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[ RESOLVED ] Malwarebytes Alongside Defender

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I understand Malwarebytes can work alongside Defender, and I tried it.

The problems I am having though, are...

  1. Defender is sometimes turned off
  2. During a Malwarebytes full threat scan, I cannot work because it uses up all my resources

Are these settings all I need for these to work comfortably together, and not affect performance?

Malwarebytes Settings
Always register Malwarebytes in the Windows Security Center - Disabled

If Malwarebytes blocks something you know is safe, add it here to skip it in future detections. 
C:\Program Files\Windows Defender
C:\ProgramData\Microsot\Windows Defender

Defender Settings
Excluded files 
C:\Prograrm Files\Malwarebytes


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Thanks for posting in the Malwarebytes for Windows Help forum.

If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following:

Malwarebytes Support Tool - Advanced Options

This feature is designed for the following reasons:

  • For use when you are on the forums and need to provide logs for assistance
  • For use when you don't need or want to create a ticket with Malwarebytes
  • For use when you want to perform local troubleshooting on your own

How to use the Advanced Options:

  1. Download Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Double-click mb-support-X.X.X.XXXX.exe to run the program
    • You may be prompted by User Account Control (UAC) to allow changes to be made to your computer. Click Yes to consent.
  3. Place a checkmark next to Accept License Agreement and click Next
  4. Navigate to the Advanced tab
  5. The Advanced menu page contains four categories:
    • Gather Logs: Collects troubleshooting information from the computer. As part of this process, Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) is run to perform a complete diagnosis. The information is saved to a file on the Desktop named mbst-grab-results.zip and can be added as an email attachment or uploaded to a forum post to assist with troubleshooting the issue at hand.
    • Clean: Performs an automated uninstallation of all Malwarebytes products installed to the computer and prompts to install the latest version of Malwarebytes for Windows afterwards. The Premium license key is backed up and reinstated. All user configurations and other data are removed. This process requires a reboot.
    •  Repair System: Includes various system-related repairs in case a Windows service is not functioning correctly that Malwarebytes for Windows is dependent on. It is not recommended to use any Repair System options unless instructed by a Malwarebytes Support agent.
    • Anonymously help the community by providing usage and threat statistics: Unchecking this option will prevent Malwarebytes Support Tool from sending anonymous telemetry data on usage of the program.
  6. To provide logs for review click the Gather Logs button
  7. Upon completion, click OK
  8. A file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your Desktop
  9. Please attach the file in your next reply.
  10. To uninstall all Malwarebytes Products, click the Clean button.
  11. Click the Yes button to proceed. 
  12. Save all your work and click OK when you are ready to reboot.
  13. After the reboot, you will have the option to re-install the latest version of Malwarebytes for Windows.
  14. Select Yes to install Malwarebytes.
  15. Malwarebytes for Windows will open once the installation completes successfully.













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Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to get help

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Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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1 hour ago, Jorgon said:

I understand Malwarebytes can work alongside Defender, and I tried it.

The problems I am having though, are...

  1. Defender is sometimes turned off
  2. During a Malwarebytes full threat scan, I cannot work because it uses up all my resources

Are these settings all I need for these to work comfortably together, and not affect performance?

Malwarebytes Settings
Always register Malwarebytes in the Windows Security Center - Disabled

Yes this needs to be OFF

Full scans are really not needed or recommend, If you need to run a manual scan, simply run a Threat Scan.  When you run Manual scans it uses all available resources in order to finish the scan as quick as possible.  Its best to let the computer do scheduled scans, as those don't use all available resources (scans in the background)  so you can continue to work on your computer. Of course that is assuming you have the subscription (paid) version.

I find that MB and Windows Defender gets along fine without having to add exclusions. 

If you continue to see issues, let us know or provide the requested logs from above and we can look further into it.

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I was just wondering if I needed to do something more, since I can't figure out why Defender is off so often, when Malwarebytes is enabled.

