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Everything posted by JeanInMontana

  1. OK now I know what you have. Details are ever so important for solving these problems. You may want to print out these instructions for reference, since you will have to restart your computer during the fix. Please download FixWareout from one of these sites: Subratam Bleeping Computing Save it to your desktop and run it. Click Next, then Install, make sure "Run fixit" is checked and click Finish. The fix will begin; follow the prompts. You will be asked to reboot your computer; please do so. Your system may take longer than usual to load; this is normal. Once rebooted please post the text that will open (report.txt) and a new Hijackthis log file into this thread. If you get a file output similar to below: Then re-run this. Its a self extracting file and will replace the necessary files. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/spencer.greystrong/W2kFiles.exe Reboot and post a new log please. Also make sure that you have HJT in a folder of it's own. This is where backups will go should we need them.
  2. Hi malggg and welcome to Malwarebytes. Where are your pages being redirected to? I'm not sure I'm understanding what your saying/meaning by redirecting. Are you having any other symptoms? Popups or excess CPU usage? I don't see anything in your log. Have you run malware scans and Antivirus? Get the free AVG antispyware here and run a scan. Also do a online scan here let both scans remove anything they find and save the logs in case we need to see them. Reboot give the browser a try and let me know how it is working.
  3. I haven't put the board online yet but it is the same as the Hoax~Slayer link in my sig. Only it is Montana Menagerie. In purple. I'm getting off line for tonight pain pills have hit their peak and time to lay down.
  4. For an Invision style web site. Nothing elaborate just the site name maybe some funky font. I did this with a free online site but I can't seem to get it to go across the whole page. I think it may be due to size restrictions at photobucket. I can't post it jpg isn't allowed.
  5. Very nice. What do you charge for a banner?
  6. Hi and welcome to Malwarebytes. The program you say is giving you problems e_fatiaja.exe is related to Epson printers. With more details perhaps we can help you with it. You are running several programs that don't need to run all the time and may be a big part of your speed problem. In particular Windows defender and Spysweeper I would choose one to run for real time protection and use the other for on demand scanning. Adobe Photo I- Tunes Music Match Jukebox Easy Media Creator Real Player Updater Quick Time Player WinZip I-Pod Service Office All the above can be started when needed and will reduce your resource usage and speed your PC. Also if you have not done some basic maintenance you should. First run a disk error scan and then defragment. You do have a security issue with your Java version. It is way out of date and you should uninstall it delete all program folders and install the newest version JRE6 from here. You want Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6. Let us know if this improves your performance or if any symptoms continue the more detail you give the better.
  7. You should never turn off System Restore until you know you are rid of the infection completely. The only way you will be reinfected via SR is by using an infected restore point.
  8. Well I didn't see that or I would have said so.
  9. Hey no fair...I always hit the "view new posts" link when I come on site and I thought I was slipping.
  10. Thanks, I hadn't seen that post or I would have just replied to it.
  11. FYI to any that may have been members. Due to a recent rebuild of the entire forums and a glitch or two the membership was lost. Please rejoin us and accept our apologies for the inconvenience this may cause. Hope to see you there soon.
  12. I didn't spot any grammatical errors at all. Nice read.
  13. Nice to meet you nickW.
  14. I say cool! He was one of the first sites I was made aware of for finding what should be running and what shouldn't. Also what you could turn off. Then he just disappeared off the radar without a word.
  15. Black Viper is back! "Wednesday, March 7, 2007 @ 2:26 PM PST - Black Viper is back! Yes, this is the "real" Black Viper. Soon, the world will know exactly what happened to me as well as many questions I am sure everyone has. Until then, here is some answers to questions that people may be asking themselves:" Digg it.
  16. Hi John, try to behave yourself here and don't embarrass me! LOL

  17. You will like it here John, very knowledgeable folks. Marcin just let me know if he causes any trouble.
  18. Hey......I know you! What took you so long?
  19. Welcome to MalwareBytes.

  20. Well, it seems I was subscribed to the entire forum. Sorry for being a ditz. I have those days.
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