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Summer 2024


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Started crocheting about since April of this year and this whole summer I’ve been crocheting away! I’m working on a few blankets but here’s some doily’s I’ve made for some family members (and a few for myself) 






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I traded academics for "gym." The Instructor is Irish, complete with accent. I'm in a class with nine 20-something "boys." Got my first introduction to the kettle bell today. I scoffed at the weight.

Then I felt what those 10 pounds did to my back. RESPECT! Only managed 8 reps. 🤣🤣🤣

Once I saw the correct way to do the ropes, it was kinda fun. I think I'm gonna like it.


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  • Root Admin

Excellent that you're out doing exercise.

Yes, the small weights look easy but if you've not worked with them in years it can be quite deceiving

Do they have the larger ropes that don't even hardly fit in your hand? Those are quite heavy and after using for just a moment can wear you out quickly


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11 hours ago, NewTricks said:

Don't know a thing about it. But have been back twice to get it in just the right light. Close, very close.


Those Pink fruits are Kousa Dogwood fruit - Bonus points, they are edible as well as decorative.

I don't think I've ever seen one growing over here, let alone tasted them, but I'll keep an eye open from now on.


Edited by nukecad
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13 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Do they have the larger ropes that don't even hardly fit in your hand?

Not there, but elsewhere. I have access to a couple places & yes 😬😮😩 those ropes are scary! (to me)

These are the first "wimpy" ropes I've EVER seen, which was great. Finally got a taste. 

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2 hours ago, nukecad said:

Bonus points, they are edible as well as decorative.

Thank you for the id. In all my travels, it's surprising I haven't seen them before. I took a bunch of views & settled on this one for a background.  

Your link says this was "nauralized" in New York state and curious to pinpoint exactly what that means. 

You haven't posted photos in a while. Could you?  


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