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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Oh I am not THAT sick Exile. lol! I am actually feeling much better today, hopefully it lasts. I don't want another long, drawn out cold, I've already had at least two in the past year, probably a few more :/ heheheh that is awesome, House rules And you know, it feels like sometimes some medicines are rogues Swine Flu Remover Pro! I want me some of that!! woohoo!!
  2. Thank you catscomputer! I am feeling better now, although I don't know about for tomorrow, hopefully I don't get more run-down feeling You're welcome! I am doing as I said currently too, whilst listening to my iPod, hehe.
  3. I was going to the website of my favorite earplug brand (which I haven't visited before today), and I got an IP block. The site wouldn't fully load. I then tried to go to it again a couple minutes later, and this time no IP block, so maybe it was an advert, although I don't really see any spot for an advert on their site. :/ www.hearos.com IP: Although, when I went to dig out the log to post the IP block, it was listed three times, so maybe it did block more than once? Edit: IP block again..., and its having trouble loading now. Oop, and again, while I was typying this, but then it finally loaded. Edit again: Just went to it again to test it, it loaded fine, no problem, no IP block at all. (This after using ATF Cleaner and clearing my history). Closed the tab, then opened a new tab and got the IP block again. Just posting here to have it checked on just in case it is a FP.
  4. Sweet! That's quite a long wait, though hehe lol
  5. I think I am getting a cold or sick or something of the sort. I hope this doesn't get worse... I hate being sick I shall be having some Chicken soup when I get home later tonight! I was just jokingly thinking, too bad there isn't an Mbam for the nasties that attack our bodies as well as our computers lol
  6. @ ngc7088 See if this link might be of help http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=29158
  7. woohooo yay, that's awesome & good luck to your country with the rest of the upcoming matches
  8. Awesome! I've seen all sorts of them from going to car shows. I haven't been to one in a while though They are awesome cars, my favorite, along with the Volkswagen
  9. Just chiming in with my thoughts here - I've always liked Acer Our first desktop was an Acer, and my family's current computer is an Acer too. Edit: I remember using Gateway in school I liked them pretty well, but I can't really remember any specifics about performance and such. I can tell you I don't much like Dell though Other than that I am afraid I can't be of much help, as I don't know too much about these things yet and I don't know too well what brands are better than others for specific programs/needs etc... As for the RAM, wow! Our Dell has just 512 mb of ram lol. I wish it was bigger!
  10. Hello mxxx and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org Please check out this link for a fix for this code 2 error: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=29028 If that doesn't work, you'll need to do the following, since we do not work on malware removal in the general forums: Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Thank you
  11. Hi Conlin Please read and follow the directions below and someone will get you fixed up as soon as someone is available. It is very busy in there, but the link I am giving you is the only place that malware removal is worked on in this forum. Read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Oh, and here is a direct link to the Norton Removal Tool, given to me by an expert here if you wish to use it. Oh, and check out this link for information on common error codes: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...mp;#entry162096 Thank you
  12. @ deebeee Just popping in here with some Facebook safety advice. I use it too, although I am seriously considering deleting it perhaps in the future. But yes, just do the following and you'll be safer on FB than the average FB user I do all of them and I haven't had any issues, at least not yet... heh. * Do not ever click on a link (well other than the "Facebook generated" ones, such as "post to so-and-so's wall etc... I think you know what I mean ) * Do not click on advertisements (like Exile also said). * Disable Flash (Adobe Flash) while you use Facebook. (Don't forget to enable it when you are finished using FB. I usually disable it before going to the login page and after logging out and going to my homepage). * Do not use Facebook applications. If you do, please use extreme caution. Unfortunately, some applications have been hacked in the past, allowing malicious code to be brought into the users system and therefore infecting it. Some others are malicious to begin with. Of course, not all applications will be hacked or are malicious. Also, anyone can make an application, so that's another thing to keep in mind. Facebook says that they keep an eye and watch out for "bad" or "not legit" applications, but I don't think that that is enough, personally * Keep an eye on this site: http://countermeasures.trendmicro.eu/ blog link given to me by one of our Admins, Miekiemoes. Rik blogs about safety risks including Facebook ones. Also, take a look at these other links that she gave me: http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/09/0...-leads-malware/ http://countermeasures.trendmicro.eu/rogue...ds-to-phishing/ http://countermeasures.trendmicro.eu/two-m...-fucabook-scam/ Happy FB'ing
  13. Hello Pete and welcome! Ah, and, is the first part of your username in relation to the ZR1 Corvette by any chance? (I love Corvettes)
  14. Thanks for the explanation. Go country!
  15. Yep, I agree, even though I haven't personally run across these issues.
  16. Hi Keith. Thank you for looking into this for me I did try looking at the help files first, just for the record, and I also found that they were of little help Thanks again. I guess the computer is good to go with either, but I agree, the Full Scan is probably "fuller" hehe. Hopefully someone who knows better will be able to chime in. thanks again
  17. Thanks for answering this for me Swagger and running both for me to let me know, I really appreciate that (Or may I call you Keith? ) I just want to use the setting that is the best.
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