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Malwarebytes suitable?

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Once every month or two I have to completely disinfect my old dads computer. I know he browses for porn, he knows I know he browses for porn, but it's something that will never be discussed, not even indirectly.

I've had to do it three times in the past month, and today I had a phone call from his bank looking for him, someone in Russia tried to take

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First you need 2 licences but you can get volume discounts I believe.

I would investigate system layerd protection by the use of a good HOSTS file and a HOSTS file manager like HostsMan.

I use hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files and they block much bad stuff.

Please read:

Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts File


What anti virus application is he using?

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He's using Microsoft Security Essentials.

Using a HOSTS file is probably the opposite of what I was wanting! I want something that I don't have to maintain that will keep up to date and cover him. I would imagine East European crime syndicates aren't on static IPs so it'd need to be updated regularly. He can't be trusted to do that.

It'd have to be something commercial. I believe Malwarebytes has IP blocking built in, is that going to give the same level of protection as an up to date HOSTS file?

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HostsMan provides automatic update of the HOSTS file.



? Automatic update of hosts file

? Enable/Disable hosts file

? Built-in hosts editor

? Scan hosts for errors, duplicates and possible hijacks

? Hosts file backup manager

? Exclusion list

? Local HTTP server

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No solution is always 100% foolproof , but we think this program will block most of the infected sites on the net -

He will not be allowed to access any known infected sites , even so the hackers are getting better as we try to overcome them each time -

This might help



I find that with HostsMan also installed I am very well protected - (A live link is in my Signature below)

I second noknojon's suggestions.. and HOSTSMAN with the proper lists for the HOST file won't let him go to BAD places. EDIT: Also FinJan Secure Browsing is a good backup for what the HOSTSMANS files might miss. (Link is highlighted in dark blue) Disregard; FinJan got bought out.. by M86 Security. Try a more user biased Web of Trust

Hope John and I could help.


Edited by ShyWriter
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I agree, HostsMan + Mbam + A good AV program = a very safe online experience (obviously not 100% foolproof though).

Shy's suggestion of Finjan would be a good idea to have as well :angry:

Also VERY IMPORTANT -- keeping 3rd party plugins up to date (Adobe Flash, Reader, Java, QuickTime etc...), Keeping Windows up to date... basically keeping things up to date is a MUST :angry:

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is there anything else that would be worthwhile adding to the mix?

SpywareBlaster will add another defensive dimension.

Some of us, who are quite fond of MBAM Full Version, have also installed SUPERAntiSpyware Professional.

Some might debate the choice of Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) for the lead in AV protection and many of those folks might be Avira AntiVir Personal users.

If your father's system is XP based, has thought been given to a good personal firewall (PFW) like the free COMODO Firewall?

Does your father's system currently enjoy the benefits of a good, updated NAT router?

Is the system's OS, and all applications, completely up-to-date?


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SpywareBlaster will add another defensive dimension.

Some of us, who are quite fond of MBAM Full Version, have also installed SUPERAntiSpyware Professional.

Some might debate the choice of Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) for the lead in AV protection and many of those folks might be Avira AntiVir Personal users.

If your father's system is XP based, has thought been given to a good personal firewall (PFW) like the free COMODO Firewall?

Does your father's system currently enjoy the benefits of a good, updated NAT router?

Is the system's OS, and all applications, completely up-to-date?


SpywareBlaster does very well. Most protection is for Internet Explorer.

I have superantispyware pro installed and it does pretty well.:)

Comodo is one of the best firewalls around. Rumors are it's the worlds strongest firewall.

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I use sandboxie pro all the time.:)

I also think that sandboxing his browser would be a perfect option. He can still watch his porn.

Delete all shortcuts to the original browser executable file, and change the sandboxed browser icon to iexplore.exe or firefox.exe or whatever his default browser is

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Using a HOSTS file is probably the opposite of what I was wanting! I want something that I don't have to maintain that will keep up to date and cover him. I would imagine East European crime syndicates aren't on static IPs so it'd need to be updated regularly. He can't be trusted to do that.

It'd have to be something commercial. I believe Malwarebytes has IP blocking built in, is that going to give the same level of protection as an up to date HOSTS file?

Permitting remote assistance for your father's PC, through the application of your choice, will permit you to maintain a viable HOSTS file as well as occasionally monitoring the general state of his system. As HOSTS file maintenance goes, HostsMan is fairly painless.

To try and answer your question about an active HOSTS file versus MBAM's Protection Module; some overlap will result, but we also are urging you to consider using more than one antispyware application. No one protection scheme does it all but MBAM is the best.

Also, the next time you've cleaned his system, consider backing it up externally. Suitable external backup drives are under $100USD now.

Although obvious to some, we have failed to touch on the other various vectors that malware uses for attacks. Keeping Adobe's Flash/Shockwave Players up-to-date is very important. If your father's system has Adobe's Acrobat Reader, you may wish to find a safer alternative such as Foxit Reader and we might as well get you to turn off javascript too as well as keeping Java up-to-date if used.


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