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Malwarebytes closing

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I have the latest version of malwarebytes 1.44 and it is the freeware version, every scan it scans up to 120,000 items then always closes by itself.I have already done an uninstall and a clean-up of the program ,but it still closes on its own during scan.Any fixes or ideas? Thks

One thing I did notice it closes when it is in Program Data/Norton/Qbackup, but not always.

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Hi Rara, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org :)

Does it find anything before the scan shuts down?

Just as a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button at the bottom of the page. Thank you :)

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well i dont wanna steal the topic, but i have the same problem...

i reinstall it again but no use..

on quick scan it's ok

on full scan it close... when i try to run it it tells me that im already running it... but i dont see a thing..

i came just now to ask help but it seems that im not the only one :)

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well i dont wanna steal the topic, but i have the same problem...

i reinstall it again but no use..

on quick scan it's ok

on full scan it close... when i try to run it it tells me that im already running it... but i dont see a thing..

i came just now to ask help but it seems that im not the only one :)

any solution plz :) ??

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rara and ma3oony:

Is there any log in mbam for the full scan? (long shot)

Do you find any error/warning in Control Panel->Admin Tools->Event Viewer related to mbam?

i'll check

but as i said the interface is closed, and when i try to run mbma from the shortcut again it tells me that im already running it...

so i have to close it from task manager...

is there ant remover tool for it instead of regular uninstall?

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Hi Again -

the shortcut again it tells me that im already running it...
If this occurs during a quick scan wait 15 mins first (it may be running) -

As per Firefox , please run a cleaner like C Cleaner (free and good) also delete browsing history (you can keep any sites you always visit in Favorites (or bookmarks) depending on your browser (an overcrowded memory is not a good idea) - Next go to Accessories >> System Tools and run Disk Cleanup (harmless and a good built in cleaner) - The MBAM cleaner process is described below, use it after you use the cleaners - This should install a fresh clean version of the program -

1. Uninstall Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware using Add/Remove programs in the control panel.

2. Restart your computer (very important).

3. Download and run this utility. mbam-clean.exe

4. It will ask to restart your computer (please allow it to).

5. After the computer restarts, install the latest version from here. mbam-setup.exe

This should then update - If it has not then check for updates - (1.44 - Version 3698 as I write this)

6. Next run a Quick Scan only -

Note: You will need to reactivate the program using the license you were sent , if you have a licensed version (same process for free version) -

Launch the program and set the Protection and Registration. Then go to the UPDATE tab if not done during installation and check for updates.

Restart the computer again and verify that MBAM is in the task tray and that you can run a quick scan and all is working as expected.

Thank You - :)

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@ rara -

No, quick scan is done in minutes but it never finds anything.

Only full scan closes and usually 30 minutes into scan on average.Thks

That usually is all you need - If you click on "Logs" Tab on the main open page (across the top) you will see any logs in the history - Do not delete these as a reference to these may help later -

Thank you - :)

EDIT -Have either of you had a Vundo infection recently - This has been known to cause this error messge (not fully removed or still live) -

Also try to install SpyBot S&D without the Tea Timer function installed - Run a scan with this and see if you get any results -

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Please try this and see if it works for you:


Otherwise, please read and do the following:

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help.

If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you.

Also, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.

Thank you :blush:

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