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Website blocked

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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Hi there,

Just checking, is there any progress on this as our site is still blocked?

Domain: email10k.com

IP address:

Website blocked due to Trojan

I have checked again all the content of the page and files on the server, there is no Trojans or any other malicious software.

MB History.png

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1 hour ago, Biser said:

Hi there,

Just checking, is there any progress on this as our site is still blocked?

Domain: email10k.com

IP address:

Website blocked due to Trojan

I have checked again all the content of the page and files on the server, there is no Trojans or any other malicious software.

MB History.png

MB notification.png


Not seeing any threat there so I've unblocked it. The next database update should have this resolved for you. Thanks for your patience


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Any block encountered by Malwarebytes Premium will also be shown by Browser Guard.  Once the Premium block clears, the Browser Guard block will go away in most cases.  If there is a Browser Guard block following removal of a Premium block, it would be for another reason.

I see that the trojan block on email10k.com was cleared 11 hours ago, but a block on c.email10k.com was still in force at that time.  That second block was cleared 5 hours ago.  I am seeing the block via Browser Guard now, which implies that the database update that would clear the second block has not went out yet.  Not the desired answer (so far), but an accurate one.

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