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MBAM hanging

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My version of MBAM does not run. It stops / hangs during a full run after 30-45 minutes of processing doing about 60k - 90k files.

Quick scan completes OK.

I re-installed following directions I found in another post that included the use of a clean program and two PC restarts. Still fails.

The most recent hang MBAM was searching a wow directory. Yes, I play wow.

Windows Vista SP 2

Norton Internet Security v AV and firewall (I think it's NIS 2010)

Spyware Doctor (free version) v

In the past something from McAfee was installed but I uninstalled it - It was piggybacked on another product update.

MBAM v 1.46

MBAM data base 5123 (failed with earlier versions as well)

Please help me out. It used to run just fine. Don't know what I might have done in the past to break it.

Thank you

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I didn't really understand your reply. You said "need Malwarebytes to trust Norton Internet Security ". I took this to mean that I had to set a Trust parm somewhere in Malwarebytes. I could find no such thing. I did find an Ignore List which I could not update. Not to mention that it just doesn't sound right to add MBAM files to a MBAM ignore list.

So I added your list of five files to a Norton Internet Security (NIS) ignore list. Actually two lists. What that has to do with running MBAM is beyond me.

I again ran MBAM.. It again failed. It failed in approx the same place as the prev run, in a WOW directory.

43 min, 68029 files

C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Downloads\AddOns 090613\Cartographer\libs\....................

These are junk files that can be deleted but they have been here for a year and a half.

One thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that approx 5-10 minutes after I loo0ked at the failed MBAM display, my Firefox hung. This happened both yesterday and today.

Please advise.

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So I added your list of five files to a Norton Internet Security (NIS) ignore list.

This is correct , as you have written it - The 2 programs clash over a few issues - Is Norton or MBAM a recently added program ??

Also if you have the Norton AddOn Pack installed , it should now be removed (a direction from Symantic/Norton) -

Here <- is a link to the new version of Malwarebytes that Firefox mentioned -

This Link<- may show you some idea on adding exclusions to your Norton program -

Thank You -

EDIT - Please only run a Quick Scan first and see how that operates -

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