveals. According to the researchers, these applications available on the Google Play Store contain vulnerabilities that are several years old and have never been corrected. The firm accuses the developers of negligence. An obsolete code has been discovered in 19 popular and regularly updated Android apps on the Google Play Store, report Check Point’s cybersecurity experts. The developers of these applications have not deleted that code even years after the discovery of these vulnerabilities. A lot of popular Android apps are filled with dangerous security holes By exploiting these breaches, a hacker would theoretically be able to execute malicious commands without the knowledge of the users. “Three security vulnerabilities, discovered more than two years ago, make hundreds of applications potentially vulnerable to remote code execution,” said Slava Makkaveev, IT security expert at Check Point. “The user can not do much to protect his smartphone” regrets the expert. The list of vulnerable Android applications In its report, Check Point unveils a complete list of applications that contain security vulnerabilities. In the list, there are major social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram and instant messaging applications, including Messenger and WeChat. Facebook Facebook Messenger Shareit Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Smule JOOX Music WeChat LiveXLive Motorcycle BETA Yahoo! Transit Yahoo! browser Yahoo! MAP Yahoo! Car navigation AliExpress Video MP3 Converter Lazada VivaVideo Retrica TuneIn After Check Point alert, Google has opened an investigation had been opened. For its part, Facebook is trying to reassure its users. “Facebook users are not exposed to any of Check Point’s issues because of the way our systems use this code”, says Facebook. The Californian group claims that a patch has already been added to the Instagram application on Android.
  24. Taylor Swift breaks Michael Jackson’s AMA’s record as she sports pointed stage costume amid Scooter Braun feud "https://metro.co.uk/2019/11/25/taylor-swift-breaks-michael-jacksons-amas-record-sports-pointed-stage-costume-amid-scooter-braun-feud-11213077/" Taylor Swift had a pretty big night at the American Music Awards on Sunday, as she broke records and stuck it to the man at the same time. The man, seemingly, being Scooter Braun, whom Taylor was embroiled in drama with, as well as head of Big Machine Records, Scott Borchetta, after she was apparently halted from performing her old tracks at the ceremony. Last night she took home six awards, which was a massive middle finger to all the haters, as she, in turn, smashed Michael Jackson’s record of 24 wins throughout his career at the ceremony, with her total reaching 29. The 29-year-old star was honoured with the prestigious artist of the decade and artist of the year accolades, as well as favourite artist – adult contemporary, favourite album – pop/rock for Lover, favourite music video for You Need To Calm Down, and favourite female artist – pop/rock.
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