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My website www.wildgoose.co.uk false positive

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4 hours ago, whatdoesthismean said:

Hello, my browser guard is blocking both the main website and the control pages of the website. Any ideas? My web developer says there is not virus on the site.

I now see the issue. If you leave off the www you can reach the site just fine. Just a note, using www has not been needed in a long time.

I will ask for research to look at the www version of the site.


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I see it as well.  Browser Guard cannot determine if something is a trojan without having that evaluation passed to it from the database used by Malwarebytes Premium.  I am not getting a notification other than BG for this, so I have asked researchers to see if there is an IP block on this one.  Multiple websites can be using the same IP address without any one party knowing about the other parties, so I am hoping that is the reason for this.  Hopefully I can find out soon (holiday weekend and several other mitigating factors).

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  • Solution

You would not encounter any blocks by using wildgoose.co.uk, only by using www.wildgoose.co.uk.  The first one has been working all along.  That was demonstrated in this thread last Friday.  The second one was the problem.  If you go to non-standard TLDs with Browser Guard enabled, you are liable to encounter blocks.  Very few standard TLDs will be blocked without just cause.  Yours is one of very few that has been, and I have been more persistent with our team than you have been with me. I want this fixed as well.

The temporary fix I added appears to have been removed. I added it again.  It should be fine within 15-30 minutes.

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