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Captcha not working suddenly

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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Starting today, sites which use Captcha no longer allow me to post or login (the sites tell me to reload as Captcha didn't function properly). When I turn off the Malwarebytes Chrome plugin, they work fine. Turn it back on, they no longer work. Looks like something needs to be fixed, but not sure if it is on my end or Malwarebytes end.

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Hi blade7658:

Thanks for reporting.  I tried logging in to the UFile Canada online tax return site at https://secure.ufile.ca/account/login yesterday and couldn't figure out why my login kept failing until I realized that the CAPTCHA challenge wouldn't appear unless I turned off Ads/Trackers blocking for this site (or whitelisted the URL) in my Malwarebytes Browser Guard for Firefox v2.4.1 extension.

I was going to report the problem this morning but couldn't reproduce the block, and when I found your thread I discovered the issue had already been fixed.  Kudos to Malwarebytes for fixing this so quickly.👍

Edited by lmacri
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