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Need Immediate Help - Malwarebytes Won't Enable

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Hello, today is Saturday 10/30 and when I turned on my computer this morning, my Malwarebytes "real time" protection module did not stay on. It's supposed to "enable protection module" automatically when I turn on my computer and turn on Windows and it's been working great, except for today...something is wrong. Even when I went back to Malwarebytes and clicked "enable protection module", it still won't stay on, even after 3 more tries.

When I turn on my computer, I get a pop up that says...MBAMService terminated unexpectedly: see Event Log for details, then it says click [OK] or I can [X] the top right corner....is this a real message or not?

Then, when I go to Malwarebytes and try to enable my module (turn it on), I get two more pop ups, the first is...Connecting to malewarbytes.org [OK], but, when I click OK, I get a second pop up which says [OpenEvent] Quarantining:2...can someone please tell me if this is a real message or a fake one? My malwarebytes doesn't go on, nor is there anything being stored in my Quarantine either...

In any case, my computer is vulnerable until I can get my Malwarbytes protection module to stay on...can someone offer help? A few days ago on 10/28, I clicked on "Updates" and downloaded the latest version of Malwarebytes...could this be what's causing the problem? My last "update" was back in March, so I thought it was time for another update.

Anyway, my real time protection module is not staying on and keeps going off, even when I go back again and again to try and enable it.

Thanks for helping.

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You should look for updates every day, there can be up to a half a dozen in 24 hrs. Thats not counting other program updates.

Please do the following to see if it corrects your issues:

Windows XP:

  • Click on Start and select Control Panel
  • Open Add/Remove Programs
  • Uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
  • Restart your computer very important
  • Download and run mbam-clean.exe from here
  • It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important
  • After the computer restarts, temporarily disable your Anti-Virus and install the latest version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from here
    • Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent via email if using the Pro version
    • Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.
      Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray if using the Pro version. Now setup any file exclusions as may be required in your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security/Firewall applications and restart your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications. You may use the guides posted in the FAQ's here or ask me and I'll explain how to do it.

Please post back and let me know if the issue is now resolved or not.

Thanks :)

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Hello DOB:

April 29, 2010 version 1.46 was released, it is likely that download got corrupted but I am wondering why you didn't get a prompt for program update, anyway please follow instructions in Post #2 by yardbird

Should you have any other question(s) please post back using MXyBj.png button

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Hi -

Please also just check your scheduling setup - How to Set up and Use the Scheduler -

Check that the settings are similar to those in the digrams - Select your own update and scan times and days -

About 2 or 3 updates per day are enough and 1 maybe 2 Quick Scans are usually enough for any day -

Lets do a quick rundown of what each box means: in the first Setup Box

  • Start protection module with Windows.
    This means that the protection module will start automatically when you start your computer. Unless you do not need full time protection, or you want to start it manually, then it's best to have this one checked.
  • Start file execution blocking when protection module starts.
    When this option is checked, the protection module will monitor each application that launches on your computer, and make sure that they are not malicious. When this option is not checked, you will have to turn this on manually when you want to use it.
  • Start malicious website blocking when protection module starts.
    When this option is checked, the protection module will monitor both outgoing and incoming network activity, and it will automatically block all connections to or from a known malicious server's IP address. When it is not checked, you will have to manually turn on website blocking when you need it.
  • Show tooltip balloon when malicious website is blocked.
    When this option is checked, the protection module will show that little balloon popup in the lower-right corner each time it blocks a malicious IP address. When it is not checked, you will not see notifications each time an IP address is blocked.

Please note that, when changing any one of these options, you will need to restart the protection module (it may require the average person to restart their computer) before they will take effect.

Let me know if you have any further questions. :)

Thank You -

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Please get me a copy of the protection log from a day you experienced this error:

1) Open Malwarebytes' Anti-malware.

2) Click on the 'Logs' tab.

3) Look for the 'protection' log from a day you had the issue (logs are sorted in order by date).

4) Double-click on the log in the list, and it will open.

5) Copy and paste the contents into a reply. If you do not know how to copy and paste, then here is a link to instructions:


Please note that you can also save the log file on your desktop and the attach it to a reply. This is helpful if the log is rather long.

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Yardbird, thanks a lot for the help! I followed your instructions and so far, everything seems OK for now. I will keep my fingers crossed that whatever corrupted my real time protection module from working before is now gone, when I unistalled and reinstalled Malwarebytes. Question - I am still not sure exactly how to program my "scheduler" though (even after clicking on the scheduler "help' link), for example, if I click on the "Update" tab, what boxes do I check on the left side? Also, it is completely necessary to schedule daily "quick scans", as my real time protection module seems to block all intruders from my computer whenever I get attacked, and I haven't even had to perform a scan in months, as there seems to be nothing to remove at the moment.

