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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Well now its calmed down to just over 60K and seems to be holding steady so far, maybe its because it was newly installed? Perhaps I posted a bit too soon about this, heh. I'll continue to keep an eye on it, but I think that it was starting to impact resources, something which I can't really afford much of lol At least if I do have issues with it I can go back to 1.46 but we'll see Edit a few minutes later: Now its very slowly climbing up a bit... but not anywhere near 80K, it's a tad over 62K right now. Edited again to add, here is the post that I saw earlier (just found it): http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...st&p=353310
  2. I saw another topic earlier that mentioned this but I cannot seem to find it now. I just finished doing a clean install of Mbam v. 1.50, previously I was using 1.46. My memory usage in 1.46 rarely ever broke 60K, usually it hovered between 20 and 40K. Currently (and I have been monitoring it for about 10 minutes now) it is holding steady around 80K, which is nearly double what it was before. This doesn't really seem to be impacting my system performance thus far but I wanted to mention it and see if there may be a reason for this. XP SP3, KAV 2011, please let me know if any other information is needed. Thanks
  3. I believe Amazon sells it as well (boxed version of Malwarebytes).
  4. Awesome, thanks for the notification and especially for the hard work Major Geeks has it already, that's where I usually get my copy http://majorgeeks.com/Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_d5756.html
  5. aww cute! Is that a weasel or a muskrat or something?
  6. Sorry, I don't know much about it myself (I'd have to read the entire article, I've skimmed it though). I'm sure someone will be able to explain it to you, though
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
  8. Windows Firewall + a good hardware firewall, incl. NAT, is very good Also if you are running Vista or 7, this tool is useful to enhance the built-in firewall: http://www.sphinx-soft.com/Vista/order.html
  9. I agree with Buttons, it's pretty much unheard of to have to run Java to watch a video or a clip. QuickTime, Flash, and Silverlight are what most video streams/clips use. I don't even have Java installed anymore. Barely use it and that's one more thing to have to update and worry about security with
  10. Ah. Well, just sayin', be careful what you're searchin' for and clicking on If you think you may be infected and need assistance cleaning it up and making sure that you are absolutely clean, please read here and then post here. Please use the ADD REPLY button located at the bottom of the page when replying.
  11. I'm glad that Malwarebytes was able to take care of your malware issue I hope that you scanned with your antivirus as well just to make sure. Also it would not hurt to continue scanning daily with an Mbam quick scan just in case to make sure nothing is hiding. If you were to keep finding something, you should take a visit to the malware removal forum here. If you live in the US, www.hulu.com is a safe and free site (there is premium content as well but there is plenty for free too) that has tv shows and clips... you should use that instead. Don't do searches for movies and tv episodes unless you are hunting for malware purposefully -- that's usually a sure-fire way to get infected unfortunately Hulu.com or the official tv networks site are the best bet.
  12. Eak! Yeah, I will be. Hubby and his cousin took it apart... so I'll ask him. I definitely wouldn't do it by myself, lol. Or I could talk to the local computer guy about cleaning out out possibly if we can't figure it out, probably isn't too much of a charge. I know once in a while there's a clump of dust on the back of the main fan area and I pull that off... so the inside might be in need of cleaning as well. It makes some noises sometimes too, just sitting there (not even running anything), so I wonder if that might be due to being dirty.
  13. As I said before, you can go to the post office and get a money order You can pay for the money order with cash Or a parent or friend could purchase the money order for you with a debit card. You can definitely purchase Malwarebytes with a money order.
  14. Ew. Poor cricket Yeah, finding a spider, especially a live one, in your computer would be pretty disgusting. I'll check out our computer sometime... I know it's been taken apart before, so it can't be too hard.
  15. Yikes! That's pretty bad. How do you take them apart to clean? Wouldn't hurt to check ours out.
  16. I used AVG IS last year and I liked it other than the fact that it slowed down my machine pretty good, something that I didn't fully realized until AFTER I'd uninstalled it My reason for saying this though, is that the firewall was pretty easy to use, I really liked it Told me what the program was that was trying to access the internet. Nice and simple. No (confusing to me) HIPS in that firewall.
  17. I say I have to agree with you unless things change... "guarantee the best detection in the world"... how can that be guaranteed?
  18. I could possibly test it too, if that ever happens, that is if one of my friends would let me
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