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Bitter cold weather in Florida


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This morning we officially had snow/sleet mix in three counties north of me. I guess i can thank global warming, but this is just crazy. I do remember back in 1989 that we had sleet, i remember catching it on a pan. I never thought we would have it again though. Today, it didn't reach 43 degrees and tomorrow is a freeze warning. My thin florida blood what's this crap to go away.

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Getting Hotter -

I thought I was complaining yesterday - But it just topped 44c (112f) today - with a low of 33c (90f) overnight -

And I live in areas that think 38c is enough - Even though the beach is 1/2 mile down the road you would be silly to go there !!!!!!

Blaaaaa ;)

EDIT - One bucket of snow please YoKenny1 -

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It's only 14 deg C here tonight noknojon (current temp at 11.30pm). I'm not sure which side of the Tasman you'd rather be, but someone forgot to tell my part of NZ that it's summer! Still, I don't envy people having extremes of tempeature. I'd just never survive a Northern Hemisphere winter or an Australian summer! (notoriously warm parts of Australia anyway).

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@ catscomputer -

I'm on the sth coast of Victoria and not known for these extremes - Normally we get some cooling from the sea but I spent the night sleeping on the floor with a cold wet cloth and fans running - Usually don't need air-con here (only 1 0r 2 extremes per year) - Just heaters for winter , but not that cold - ;)

Half awake now and still 30c or there abouts - :)

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noknojon, catscomputer, I guess you would not like to become a member of this club then?

http://www.torontopolarbear.com :)

Look at the PHOTO GALLERY :)

I watched them on TV New Year's Day from the comfort of my 26C apartment. ;)

Nice and sunny forcast today with high of -5C :(

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