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Everything posted by sman

  1. @exile360 Here is a report on chrome support for Win 7 limitation (that chrome will stop testing it's browsers on Win 7 because its expensive and will only serve a shrinking number of users). https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2020/jan/16/im-still-on-windows-7-what-should-i-do
  2. "You're stealing our water": Germans protest against Tesla gigafactory https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tesla-gigafactory-germany-protests/youre-stealing-our-water-germans-protest-against-tesla-gigafactory-idUSKBN1ZH0KM Watch the first-ever video of individual atoms bonding and breaking The incredible new footage shows the atoms bonding, separating, then bonding again. https://www.inverse.com/article/62367-watch-first-video-of-atoms-bonding-breaking Key Volkswagen Exec Admits Full Self-Driving Cars 'May Never Happen' Full autonomy remains an impossibly difficult prize https://www.thedrive.com/tech/31816/key-volkswagen-exec-admits-level-5-autonomous-cars-may-never-happen
  3. https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-warns-about-internet-explorer-zero-day-but-no-patch-yet/
  4. oh. if there r solutions on hand, very good..after jun'20 lets see how the things are headed..
  5. For such NDA kind of activity can be carried out with special tools in private and not in public with shared resources. But, if the shift inconveniences many than alternatives to chrome dependency has to be checked out, definitely.. And certainly developers will come up with alternatives to cater to the demand.
  6. I agree that there is no point in disturbing offline work and making it web based, but for me it's something preferable due to my predominant online working and preference to cloud storage , to avoid local storage. And it's what I want to emphasise that even office packages would prefer to do with MS apps or other office suites online, with docs stored in cloud, to be accessible from anywhere/any device. So, when there is a big shift to online working, I would rather welcome it, since it suits me.
  7. But those are all offline work, where it's about online intrinsic work, it's irrelevant whether apps are native/web based, since services are from online servers. So, when wrkg offline, the activity is well within user control and not one of concern. It's online server based services access which is the point of concern and for which access with native apps/web apps is irrelevant as any breach of server security is anyhow going to affect the user. so, why single out web apps then?
  8. And if servers are infiltrated . irrespective of how one accesses services, whether with native or web apps, there is every possibility of data theft. So, why web apps alone be singled out ??
  9. Fileless malware infection is mainly with Windows Power shell, so not known in nix and browser exploits too not known in nix. So, nix wrkg is secure, yes. if servers are infiltrated, one can do nothing to prevent data theft. but as I said there are risks in life, which are part of life and server infiltration are aspects which user has no control and no point in avoiding activities on risk factor uncertainties . https://www.mcafee.com/enterprise/en-in/security-awareness/ransomware/what-is-fileless-malware.html
  10. An old classic and an added bonus of spectacular skating show..
  11. Samsung has the cheapest 2TB SSD right now but it uses a controversial technology "https://www.techradar.com/in/news/samsung-has-the-cheapest-2tb-ssd-right-now-but-it-uses-a-controversial-technology" 1TB is the sweet spot as far as solid state drives are concerned, with the cheapest 1TB SSD routinely available for around $80. But if you need more capacity, it's often worth looking at a 2TB drive (unless you have enough space and connectors to plug in two separate 1TB drives). Such items are falling in price rapidly and at least five models - from Samsung, Team Group, Crucial, Micron, and Gloway - can be purchased for under $200 (all from Newegg). Samsung is by far the most well known of the vendors, but its 860 QVO drive (MZ-76Q2T0B/AM) is based on QLC technology, which might raise eyebrows. Samsung mitigates some of the issues associated with QLC via a feature called Intelligent TurboWrite, which accelerates write speeds and maintains long-term high performance with a larger variable buff
  12. Bu with my nix wrkg. with HDD unmounted, no disk writes possible unless there is Admin privileges, which is off with no Admin login by default with Live-CD boot. Anyway, for Windows users there is always the Browser guard to go for added protection. so, secure wrkg and no worries whatsoever to prefer web apps based wrkg.
