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Need Advice regarding Breach


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I was recently notified that My information was involved in a breach of the Integris Health System.  I was given a 2 year free monitoring service with IDX so I signed up and ran a scan and was provided with the following information and I don't know where to go from here>

Type: Breach

Source: Mother of All Breaches (MOAB): malwarebytes.org (111,611 Records)

On January 22, 2024, a large collection of previously breached data known as the 'Mother of All Breaches' (MOAB) was leaked online. Compromised data from malwarebytes.org was included in the collection. ZeroFox extracted 111,611 records containing personally identifiable information from the data.

So what does this mean exactly and what do I do about it?




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8 minutes ago, mytimbuk2 said:

So what does this mean exactly and what do I do about it?

Change any and all passwords on every online site you use.

Use different passwords on every site.  I have been recommending this to my older clients. https://www.amazon.com/Taja-Password-Alphabetical-Tabs,Small-Organized/dp/B0BZCDQX4K/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1V7QN68BYFLOV&keywords=password%2Bkeeper%2Bbook&sprefix=password%2Caps%2C254&sr=8-5&th=1

Use 2-factor authentication (2FA) on any site that has the option.


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11 hours ago, Porthos said:

Change any and all passwords on every online site you use.

Use different passwords on every site.  I have been recommending this to my older clients. 

I'm a 60+ human and using keepass2 works great ... Once you get used to it. 




Edited by Clang
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  • Root Admin

The following information will help you to keep your computer and data safer as well as improve your overall privacy

  1. Recommend using a Password Manager for all websites, etc. that require a password. Never use the same password on more than one site.
  2. Make sure you're backing up your files https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/136226-backup-software/
  3. Keep all software up to date - PatchMyPC - https://patchmypc.com/home-updater#download     https://patchmypc.com/about-us
  4. Keep your Operating System up to date and current at all times - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-update-faq-8a903416-6f45-0718-f5c7-375e92dddeb2
  5. Further tips to help protect your computer data and improve your privacy: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/258363-tips-to-help-protect-from-infection/ 
  6. Please consider installing the following Content Blockers for your Web browsers if you haven't done so already. This will help improve overall security

Malwarebytes Browser Guard

uBlock Origin


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Further reading if you'd like to keep up on the malware threat scene: Malwarebytes Blog  https://blog.malwarebytes.com/

Hopefully, we've been able to assist you with correcting your system issues.

Thank you for using Malwarebytes. Please tell your friends and family if they too need assistance with malware removal


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