Also, I had purchased a Malwarebytes "back up CD" when I purchased Malwarebytes real time protection module and actually tried to use the CD to reinstall my subscription (before I went to your link to download it), but when I placed the back up CD in my disc drive, nothing happened, I mean, nothing...the disc stopped spinning and I had to take it out. Nothing was on the my screen at all. Question, what is the purpose of this back up CD and could mine be defective? It came in handy though when I went to "re-register" after the download, because the Product ID and Product Key is printed on top of the CD, but as for the CD itself, it was completely useless and didn't do anything when I inserted it into my disc drive. If I do not understand how to use this back up CD, please let me know if I am doing anything wrong?

Again, thanks for your solution and the instructions...it was really appreciated!


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GT500, thanks for the help, but I followed Yardbird's instructions and successfully unistalled and reinstalled my Malwarebytes subscription, and now my real time protection module is staying on again, so hopefully I will be OK now. However, after I had unistalled Malwarebytes, I actually tried using my back up CD first, to see if it would install my subscription back for me, but nothing happened at all...the disc stopped cold in my disc drive and did nothing, so I had to download a new subscription. I also asked Yardbird this question, but if you can add anything about the purpose of the back up CD and how to use it, please let me know? As of now, I do not know if my back up CD is defective or not, it literally did nothing when placed in my disc drive...



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Your Welcome!

I hoped you saw GT500's post so he could get a copy of your log... All my post did was remove Malwarebytes

Use a clean tool, and re-install a fresh copy

To get you ID & License Key back send an email to: <cs@cleverbridge.com> If the ID & License Key does not work from the CD?

or call them CST time...Phone: 1-866-522-6855

My downloads came on-line and I printed out my ID & Key.

I never bought the Malwarebytes CD or a "back up CD"

see if we can get a clear answer form noknojon

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Hi -

The CD includes a First install of the program and usually includes your personal Key and ID on it -

Always save these 2 items (Key and ID) in Notepad , Wordpad or a similar place so that you can re enable the real time protection -

You will now need to reset your Scheduler for Automatic Daily Updates and Daily Scans - Please see the link below (if you forgot) -


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Question, what is the purpose of this back up CD and could mine be defective? It came in handy though when I went to "re-register" after the download, because the Product ID and Product Key is printed on top of the CD

Hello DOB:

Since your first install was from CD, it wasn't defected, however, with time the media may have eroded or scratched. It had the current version as a backup media, more importantly the Product ID and Product Key valid for lifetime that includes Definition Update and Program Update (one per system), you could always download the latest program version and burn CD to keep it as backup media

Should you have any other question(s) please post back using MXyBj.png button

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Yardbird, yes, I did send GT500 a copy of my protection log (thru the customer service email), but from the log, he couldn't tell what the problem was. He suggested a solution for me, but it didn't work. Today, I remembered to go back to the forum, and that's where I saw your reply. I was also thinking the same thing at this point, that I might have to simply uninstall and reinstall Malwarebytes to solve my issue, but your instructions definitely helped me, as I would not have known what to do.

As for my subscription, I also bought Malwarebytes online for $24.99 and downloaded it...I did not use a Malwarebytes CD to first install my real time protection module. I paid $24.99 for the download, plus, I paid an additional $9.99 for a "back up CD", that I thought would be, well, a back up CD, in case I ever experienced problems and had to reinstall my subscription, but now it seems this CD wasn't what I thought and I never would have bought it had I known it would be useless?

Anyway, I have no issues with my Product ID or Product Key...when I reinstalled Malwarebytes, I clicked on "register" and typed in my ID and Key and everything was accepted normally, and my real time protection module started working again immediately.

Thanks again.

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Your Welcome! :D

Up in Post # 9 The back-up CD will install the program, and ID & License Key, From there all you have to do is go to the Update tab, and Update the Database Remember to review Post # 4 above, The CD will set it to its default....

Glad it all worked out, post back if we can do anything else for you regards....

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Noknojon, thanks for your reply, but can you please clarify what you said about the back up CD which Malwarebytes offers for $9.99? I had purchased Malwarebytes online for $24.99 and downloaded it into my computer. I also paid $9.99 extra at the time to pick up their "back up CD", because I thought it would come in handy in case of an emergency. Anyway, when I inserted this CD into my disc drive (just to test it the other day) nothing happened...nothing at all, so I took the disc out.

Question - is this back up CD supposed to work in my disc drive when inserted or simply do nothing, I am not sure what you meant earlier?



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  • Staff
Noknojon, thanks for your reply, but can you please clarify what you said about the back up CD which Malwarebytes offers for $9.99? I had purchased Malwarebytes online for $24.99 and downloaded it into my computer. I also paid $9.99 extra at the time to pick up their "back up CD", because I thought it would come in handy in case of an emergency. Anyway, when I inserted this CD into my disc drive (just to test it the other day) nothing happened...nothing at all, so I took the disc out.

Question - is this back up CD supposed to work in my disc drive when inserted or simply do nothing, I am not sure what you meant earlier?



If the disk does not work, assure that all other disks you own do work and that there is no issue with your CD hardware, then if they all do, contact Cleverbridge for a new disk:


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