  13. Life is full of risks but do we give up our activities for the fear of it, just like the smoking for ex. As we ignore it's risk for its pleasure, for ease & convenience of use , going for web apps is also a way of working to get things done, risks aside. I prefer cloud storage with my nix wrkg, to completely eliminate HDD use , and avoid infections with it. No doubt local storage gives one the option to work offline but since my activities are predominantly online, see no ponit in having local storage and prefer cloud one even though there may be risks with it. So , it all boils to which suits ones wrkg best to go with that . And I advocate web apps for my wrkg.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application Benefits of Web Based Applications. Web applications have a lot of advantages, for example, they don't require installation and updating which saves a lot of administration work for large companies. ... Web based software can be accessed from any device that is connected to the internet. So, online apps have their advantages and would prefer to do all work with just a browser for convenience, ease of use and secure access, cost savings etc. When every activity / service going online, this makes more sense.
  15. For Traders like me, internet is a must, any disruption, will impact positions, which cannot be closed w/o restoration of network. and it's why one has some backup secondary internet plans with other providers too, to fall back when primary network gets disrupted. But if the connectivity fails at exchange/broker level, than nothing can be done, except to wait for resumption of services. For power supply outages one has backup inverter supply, laptop battery power to fall back and close out positions if necessary . or even can switch to mobile trading platform if required to continue trading. So,question of usage of offline apps to trade doesn't arise. so, better off with browser based working and Google decision no bearing on my working. yes, gamers also may feel the impact, if they have to game online with always on network connectivity.and may opt for apps (if available) to game even offline and if apps are going to be affected with Google policy, gamers will certainly feel the pinch.
  16. DSCOVR: Deep Space Climate Observatory "https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/content/dscovr-deep-space-climate-observatory" https://youtu.be/CFrP6QfbC2g About the Mission The Deep Space Climate Observatory, or DSCOVR, will maintain the nation's real-time solar wind monitoring capabilities which are critical to the accuracy and lead time of NOAA's space weather alerts and forecasts. Without timely and accurate warnings, space weather events like the geomagnetic storms caused by changes in solar wind have the potential to disrupt nearly every major public infrastructure system, including power grids, telecommunications, aviation and GPS. DSCOVR will succeed NASA's Advanced Composition Explore's (ACE) role in supporting solar wind alerts and warnings from the L1 orbit, the neutral gravity point between the Earth and sun approximately one million miles from Earth. L1 is a good position from which to monitor the sun, because the constant stream of particles from the sun (the solar wind) reaches L1 about an hour before reaching Earth. From this position, DSCOVR will typically be able to provide 15 to 60 minute warning time before the surge of particles and magnetic field, known as a coronal mass ejection (or CME), associated with a geomagnetic storm reaches Earth. DSCOVR data will also be used to improve predictions of geomagnetic storm impact locations. Our national security and economic well-being, which depend on advanced technologies, are at risk without these advanced warnings.
  17. Yes. Could be for users dependant on apps but for users wrkg only with browser and it's online tools , nothing to worry.
  18. How web connectivity would be affected? Not clear @exile360
  19. Wow. Good idea . But there's pollution everywhere except in may be in remote inhabited areas. And there are satellite videos too of such earth rotation which mày also be checked out to get further ideas. Good luck.
  20. Dizzying Footage of Earth's Rotation Across The Night Sky Will Flip Your Perspective "https://www.sciencealert.com/dizzying-timelapse-shows-earth-s-rotation-against-a-static-night-sky" https://youtu.be/1zJ9FnQXmJI From where we stand here on Earth, it's easy to forget our planet is in constant motion. Most traditional time lapses of the Milky Way make it look as though the night sky is rotating around us - but it's actually the other way around. A dazzling video from astro-photographer Aryeh Nirenberg corrects that perspective, making the reality look incredibly lop-sided. Taking a series of images every 12 seconds for about 3 hours, the photographer was able to capture Earth's rotation in relation to the Milky Way. The result is a steadily tilting floor that looks as though it's about to dump you off the face of the planet
  21. @Pierre75 l thought so and that's why I referred prime video too. Could be available there too.
  22. yes, these happenings are also there and there is also the YT video of animal abuse in the park and lions fighting inside the park and even mauling one lion by a group with the zoo officials looking on. but still the park is famous for the lion show..
  23. @exile360The park is famous for this lion show in open vehicles and in Russia. whether tamed or not can't trust those big cats which can change behaviour any moment, as even tamed elephants turn against their mahouts when they go mad when they turn more aggressive, bulkier when there testosterone levels go up when in state of 'Musth'.. so, pretty dangerous..
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