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LOL. Funny customer problem.


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One of my customers has a highly serious problem. Well, serious to him anyway. lol. He is running Windows XP SP3 and, when he goes to the Microsoft update site, he is very concerned that SOMETIMES the little green bars do not scroll across his screen when he is checking for updates. Sometimes the little green bars DO scroll, but sometimes they don't. Oh no! However, whether the little green bars scroll or not, the Microsoft update site always works perfectly on his computer anyway! It always shows him whether or not there are any updates available. And he can always download and install these updates, little green bars or no little green bars.

I have tried the usual things - clearing his internet cache and temp files etc. But, unfortunately, this highly serious problem is still in evidence. SOMETIMES the little green bars do not scroll across his screen. (But sometimes they do.)

If anyone could give me some advice on how to deal with this earth shattering problem, I would be most grateful.

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Glad you knew what this was, Exile.

And reading this and seeing another thread about Windows Updates, I just realized that I haven't gotten mine yet! :(

And when I went to manually check last night, IE froze up and wouldn't load and such. I'll try again later, running an AV scan right now.

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You're welcome :( . I only knew about it because I've seen it plenty of times before (particularly back when I had dialup because it was slow to load the images), but I've seen it on high speed as well. Sometimes it just takes that gif a bit too long to load and so the scrollbar doesn't show, but it's quite harmless :( .

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Mine are noplace to be found, and they usually come right away, even if the computer isn't on at the time set :/

Ah well, IE had better behave for me in about an hour :(

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marktreq this reminds me of a post I saw in the AVG forum from a user who was very concerned that AVG was not scanning the files fully. When AVG scans it shows (on the UI) an animation of a magifying glass moving in circular fashion over a sheet of paper (i.e. file). These "files" are lined up in a row and the glass moves over one and then on to the next "file" in the line and so on. The top right corner of these "files" are folded over, and this user was genuinely concerned that the magnifying glass was missing the top corner of each of his files, and was therefore doing an incomplete scan!! He/she was very relieved to learn that it was just a pretty picture.

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But I was most likely one when I got my first puter -


Also - Have you been to see that dolphin that is playing up ??

(Should have used the Chat page for that one)

Oh same here, totally! I bet the more experienced forum members/readers here have had to stifle a few giggles over some of my questions! But hey, I'm a nurse.... ask me about kidneys and hearts, not computer innards. :(

No I haven't seen a dolphin?! OHHHH you mean Moko in Gisborne? Nope, that is miles away from where I hail from. I'm not really up with the story there actually. *goes to the news website*

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Manual Windows Update worked just fine btw, for anyone that was wondering.

3 updates failed to install the first time, second time around they downloaded and installed just fine


Checked again, none are left now :(

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