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CD Rom not working


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Check Device Manager

1.Click Start

2.Click Settings

3.Click Control Panel

4.Double-click System

5.Click the Hardware tab and then the Device Manager button or just the Device Manager tab.

Within Device Manager verify that the CD-ROM has no exclamation marks or red Xs. If listed with a yellow exclamation mark or red X, remove the CD-ROM by highlighting the drive and pressing the delete key and reboot the computer to reinstall the CD-ROM drive.

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Right click on the drive then Uninstall then reboot to let Windows install it.

Advanced troubleshooting for issues that occur when you are installing a new CD or DVD drive on Windows XP


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  • Root Admin

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I'm not sure why it's not working. If you accepted the ActiveX control then it should work. It worked fine on one of my spare computers. There is more info about solving problems like you have in the links AdvancedSetup gave. Trying those links is the only thing I can think of at the moment.

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