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Button Positions?


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Maybe it does not make sense to the programmers, but every time I start malwarebytes the first thing I do is update then a scan.

So why is the update the 3rd tab in ? does it not make sense to have the most common used tabe 1st then 2nd then 3rd?

1st update

2nd scan

or am i missing a reasoning in programming?


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  • Root Admin

Buttons, that is not what the user asked, please read carefully before responding.

The reason we included the buttons in that order is because we thought it made sense. Especially for customers who have automatic updates and just open the scanner to scan. Additionally, most users install the program and then go straight to scanning -- after an installation, the default action is to update first.

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Buttons, that is not what the user asked, please read carefully before responding.

The reason we included the buttons in that order is because we thought it made sense. Especially for customers who have automatic updates and just open the scanner to scan. Additionally, most users install the program and then go straight to scanning -- after an installation, the default action is to update first.

We install this program on at least 25 to 65 Computers a month in our computer store. ( the free version )

We show the people how to use the program (always update first before a scan as there is so much out there it is worthless to scan without updating is our theory)

You do a great job and sometimes in the shop we have noticed you are updating the program 3 to 4 times a day to us in shop it just makes sense to see the update button listed first as that is the first thing the user should do before a scan..

I just got off the phone with a customer today after she dropped her pc off yet again with malware and we checked the log tab showing she was running the scans but her statement was "nope I never did updates" so it is just a thought from a PC shop and yes again we do try to tell the user to Update first.. but they never seem to get that far they go right to the scan..

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My advice (not an employee) is to get a tech license and become a reseller and put those 25 to 65 computers a month to your bottom line. Then your customers wont have to worry about updates and scan because you will already have set it up to do that automatically :)

When you explain MBAM to your customers it sells it self. :)

Reseller info here


Resellers: If you own any type of computer store or repair shop and would like to sell the product, we recommend you become a reseller. Resellers receive an immediate 30% off and are allowed to sell the product at full price. Visit our reseller signup page to sign up as a reseller.

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My advice (not an employee) is to get a tech license and become a reseller and put those 25 to 65 computers a month to your bottom line. Then your customers wont have to worry about updates and scan because you will already have set it up to do that automatically :)

When you explain MBAM to your customers it sells it self. :)

Reseller info here


Resellers: If you own any type of computer store or repair shop and would like to sell the product, we recommend you become a reseller. Resellers receive an immediate 30% off and are allowed to sell the product at full price. Visit our reseller signup page to sign up as a reseller.

I am no worried about being a reseller, I was just making a suggestion about the position of the tabs (tab order) and the theory behind it from a user standpoint..

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Buttons, that is not what the user asked, please read carefully before responding.

The reason we included the buttons in that order is because we thought it made sense. Especially for customers who have automatic updates and just open the scanner to scan. Additionally, most users install the program and then go straight to scanning -- after an installation, the default action is to update first.

I know there are other "tools" we use that will notify the user with a pop-up that there's a update available before the scan.

Is it possible for MBAM to check what version is currently running and if it's not the latest, generate a pop-up showing there's a update available before scanning?

I wouldn't want the "update" to be the default window as I have automatic updates active.

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Buttons, that is not what the user asked, please read carefully before responding.

The reason we included the buttons in that order is because we thought it made sense. Especially for customers who have automatic updates and just open the scanner to scan. Additionally, most users install the program and then go straight to scanning -- after an installation, the default action is to update first.

I misunderstood the question sorry. Was thinking he meant tab set orders or when you click the tab button without mouse input(mind a bit hazy). :)

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