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Internet is very slow


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Recently the internet has been a bit slow for me on certain sites, I thought it might be because some forums / boards were using skins with lots of graphics.

About two days ago it became impossible to use certain sites, they just won't load at all. At first I was waving my fist at my ISP and was gonna give them a call ...

Then I remembered that I upgraded/updated AVG about two days ago and I've been having problems ever since. Now I know that this is the malware site, but I was wondering if any of you might have had a similar problem or any ideas to help me.

I have de-fragged and I have run the malware program. Is it a possibly a firewall problem?

Please be easy on me with any technical terms, lol.

With thanks.

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Hi exile360 and noknojon,

Thank you for the quick responses.

After leaving this forum, I ran the malwarebytes again and it picked up one trojan and removed it. I then de-fragged. It did not help.

I then tried to get on to two AVG sites, but they would not open at all. Yet it opens, very quickly, the link that exile posted. Go figure.

I can get on this forum alright, but cannot open wikipedia. I can look at the weather radar, but cannot open digg. It's changed the colour of my search engine, Ixquick.

Yes, I have paid for AVG. Two years. I have read that it slows computers down when downloading, but I think this is much more serious than that.

Ugh, AVG now wants to update again and tells me to re-start my computer.

Thank you for the recommendation on Avira. I've not heard about that.

I'll give you an update if and when my computer gets fixed. I might have to call out a technician.

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@ Elizabeth9

It's your fellow chip/crisp eater here, hehe.

Okay, so it seems as though your system is probably infected.

Please read the following so that an expert may help you clean up your system. This is free service, so no need to take your system to a technician unless that's the route you'd prefer to take.

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Thank you ;)

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Hi Elizabeth9

I use AVG free version 8.5. I am plagued with pop ups to upgrade to version 9, but I will not be doing so, partly because the free forum is so full of posts about teething problems people are having with this new version (one comon problem does seem to be VERY sluggish internet since changing to version 9), and partly because I personally have not been happy with AVG for a while. According to the latest pop up, AVG 8.5 support ends on December 1st 2009. I shall be uninstalling AVG and changing to either Avira, Avast or MSE then (still can't make my mind up!). Anyway the reason I'm commenting here is to let you know that this seems to be a known issue with AVG 9, regardless of whether you are using paid or free versions. I hope AVG are able to sort this out for their users soon. I would advise you contact AVG support too, as the more people who do, the more they are likely to act on it.

It is also possible as others have said, that malware may be causing or contributing to the issue. Mountaintree has provided the links to the proper forum on MBAM for getting your system checked out and cleaned up if it needs to be.

Best of luck. ;)

EDIT - Just to clarify - I am not "diagnosing" the problem as being related to AVG, just letting you know that I've noted other new version 9 users having some internet surfing issues. It would definitely be prudent to exclude malware.

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Hello mountaintree16, my crispy chip buddy ;)

I will check out your links and instructions. Thank you.

Hi catscomputer, yes I'm not sure that it's AVG either, it might be all a coincidence. I will write more later.

I have booked a technician anyway, he'll be here tomorrow afternoon. We both think there's some gremlin lurking in my computer system. There's also a couple of other problems he can look at while here, so I feel it'll be worthwhile paying him.

I'll post back in the forum in 24 - 48 hours and let y'all know what's happening.

Glad I could still access this forum! Thank you to all of you. :(

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Hello crisp chip buddy ;)

Alright, you are welcome.

Good luck with your technician, and be sure to let him know everything that is going on!

If you would like a second opinion when you are finished working with him, still feel free to post in the HiJackThis forum :(

Thanks, we appreciate you keeping us posted :( Glad you could still access the forum too.

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@ catscomputer -

MSE is not actually designed as a viable alternative to any of the antivirus programs - It may claim to be a bit above MBAM and others, but I think it is still designed as more of an anti malware product - ;)

From what I can discover of MSE, it is more like MBAM Real Time protection - I would add it with Avira or Avast -

I have it with Avira, and YoKenny has it as a scanner, like SAS, but with an antivirus also - :(

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MSE is actually an updated (and free) version of Windows Live OneCare, it is indeed an antivirus:

Get high-quality, hassle-free antivirus protection for your home PC now.
From here
Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.
From here
Uninstalling existing antivirus or antispyware programs before installing Microsoft Security Essentials

If you use more than one antivirus or antispyware program at the same time, your computer may experience decreased performance, become unstable, or restart unexpectedly. Before you install Microsoft Security Essentials, you should disable or uninstall other security-related programs.

From here

All that being said, it is fully compatible with MBAM as many here on the forum can atest to ;) .

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Guest Amherstclane

Hi Everyone..

I am having very sloooowwww browsing experience lately. web pages a very long time to come up initially and when I am surfing. Also. things shut down/freeze up constantly. I just loaded stopzilla (hasn't helped) and run regular anti-virus software. I recently got amessage saying I have low virtual memory. I tried to run the memory test on my computer and got the message "exception in DisplayRunMap.runMap." Any help is appreciated!

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