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Microsoft Updates sub-forum

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I noticed we have a new section called Microsoft Updates. I think its a great idea to seperate Microsoft updates from all other softwares.

Thanks to whoever moved my topic in there. My question is this however, Are we not allowed to post in that section. I was not able to start my topic in that section?

Do you have other plans for that section?

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Guest name cool

There is a problem with that forum where I can see Firefox post before access to that forum, but when I access to this forum I can not see Firefox post !

Number of topics there & -12- Posts There -15 -? Can any one check it that forum?

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Guest name cool

This is really strange, :) I wonder what this means (You cannot reply to this topic-

You cannot start a new topic) & How do you create that topic right there? :D

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I noticed that both visible topics are pinned (sticky).


Maybe the subforum is set to show only sticky topics (although I don't know why would someone do that).

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I used the URL from the Microsoft area to go and download the "Malicious Software Removal Tool" (a big file on dial-up, about 68MB!) from the Microsoft website, but upon opening it to have a look at it when the download was completed, it turns out to have no signature which is a bit worrying as cannot remember any other Microsoft downloads that were unsigned. I only downloaded it to see if it would find anything that the other bug-hunters may have missed, but no way am gonna use an unsigned app (unless it is Open-Source, and this one definitely is not!).

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Hi Drum,

This sounds strange...

The Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool should be about 12 MB for 32-bit and 64-bit systems according to the Microsoft page.

Out of curiosity I have downloaded one of them (it is 12.8 MB in my Downloads folder) to check the signature, and it's digitally signed by Microsoft, and also on the details tab of the .exe all required information (company name, product name, product version etc.) is displayed.

Are you sure you really downloaded the correct file?

Link for 32-bit systems: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=AD724AE0-E72D-4F54-9AB3-75B8EB148356&displaylang=en

Link for 64-bit systems: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=585d2bde-367f-495e-94e7-6349f4effc74

Btw, if you keep your Windows up-to-date with the Automatic Updates from Microsoft turned on, there is no need to download the Malicious Software Removal Tool extra, since it should be normally part of the Windows updates.

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Hi Mystery - apologies for the long time it has taken to reply to your post: am a new member on the MBAM Website and am trying to learn how to use some of the utilities on the Website such as how to find posts that I have done! Have only just found out how to do this (by using the dropdown menu by the Username emblem up top of the page)a few minutes ago - had no idea that I had done so many and completely forgotten about nearly all of them!!! This is the first one of a whole lot of forgotten posts that tonight (am in the Southern Hemisphere) am going to look at. Thank you Mystery for your reply and am going to use the links you provide: that thing I downloaded was pretty baffling and I chucked it in the Recycle Bin and Zapped it!!! Mystery, you talk about Windows updates - normally I don't use them as I don't trust Microsoft (read an online article by a dude who said he never let his OS update because he was suspicious of what Microsoft would sneak into his system, so I never used updates either except for one time recently that am going to describe)- but a while ago an exception to this rule was made (wont go into detail why, but there was a program I wanted to download and it said you had to have ".net" or something and that you have to have all the MS updates before you get and install ".net" or whatever it's called)and was letting the OS (XP3) update, which it did for days on end until one day a big popup suddenly materialised trying to get me to install the latest IE. Meanwhile, two of the Desktop Icons of non-Microsoft programs I had installed had mysteriously completely changed and looked very weird! Being paranoid by nature I absolutely Freaked Out, grabbed my battered, massively used XP Installation CD, and wiped the whole system out and did a complete reinstall to get a nice pristine new OS. With "Automatic Updates" totally and permanantly disabled!!! Never had a problem not using updates and after that Icon thing, am no way inclined to try it again. Cheers.

