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Everything posted by sman

  1. Michael Gillespie @demonslay335 Loves cats, bunnies, and coding. #Ransomware Hunter. Creator of ID Ransomware. United States "https://twitter.com/demonslay335?lang=ro"
  2. ID Ransomware Upload a ransom note and/or sample encrypted file to identify the ransomware that has encrypted your data. "https://id-ransomware.malwarehunterteam.com/" now is it legit?
  3. In her FB there is ref. to her in Unicef 70 yrs. anniversary concert.. Good talent..
  4. @AdvancedSetupBut this 'dark mode' display is a put-off, can this be changed to 'Normal' display?
  5. @mountaintree16 saw nearly first half of the movie .. LGBT part is a put off. could have been avoided. For music lovers, it's the music which matters.. The movie could have gone with his career part and left the personal life aside..
  6. Web payment card skimmers add anti-forensics capabilities source - https://www.itworld.com/article/3453940/web-payment-card-skimmers-add-anti-forensics-capabilities.html The newly discovered Pipka script can delete itself from a website after execution, making it very difficult to detect. Researchers have detected compromises on ecommerce sites with a new JavaScript-based payment card skimmer that uses anti-forensics techniques, including the ability to remove itself from the web page’s code after execution. Dubbed Pipka, the malicious script was found by researchers from Visa’s Payment Fraud Disruption (PFD) team on the site of a North American merchant that had been previously infected with a different skimmer called Inter. Further investigation uncovered another 16 online merchant sites infected with Pipka.
  7. Now, I find forum completely in 'Dark mode', is there any shift to it? And on the web content preview, when I created any new topic with only link, was advised to give some 'preview' of the contents, so this is what has prompted to give some web content preview with posts and which is the crux of problem now, so is it OK to avoid content preview and go with links only? tks.
  8. @AdvancedSetupSince some content preview is called for any web article, went for copy of paste of the article contents, which if this is the issue, can the content preview be excluded to only go with web article link?
  9. @AdvancedSetup not a totalitarian approach but simply one that is trade-off to required text..
  10. @AdvancedSetup saddens that copy paste causes issues .. no problem will go for converting contents to plain text (or rather opt for 'keep as plain text' option on copy paste). But would it rather be better if the forum editor auto corrects and adjusts text on it's own to avoid re-working?
  11. https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1191888/Bohemian-Rhapsody-film-critics-Queen-Roger-Taylor-interview-Freddie-Mercury-Brian-May Last year Bohemian Rhapsody released to lukewarm reviews from critics. However, the Freddie Mercury biopic has been a huge success at the box office making over $900 million worldwide. Queen’s movie then surpassed expectations by taking home the most Oscars of any film at this year’s Academy Awards. And now Queen drummer Roger Taylor has lashed out at the critics after Bohemian Rhapsody’s incredible accomplishments.
  12. @mountaintree16 not yet seen the movie 'Bohemian rhapsody' .. will now.. The last track 'Fivefinger punch' seems a region restricted, had to use a proxy to check it.. tks. for your comments and movie tip..
  13. good info @exile360 tks.. On DNA computing & where it is can find more infor in https://interestingengineering.com/what-is-dna-computing-how-does-it-work-and-why-its-such-a-big-deal Unquote Unquote Quote - just this month, computer scientists at the University of California at Davis and Caltech have synthesized DNA molecules that can self-assemble into structures by essentially running their own program using six-bit inputs. Microsoft even has a programming language for DNA computing that can help make DNA computing practical once the technology of bio-processors progresses to the point that it can run more sophisticated algorithms. In fact, Microsoft is planning on introducing DNA computing to its cloud services by 2020 and actively developing a DNA data storage to integrate into its cloud services. It is likely that these advances will be realized much quicker than advances in quantum computing. Quantum computing requires sophisticated machinery, superconductors, and extremely cold conditions to keep qubits stable enough to do any actually useful computational tasks, and unless we develop a material that can act as a superconductor at room temperature, they won’t be making their way into our computers anytime soon. DNA computing, meanwhile, uses DNA that we have become expert at manipulating to the point of replacing a single gene of a DNA strand through CRISPR. The materials needed to synthesize DNA molecules are cheap and readily available and remain stable at room temperature and beyond. What DNA Computing is potentially able to achieve given DNA’s resiliency and biological parallelism represents an essential step towards the future of computing. Unquote UnquoteUADVERTISEMENT
  14. I'm assuming your Win version Win 7+ (if Win7, MSE is still supported till EOL..)
  15. there you see, your system is behaving oddly to provide access to this symantec link, which strongly points to issues in your system with PUP's around.. I have attached the link contents as a pdf which you can check out.. PUA.ReimageRepair _ Symantec.pdf
  16. there i no better tool to protect Windows than Defender, while MBAM in a complementary role to it..
  17. @I_hate_W10 you can get more info in https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/194200-removal-instructions-for-reimage-repair/
  18. @I_hate_W10 David has clearly stated that it's a PUP giing fake alerts to scam the user. so better to stay away from it. check out https://www.symantec.com/security-center/writeup/2014-121809-5439-99 ..
  19. Would keenly watch out for Quantum Computers Optical Computers DNA Computers https://www.futureforall.org/computers/computers.htm
  20. Hope, I'm not spamming and simply find this article too interesting for posting here.. Dr Stuart Russell warns AI could be humanity's downfall AI could be a disaster for humanity. A top computer scientist thinks he has the solution. Stuart Russell is a leading AI researcher who literally wrote (well, co-authored) the top textbook on the topic. He has also, for the last several years, been warning that his field has the potential to go catastrophically wrong. In a new book, Human Compatible, he explains how. AI systems, he notes, are evaluated by how good they are at achieving their objective: winning video games, writing humanlike text, solving puzzles. If they hit on a strategy that fits that objective, they will run with it, without explicit human instruction to do so. But with this approach, we’ve set ourselves up for failure because the “objective” we’ve given the AI system is not the only thing we care about. Imagine a self-driving car with an “objective” to get from Point A to Point B but unaware that we also care about the survival of the passengers and of pedestrians along the way. Or a health care cost-saving system that discriminates against black patients because it anticipates that they’re less likely to seek the health care they need. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/10/26/20932289/ai-stuart-russell-human-compatible https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-49961002/ai-could-become-an-enemy-of-the-human-race-warns-expert?intlink_from_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Ftopics%2Fc008ql15d07t%2Fcomputing&link_location=live-reporting-map
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