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Everything posted by JeanInMontana

  1. This is just a strange thing that just happened. I got a notification of this topic and I don't know why. I think I got notified as soon as SPD posted it. I haven't subscribed to the forum so it is weird. Just wanted to let you(Admin.) know.
  2. You were understandably agitated, with other things on your mind.
  3. These machines we use make it very small indeed.
  4. I believe it!! We had a sunny day today.
  5. Only their own malware. That is why RogueRemover and SS&D are targeted they take out the scum's programs.
  6. Welcome Kick! Send some sunshine my way please.
  7. It is just pathetic isn't it? Personally my experience with betas is they are full of bugs!! Or at least a bug is not uncommon. That is the point of testing.
  8. The names are not as reliable as the style and content of the post. Often it is the same post used over and over and now using recognizable names in a frugal attempt to give credibility to the slander. There are enough of us onto this now that the scum is being found out with in a short time of posting and loses another site as soon as we notify the owner/admin of what is going on. The way to fight this is to keep it public with tools like Digg and blogs. Scum can be skimmed off the top and that is what we are doing.
  9. 9down is a crack/warez site stands to reason KK would be there. SPD has written a good blog story and I "Dugg" it here http://digg.com/software/The_war_is_on_aga...y_and_all_alias
  10. Thanks HH. I guess I will have to join another forum. If it was me I would want someone to give me a heads up my name was being used. Roddy32 your post is actually what alerted me to the whole mess. I have since kind of made it a pet project. This new tactic is even one step lower.
  11. They are now resorting to using people's names that have supported the program on other sites. http://www.freewarezoom.com/archives/rogue...er#comment-3465 Does anyone know how to contact ShadowPuterDude?
  12. Well they left the old posts from KK and BB just took out everything new, plus the defensive ones from MysteryFCM and me.
  13. I re-posted at TIC in the Freeware section.
  14. Well it seems all posts since 1/29/07 have been removed from Softonic. I have searched and can't find my post or MysteryFCM's from yesterday and KK's is gone also. I have to wonder why our posts were removed.
  15. Thanks for the welcome. I don't know what else to do as far as stopping this atrocity. If you do, let me know and I will round up the posse.
  16. Seems the scum has not ceased. More posting at Softonic again. This time accusations are of hosting porn sites several names named....this has gone too far. Everyone should go to the thread and post comments.
  17. Hey to all you fine folk here at MalwareBytes. Could have sworn I was a member but guess not. Anyway..... glad to be here and hope to have time to get here more often.
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