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software and unusual computer activity

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i figured it was time i got better educated on malware. so i put forth the following questions:

a few months ago my credit card number was stolen, my computer had been acting crazy and blue screening a lot, but malwarebytes picked up nothing(both full and quick scans). i reformatted, wiping everything except my documents, music and pictures, which i backed up on an external device prior to the reformatting. my computer then ran rather smoothly, but recently its begun to behave as it was when my number got stolen and again, malwarebytes picks up nothing. i am running vista business 32 bit sp1, 1gb ram, intel pentium 4 single core 3.00 GHz processor. could it just be that my system resources are demanding more memory than i have?

also i've recently started watching my networking tab in the task manager to see if there was activity on the network when i was not actively using the web, as i hear that activity monitors take screenshots when keys are pressed or mouseclicked events occur, and then connect themselves to the internet to send the screenshots and keylogs out. its rather vague, but nothing unusual is really coming up, is this a good way to see malware activity? is there a program or a better way to see what exactly is being sent and received over my network connection?

also what other anti spyware programs should be used in conjunction with malwarebytes to maximize the removal potential?

thank you!

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Welcome FACE EATER -

If you think there may be a hidden problem then post a topic in the Hi Jack This area - An expert there will diagnose any problems -

We don't work on Malware removal in the general forums.

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Thank You - :)

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