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.... you talk about Windows updates - normally I don't use them as I don't trust Microsoft (read an online article by a dude who said he never let his OS update because he was suspicious of what Microsoft would sneak into his system, so I never used updates either except for one time recently that am going to describe)- but a while ago an exception to this rule was made (wont go into detail why, but there was a program I wanted to download and it said you had to have ".net" or something and that you have to have all the MS updates before you get and install ".net" or whatever it's called)and was letting the OS (XP3) update, which it did for days on end until one day a big popup suddenly materialised trying to get me to install the latest IE. Meanwhile, two of the Desktop Icons of non-Microsoft programs I had installed had mysteriously completely changed and looked very weird! Being paranoid by nature I absolutely Freaked Out, grabbed my battered, massively used XP Installation CD, and wiped the whole system out and did a complete reinstall to get a nice pristine new OS. With "Automatic Updates" totally and permanantly disabled!!! Never had a problem not using updates and after that Icon thing, am no way inclined to try it again. Cheers.

Microsoft is not going to "sneak into your system" that's kinda silly

you do relize that by not installing the impotant & critical updates your doing your computer more harm than good. those updates patch flaws in the system that are vulnerable to exploitation by hackers. other updates fix compatibillity or performance issues and such, therefore making the computer more stable & reliable.

if you havn't updated to service pack 3 your computer is no longer supported and your wide open for attack since service packs are large cumative updates, if your using IE6 your also in danger that thing is no longer supported and full of unpatched vulnerbillities

not kepping your OS and the software installed on it up to date is extreamly dangerous, you might as well hang a sign around your neck and tell every hacker out there

"here I am hack me"

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Hi Drum

No need to apologize at all, I'm glad that you've figured out how to find your own posts and the replies to them :)

I have to agree with Wildman424 - it's very dangerous not to keep your Windows up-to-date. Enabling the automatic updates is one of the important steps (apart from e.g. having a good AV and anti-malware product installed, updated and running regular scans, a firewall, updating your non-security related programs, and to use common sense when browsing on the world wide web or using email) that you can take to prevent your computer from being infected with malware.

I've helped many users clean their computers or directed them to experts, and it always amazes me that so many of them are too scared to update Windows, to install an AV, to run an AV scan (and therefore don't do it), but on the other hand randomly click around on the internet and download stuff that I'd never touch. :o (not that I'm saying that you're doing this ;) )

Anyhow, it's great to see that you have found this forum which provides many topics and general advice concerning keeping your computer safe and secure. You can learn a lot here. Plus you are always welcome to start a topic in the appropriate sub-forum if you have any questions or are unsure about something - there are no "dumb" questions :)

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Thanks very much for your very nice reply Mystery and thanks also Wildman424: the point you guys are making is loud and clear and logical, but those Icons on my XP3 Desktop (the Icons belonged to non-Microsoft programs that had been downloaded) that changed their appearance after a whole lotta downloading of Microsoft Updates had just been done, well it's obvious that the bug/bugs that made those Icons change got into the System during the Updating. If I see weird stuff happen on my Deck or anywhere else the XP Installation Disk gets immediately grabbed!!! Obliterating the System will get rid of them bugs, but what a hell of a laborious and protracted way to do it!!!

Wholeheartedly agree, Mystery that this MBAM Website is fabulously excellent: great people, endless amounts of fascinating knowhow. If only I had of known about the MBAM Website a long, long time ago.

Thanks again you guys.

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Just will add (with reference to what Wildman424 was saying) that my OS is XP3 Home, and Browser is Firefox #5 and Firefox is decked-out with a vast array of excellent Add-Ons such as NoScript, KeyScrambler, AdBlockPlus, Ghostery, Redirect Remover, Browser Protect,Better Privacy, and CookieKiller. The AV's I use are MBAM Free, Ad-Aware, and Avira. My Firewall is the fabulous Comodo Firewall (NOT the "Internet" suite - I only use their stand-alone Firewall and it is very, very good when installed correctly and configured properly. I always keep my security apps updated and run scans frequently.

