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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. thanks for the info mbyuser. bleh Yeah, I saw the iobit ad when I took my screenshot. :/ So is filehippo a pretty good site then?
  2. hi js9600 and welcome to the forums. I have no idea if MajorGeeks is done with UniBlue yet. I don't even know what UniBlue is to be honest. Maybe someone else will have the answer to that question. As for the ads, yeah it kinda stinks, but that's how these sites are supported - by generating income from advertisements.. Personally I don't find the MG ones to be as bad or annoying, but yeah, they are still ads. Unfortunately, some of the ads on these sites are less than legitimate and are either rogue or borderline rogue, and/or may be infested... also unfortunately, many people don't realize/know this and/or see them when they are directed to the site to download something else, and end up downloading something from an ad instead. I just ignore them and wouldn't purchase from the site unless I knew without a doubt that it was safe. Anyway, I prefer to buy directly from the source.
  3. You are very welcome! I understand what you are saying/mean here about all the different connected pages and such, and as far as I know you are understanding it correctly and they are all part of each other. Thank you for explaining it in such great detail, very helpful. I am not positive of this though, I'm going to PM someone and see if they can help you find out for sure and if not, they might know someone who does know. I'm also curious to know too, because I've been wondering the same thing actually (about other websites).
  4. Yes, its perfectly okay to use cnet for downloading the free Malwarebytes I've used it before and had no problems! You're not dense, you're just concerned and seem to be a little new at this, and so you have questions, and that is definitely okay! It's always good to have questions, that's how you learn! Believe me, I've had plenty of questions before and I still have plenty of questions yet to come. Like I said before though, if you are especially concerned, please follow the directions in the first post I replied to you with in this thread, and if you still feel that you may be infected, read the following and follow its directions: We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums. Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here. One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available. Please be advised though, that its quite busy in there so it could take 48 hours or more for a response. If its been more than 48 hours, feel free to reply to your post asking for review. Do not add more replies than this though to your post; this can make it appear as though you are getting helped and thus can take longer for a helper to notice that you need help.
  5. @ CCMUA2009 You are very welcome! Yeah, the main reason I don't like download.com / cnet is because of the ads. They are big and annoying, and sometimes less-savvy users accidentally download from the advertisements (it usually will say "ad" or "sponsored ad" or something similar to that either on top of or near the ad) and could potentially end up infecting themselves. Such as the ad on there I frequently see when I check the download page for Mbam on download.com, "Cyber Defender", which I don't know for sure if its a rogue, but it appears as though it could be that way. While MajorGeeks has ads as well, they aren't as prominently displayed and aren't as annoying, and users are less likely to accidentally download something that they don't mean to be downloading. You shouldn't have contracted any virus or malware from your Malwarebytes download from download.com, no. and yes, the bad reviews you read likely had to do with other programs people had downloaded. Once in a great while I am sure there is some program on there that is less than legit and could even contain an infection. It's always good to read reviews of a software product, and now that you are joined up on the forum here, if you are unsure of a program, if you want to post about it, feel free to and someone who might know something about it could check for you and let you know what they think.
  6. @ CCMUA2009 yes, I think that you are just fine! The first few times I downloaded mbam, I used download.com and nothing bad happened to my computer or my friends that I downloaded it on I do recommend the MajorGeeks link now though. And yes, it should be digitally signed, and those file names seem normal to Malwarebytes But yes, you should be fine! If you do have any doubts though, just follow the directions in my first reply to you in this thread, and let me know if you have any questions.
  7. @ CCMUA2009 Because download.com is a hosting site for Malwarebytes, and actually I believe is their #1 download site (meaning a lot of people get Malwarebytes from there). Sometimes that link will take you to MajorGeeks too, which is also a hosting site, and I think a site called filehippo, which I don't really know anything about.
  8. @ CCMUA2009 Yes, the direct link I gave you usually does to go download.com/cnet, which I don't like to use anymore and don't recommend to others either (mainly because of all the ads on their site, some of them rogue-ish) and also I trust MG more after recommendations from Exile I recommend using the link that I gave you to Major Geeks
  9. Oh, hmm. I am not sure what dw.com is, but cnet is download.com, which I am sure you know that I hope that your system is okay! To be sure, do a full scan with your AntiVirus (AV) and then after you've followed my directions below, do a quick scan with Malwarebytes Yes, the direct link from the Malwarebytes page is this link here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam-download.php (it randomly picks a download link from download.com or majorgeeks, and I think there are one or two other sites, but I've noticed that it usually picks download.com) After recommendation from Exile, one of our experts here, to use MajorGeeks, that is the only way I download Mbam now (and what I also recommend), and here is that link for you as well. http://majorgeeks.com/Malwarebytes_Anti-Malware_d5756.html I've included a screenshot of where you should click Also, if MajorGeeks doesn't start download immediately or soon after clicking, they will provide a link for you to click on to download it manually. If you need a screen shot of that too, let me know! Also, you should follow these directions here as well (prior to download from download.com or MajorGeeks, which is where I recommend you download Mbam from also), and download a fresh copy via MajorGeeks, just to make sure everything gets installed correctly and everything http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7038 Of course, if you are using the Free version, disregard the Note: on RubbeR DuckY's post There is not a direct download of Malwarebytes available from Malwarebytes.org itself, though, if you were wondering that.
  10. Okay, glad that that has seemed to work out for you Sure, I'll go take a look at the post and see if I might be able to help. As for the limited account and updating, as far as I know, sometimes it will work, and sometimes not (this includes other programs too, not just MBAM). For example, I wasn't able to update Firefox on a limited account for some reason... weird. and you are quite welcome! Glad I could be of some help
  11. Okay, so when you open up Malwarebytes, before you do so, right-click on the program and choose "run as administrator". A box should pop up prompting you to type in the password. Then after you type in the password, you should be able to update normally This is what I did at least, and it worked. Are you the only user of this computer or?
  12. Seems like you are most likely in the clear then as far as infections go yay! I'll wait for your reply to my last post for this one, and see if I can help you. edit: Sorry to hijack the thread prairie dog, just trying to help. I hope you don't mind.
  13. Ohh, okay. Have you actually updated thru the limited account before? Just to make sure that I am understanding you correctly. I've run into it not updating before, with no error codes or anything, because of that, on a Vista that I keep tabs on. I had to "run as administrator" and then it updated just fine. Are you on Windows 2000, XP or Vista? or 7?
  14. Are you trying to update on a limited or a non-administrator account? That could be your problem. Also, have you had any recent malware or virus infections?
  15. Well, what you can do is, run a quick scan a few times (and a full scan if you like too), take note of how long it takes, and then you can use that to gauge approximately how long your scan is going to take for each scan type
  16. @ goldhound I wish I had an answer for you but I don't Have you tried posting in the Firefox forums for help? I've posted there a couple times and they are pretty friendly and helpful, and there are also a lot of topics in their Knowledge base too that you can search for I can give you a link if you need it. Typically though, you can get there by going to Bookmarks > Mozilla Firefox > Help and Tutorials Good luck! Let us know how it turns out
  17. It is strongly recommended that you uninstall any torrent program, p2p, etc... programs such as these are a common route of infection for a machine. More likely than not, that's where your IP block notifications are coming from.
  18. Thats neat. I'll check it out later, sho-dan Have you seen any of the Bing TV commercials by the way? They're kinda strange, lol
  19. Hello Xproject187 and welcome to Malwarebytes.org
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