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MBAM updating problem affecting some in NZ - esp those with Telecom NZ (xtra)

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My last successful MBAM update was on 5th of Feb at 8am. Since then I have been getting constant error 732 (12031,0). I have done some digging around, and I suspect that this could be a NZ ISP issue (Telecom NZ, which are xtra.co.nz). Please see this post, including the comments: http://pressf1.pcworld.co.nz/showthread.php?t=107169

I also saw this post on MBAM: http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?s...mp;#entry195382 suenz has put NZ on her location and has been having the same error for the same length of time.

My AV exclusions & IE8 settings are all as they should be according to the FAQ re error 732s, and I have mbam.exe & mbamgui.exe added to my Vista firewall. I have no problem scanning with MBAM, and I can update my AV and get Windows Updates OK. I can also browse with no problem, including all security websites, malwarebytes homepage and forums. I cannot get this page to load at all though: http://mbam-cdn.malwarebytes.org/database/....check.database & I have emailed the link to a bunch of others in NZ to try, and most of them can't either. We get a "cannot display this page" error. My ISP is Telecom NZ (xtra), but it seems some with Slingshot and Orcon are also be affected.

Not every ISP is affected, and this could all be a giant coincidence, but I really don't think it is....

I am happy to PM a traceroute to mod or administrator if you'd like?

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This problem has been fixed in NZ in the last 30mins, I am happy to report. :) Just updated and was a whole 17 definitions behind! Am doing a scan now to check if I've been hit with anything in the mean time (better not have been!)

Thanks AdvancedSetup and Swivel. Was going to give Telecom another day to fix this, and then post on the PC help forum to get someone to walk me through changing to an alternative DNS (since I have absolutely no idea where to start with that).

I appreciate any input MBAM have had in pursuing this issue with NZ too. :)

EDIT - all nice and clean. Phew! :)

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