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Thanks very much for your very nice reply Mystery and thanks also Wildman424: the point you guys are making is loud and clear and logical, but those Icons on my XP3 Desktop (the Icons belonged to non-Microsoft programs that had been downloaded) that changed their appearance after a whole lotta downloading of Microsoft Updates had just been done, well it's obvious that the bug/bugs that made those Icons change got into the System during the Updating. If I see weird stuff happen on my Deck or anywhere else the XP Installation Disk gets immediately grabbed!!! Obliterating the System will get rid of them bugs, but what a hell of a laborious and protracted way to do it!!!

Wholeheartedly agree, Mystery that this MBAM Website is fabulously excellent: great people, endless amounts of fascinating knowhow. If only I had of known about the MBAM Website a long, long time ago.

Thanks again you guys.

Reformatting just because a few icons get messed up? That doesn't make sense. If a program stops working, reinstall it, that's all. Same applies to Windows (or any other OS for that matter) — if it stops working, reinstall it (after trying everything else, obviously). Reformatting your whole comp just because two icons got messed up is, with all due respect, paranoid and senseless. There's nothing worse than being paranoid. Relax and enjoy. If you use your brain correctly, chances are very low something will go wrong, and if it does, again, chances are low that it will be your fault.

Regarding Windows updates... Windows, as an OS, is quite insecure by design. Its inelaborate security model is very prone to attacks, both local and remote. Keeping Windows up to date is essential if you intend to have at least a grain of security in your system. Microsoft is not going to spy on you via updates. If they wanted to spy on their users, they would have already done so via Windows itself. The only thing that updates can do is break something in your computer, but that (surprisingly) doesn't happen too often, and should by no means be the reason not to keep your system up to date.

Just will add (with reference to what Wildman424 was saying) that my OS is XP3 Home, and Browser is Firefox #5 and Firefox is decked-out with a vast array of excellent Add-Ons such as NoScript, KeyScrambler, AdBlockPlus, Ghostery, Redirect Remover, Browser Protect,Better Privacy, and CookieKiller. The AV's I use are MBAM Free, Ad-Aware, and Avira. My Firewall is the fabulous Comodo Firewall (NOT the "Internet" suite - I only use their stand-alone Firewall and it is very, very good when installed correctly and configured properly. I always keep my security apps updated and run scans frequently.

You don't need that much security software to be safe. All it does is give you a false sense of security (and slow down your computer). It makes you feel safe. It doesn't actually make you safe. If you're in a — I daresay — hostile environment, such as a public airport, an open Wi-Fi in a town center, etc., then extra security software really might help you to stay more secure. But if you're, say, browsing the Internet from the comfort of your home, friend, there's no need to worry about someone trying to screw with you, unless you're leeching someone's Wi-Fi or are prosecuted by your government. Otherwise, remember, they're not all out just to get you.

I hope this helped, if you want to talk more about this, send me a PM, because this is going completely off topic; the topic is (or at least was) about a particular subforum, and the associated issue hasn't yet been resolved. Thanks.

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Just will add (with reference to what Wildman424 was saying) that my OS is XP3 Home, and Browser is Firefox #5 and Firefox is decked-out with a vast array of excellent Add-Ons such as NoScript, KeyScrambler, AdBlockPlus, Ghostery, Redirect Remover, Browser Protect,Better Privacy, and CookieKiller. The AV's I use are MBAM Free, Ad-Aware, and Avira. My Firewall is the fabulous Comodo Firewall (NOT the "Internet" suite - I only use their stand-alone Firewall and it is very, very good when installed correctly and configured properly. I always keep my security apps updated and run scans frequently.

all that is fine and dandy ( a bit of overkill as darksider pointed out ) but if windows itself isn't kept up to date you might as well not bother, your AV and that nice fancy Firefox browser dected out with all those adons isn't going to stop a hacker that's exploiting a bug in the OS itself.

I hope this helped, if you want to talk more about this, send me a PM, because this is going completely off topic; the topic is (or at least was) about a particular subforum, and the associated issue hasn't yet been resolved. Thanks

he's right this has gotten way off topic if you need further help with anything please start your own topic and someone will assist you :)

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