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Hi -

I just performed a manual update and it was 5.49 mb - That seemed about normal for recent updates -

An update is not just adding 1 or even 5 items to the database , it is actually reinstalling the full database -

Many items are Altered as well as being Added to the basic program so the database is fully reinstalled at each update -

Some users may not know this but it is the safest way to fully update a program , by reinstalling the database each time -

This way , not only is extra infections added but the setup inside the program may change slightly to suit current situations -

This is being played out now with the finding of Media Player problems now entering systems from unknown sources -

Thank You -


The full program is 8.?? mb (can't remember exact) but the Internal updates to the program = Approx 5.48 mb at this time -

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Why is every Update 5.48 mb or very big :)

We do not yet have everything ready for our new incremental update system. Currently, whenever you update the database, the entire database is downloaded.

The last estimate I heard for adding incremental updates was 1.48, but we don't have an ETA on that yet, nor can we guarantee that 1.48 will include incremental updates (unfortunately new features are sometimes dropped during testing, and held for a later version).

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