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MBAM svc terminated unexpectedly

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Hi, new member, 1st post. I have this error message come up,"MBAM service terminated unexpectedly: see event log for details" So the event log says this," 16:16:49 Randy ERROR UtilityReadFile failed with error code 32

16:16:49 Randy MESSAGE Protection stopped

16:56:33 Randy ERROR CryptDecrypt failed with error code -2146893820

16:56:33 Randy MESSAGE Protection stopped

The 1st time I thought I resolved it when I uninstalled & reinstalled Mbam. Then it happened again 20 days later then 3rd time today(10/19). So, after reinstall, I ran an initial full scan then attempt to enable protection only to get,"[Create service] Failed to perform desired action. Error code 1072. After 1st time, b4 reinstall, I would start Mbam, only to get,"PROGRAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE(2.2.Create SDK)". I'm using PRO.

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OK, after reading several other posts in this forum, I tried the MBAM cleaner.exe/reboot/reinstall(re-entered ID&Prod codes) with AVG 2012 disabled. I then did an initial quick scan and attempted to enable the protection module only to get,"[sHset value} Failed to perform the desired action. Error code 1056". then a few seconds later, another box comes up,"The Malwarebytes Anti-malware protection module is already running". It is not! Gave up for tonight.

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Welcome to the forums compunerd,

Have you set the exclusions in AVG for MBAM as well?

Please see Section H of the FAQ for that:


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Started up my computer and mbam protection module seems to be working now. Didn't do anything. This has occurred b4. I see if this issue pops up again.

Glad its working for you again, you should still check on the exclusions as mentioned by Mystery above to prevent this from happening again.....

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OK, I did the exclusions from AVG Free2012 although the FAQ Sec H says AVG Free2011. One file I couldn't find," mbamswissarmy.sys". so I found all the other files and paths as need for exclusion. ran the mbamcleaner and reinstalled. Got the same thing as B4, "SHSet value failed to perform desired action error code 0" then a few seconds later, another box comes up and says the PM is already running, so I discovered that if I reboot, then the PM does show up as working. I'm concerned now that if I shut dwn or reboot, I'll get," MBAM terminated unexpectedly....." again. That's what happened yesterday.

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Good to hear that :)

Test it for a few days now, and post if you experience any error message again.

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Hello and :welcome:

Just to add, the file ,"mbamswissarmy.sys" will not be present unless Malwarebytes is up and running. The file "mbamswissarmy.sys" gets loaded automatically every time you launch the program and have the Malwarebytes GUI going. After you close Malwarebytes the file is unloaded. It no longer runs in the background all the time.

If you want to exclude the file then launch Malwarebytes and leave it open go back to AVG and enter the exception.

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Hello and :welcome:

Just to add, the file ,"mbamswissarmy.sys" will not be present unless Malwarebytes is up and running. The file "mbamswissarmy.sys" gets loaded automatically every time you launch the program and have the Malwarebytes GUI going. After you close Malwarebytes the file is unloaded. It no longer runs in the background all the time.

If you want to exclude the file then launch Malwarebytes and leave it open go back to AVG and enter the exception.

Thx Firefox, that's good to know. So far, no problems today on startup. If it occurs again, then I will exclude the mbamswissarmy.sys file.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's Back! Did uninstall/reinstall w/mbamcleaner and MBAM now currently running w/protection module activated as I post this so I can find that mbamswissarmy.sys file and exclude it.

Found it and excluded it. I hope this solves it. Now have all 4 files excluded in AVG 2012 as stated in section H.

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  • 1 month later...

Here we go again! Its back! after about 6 wks or so since last recurrance, I checked AVG and the 4 excluded MBAM files are still there. I know the procedure to which I now consider a temporary fix. Anyone find the cause of this issue? From what I've seen here, I don't seem to be the only one experiencing this issue.

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