I ran Defender with Emsisoft for about a week, and Defender was always on, so I figured Malwarebytes was complaining about Defender and disabling it.

Maybe it's another issue.

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1 hour ago, Jorgon said:

Oh. I forgot to mention... It is during a scheduled threat scan that I cannot work.

It's usually the next day, since the scan starts a 2:00 AM.

Please do the following so that we may take a closer look at your installation for troubleshooting:

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained is safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.


  • Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • In your Downloads folder, open the mb-support-x.x.x.xxx.exe file
  • In the User Account Control pop-up window, click Yes to continue the installation
  • Run the MBST Support Tool
  • In the left navigation pane of the Malwarebytes Support Tool, click Advanced
  • In the Advanced Options, click Gather Logs. A status diagram displays the tool is Getting logs from your machine
  • A zip file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your desktop, please upload that file on your next reply


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6 minutes ago, Jorgon said:

That's okay. If your program is okay, and the settings are fine, that's all I wanted to know.

We do not know if YOUR settings are fine without logs.


7 minutes ago, Jorgon said:

I'm sure I can troubleshoot the culprit.

If a scheduled threat scan with no additional scan options slow down things down that much, Something is up and it could be anything from hardware or software conflicts.

Logs help us assist you in the most efficient manner.

These are the standard recommended settings for a scheduled scan. If things are changed you invite issues.


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We do not know if YOUR settings are fine without logs.

Logs are fine. Not the user's entire system, from top to bottom.

I don't mind sending info, to third parties, so long as it's not everything on my pc.

At least MB developers ask, unlike some who are sneaky, and try to take it without permission.


You can also get those setting easily though. Screenshots work. ☺️

My scan settings look like yours. I changed the time, and that cannot cause issues... Shouldn't. That would be crazy, right.

It must be the rootkit scans then. I enabled that.


So, yes, I did use MB's features, as I figured they are there to be used, so I enabled a few available features. Hope that didn't send Malwarebytes berzerk. 😀 That would be awful.


Maybe the rootkit scanning is a bit heavy. (I experienced that with other scanners, as well)... as well as the AI and ESA.

Don't worry though, I can always change the features (I'll disable rootkit scanning first), and report back to MB what my experience is. ☺️ Thanks

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1 minute ago, Jorgon said:

My scan settings look like yours. I changed the time, and that cannot cause issues... Shouldn't. That would be crazy, right.

It must be the rootkit scans then. I enabled that.

Yes it is the rootkit scan. It is not on by default in any settings for a reason. It is nor to be run on a regular basis and actually disables some whitelisting, creating false positives.

It can also be system specs, what all is open during the scan and what other security software might be on the system.



If you are concerned about the info in the logs you can contact support privately by doing the following.

Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to get help Please submit only one ticket/request. Additional tickets will increase the delay.

Be advised it can take 3-7 weekdays for a response after the automated reply with your ticket number.

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Yes it is the rootkit scan. It is not on by default in any settings for a reason. It is nor to be run on a regular basis and actually disables some whitelisting, creating false positives.

It is indeed the rootkit scan. Disabling it, resulted in a quicker scan, and significantly reduced impact on resources. Infact, I couldn't even tell a scan was in progress by my pc's performance.

I guess that's a flaw the developers are working on.

Of course, every AV has some flaw or other. If they can be considered flaws.

Rootkit scans on KVRT are impactful, but I can still work. Defender takes about 5 days to do a full scan on both drives.


It can also be system specs, what all is open during the scan and what other security software might be on the system.

It can involve that, but not in this case. The same programs are running, and there is a significant difference with rootkit scan enabled.

I am happy to find the problem is on Malwarebytes side, and not some other program, or other issue I needed to hunt down.

I hope the developers do make some improvements on that feature in a future update.

Threats are coming from the least expected places, lately. Ca you imagine finding malware on a file downloaded from github. 😱  What next?


Again, thanks. ☺️


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